How to know if your date will be good in bed
You deserve great sex…but when it comes to hooking up, we’re not all designed to fit perfectly with each other. By knowing what to look for, you can ensure you go home with the right person.
Is PIV sex the only way to have sex?
Sex, yes even heterosexual sex, should never be limited to just the act of putting a penis inside a vagina. Your entire body is a smorgasbord of sensation and eroticism so here’s how you can have sex without PIV.
Anal Play for the Novice Arse Enthusiast
We love looking at butts, talking about butts, and we super love playing with butts! We’ve collated a list of all things butt-play to help you work out exactly what sort of anal play you want to indulge in.
The Lying, Cheating and Deception of an Affair
When it comes to the lying, cheating and deception of an affair who should we blame? And can we change how it feels to be the victim of infidelity?
Read This Before You Lose Your Swingers Party Virginity!
Are you getting ready to ditch your clothes and lose your sex party virginity for the first time? Our resident sexpert shares her tips on how to prepare to make the experience unforgettable.
10 Incredible World Sex Records
Humans love to be the best, the fastest, the strongest, the biggest at everything and anything we do… And we’re no different when it comes to sex. Here’s some of the more bizarre sex records we’ve come across.
7 Things Mature Women are Sick of Hearing
Women over the age of around 45 have always been shunted off into the background and made invisible. Well not any more! They are strong, beautiful and sexy, and really want you to stop saying these things.
Love means never having to say “sorry I farted”
How long should you wait until you fart in front of your partner and why is science telling us that farting is not only good for our relationship but it could be even better for our health?
Top 5 Sex Positions to Make Your Penis Feel Bigger
While having a big penis isn’t the be all and end all of sex, sometimes it’s nice to get that super full and deep feeling. Here’s some ways to achieve that even if you don’t have a monster cock.
Amazing sex can shift our relationship boundaries
Why do normally sane, well-reasoned, intelligent people put up with shit you wouldn’t normally tolerate when you sleep with someone and the sex is thigh wettingly fantastic? How does sex shift our relationship boundaries?