7 Things Nudists are Sick of Hearing
Getting back to nature in your most natural state is a lifestyle and attitude shift gaining more and more popularity. From families who just nude it up at home to those who go to nudist beaches and even nudist resorts and holiday destinations, there are still a lot of us who don’t quite get what it’s all about, and who may ask these often offensive, if not ignorant questions… If this is you, please stop and consider that maybe, just maybe, you don’t quite understand what nudism is all about.
But Think Of The Children!!
This desperate, hand-wringing cry is a feature on every single one of our lists and shows that not only do people like to use children as a scapegoat for things they don’t quite understand, but they also (especially in this case) don’t seem to understand the difference between love and sex and nudity and sex. The thing is nudity is NOT inherently sexual. It’s just the natural state of our bodies. The rampant over-sexualising and objectifying of human nakedness has led to this very bizarre idea that nakedness is somehow rude or shameful. Yes, it can be thought of as private, but one thing nudists are VERY aware of is the idea of privacy and, if they are naked, they are only ever naked with other nudists (yes this can involve kids) but it has nothing whatsoever to do with sex, sexuality, sexiness or sexual activity. Just good ol’ body positivity and freedom.
Ew, No-One wants To See That
Well, speak for yourself… The thing is, like mentioned above, as a society we have demonised and shamed the naked body into something rude and disgusting (unless fitting into some ridiculously impossible box) that should be hidden away. The more comfortable we get with not only our own nakedness but the fact that every other person on the planet also has nakedness, as well as the fact that we are all very different and yet all very human, the less disgusted I think we will start to become about bodies that don’t fit into that impossible box. It’s pretty simple though… Don’t want to be around nudists? Don’t go where the nudists are.
It’s All Just Perves And Creepoids
Actually the nudist community is one of the least pervy and least sleazy communities around. Because nudists understand the ethos surrounding the lifestyle (that it is one of nudity and freedom not sex and sexiness) there really is no room at all for creepiness, and anyone displaying that sort of attitude or personality is very quickly shunned and removed from the group. In fact, most of the sleazy, creepiness comes from non nudists sneaking their way into a nudist area for a free perve. Ugh. If this is you, go away and go download some porn. FFS there are children around.
Bet You Get Horny All The Time
Look, I am sure nudists get horny and have sex, because that’s what humans do, but the nudity and living sans clothing has nothing to do with it. Just like you don’t get horny doing your day to day stuff, neither do people who aren’t wearing clothes. There is nothing sexy about folding washing or paying bills…
Sex Is Private! Keep it In The Bedroom
For the last time, it is not about sex! Seriously. Stop it with your sex obsession. It’s getting weird.
It’s Fine When You’re Young… But Gross When You’re Old
So… What is too old? Or too young? Who are you to judge what age is the ideal age to be naked? I can guarantee almost every person who thinks things like this have an “age limit” will start moving the goalposts as they themselves get older… I mean it’s all relative isn’t it? Every single person on the planet from the baby that was just born as you read this to the old man who will take his last breath tonight has a naked body, and has the same right to respect and body positivity as the 23 year old Instagram model does.
Aren’t You Ashamed/Embarrassed?
Why? There is literally nothing shameful about bodies. People who indulge in the nudist lifestyle are, on average, far more confident, happy, and in-tune with themselves than those who close themselves off to the idea completely. Being confident in your own body is a powerful tool and, even if you’re not a nudist per se, those of us who can look at our nakedness and smile, and not judge others for looking differently when their clothes are off, are probably some of the happiest, self assured people on Earth.
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