The Ultimate Sexual Bucket List
Let's face it, sex is awesome. Expanding your mind and discovering new sexy things to do is even more awesome and I truly believe there are some sexy things everyone should try at least once in their life.
The Bottom Line on Anal Sex Taboos
Honestly, it's time to take away the taboo and the shame around anal sex. If it's something you're into then go ahead! Do it! Enjoy it! It's your sex life, your orgasm. No buts about it!
Our Essential Guide to One Night Stands
No-strings-attached sex can be awesome! It can feel very sexy and empowering to have a one night stand. So here is our essential guide to your night of pleasure and self-indulgence.
The Myths and Mechanics of Multiple Orgasms
Multiple orgasms. That elusive phenomenon of erotic novels and Cosmo-esque sex columns. Some women have a hard enough time reaching just one orgasm, so the thought of a multiple wave of overlapping pleasure to many seems like a myth.
Lights Camera Action! Make Your Very Own Sex Tape!
Making your own sex tape is sexy and you don't need to be Spielberg, all you need is a working video camera and a naughty streak. So get your directors cap on, put on your porn star smiles and go have some fun!
The What Why How of Squirting
Squirting is very real, and very cool, and is actually possible for almost every single woman on the planet to achieve. It takes a bit of patience and a bit of work but the rewards are most definitely worth it.
Make Sex your Hobby
We all know that it’s good for couples to have a mutual hobby. You’re having sex and being intimate anyway, so why not give it the same focus and attention that you give any hobby?
The Secret to Mind Blowing Oral Sex!
Oral sex really can be one of the most enjoyable sex acts you can do, so get in, get down, and get eating! Your partner and your genitals will thank you!
Some Words for the Lower Desire Partner
If you’re the lower desire partner (LDP) you have a major impact on how often and how well you and your partner have sex. Sex is meant to be creative and playful and pleasurable and ever-changing and satisfying.
Find Hidden Pleasures in Every Room
Spicing up your sex life with sexessories is awesome. It adds a whole new dimension to play time and opens up new worlds of sex and kink and orgasms. So open your cupboards and see what amazing things you already have!