Why You Should Embrace Your Inner Slut

Woman turning to look seductively at the camera as she opens the door for her lover

Slut, slut, slut, slut, slut… How do you feel about the word? Do you cringe when it’s said, do you fear being labelled it or do you wave your flag proudly? We’re in the 21st century and that word still holds quite a lot of charge for people, be it negative or positive.

Some (usually women) have such a negative association with the word being derogatory and meaning anyone branded a slut has no morals, no standards, no self-respect and whose behaviour is totally unacceptable. Really? Thankfully this is changing. In fact in Adult Match Maker's recent Sex Survey 40% of women said they fantasised about being a slut.

Others believe it is no such thing, that a slut is just a person who enjoys sex and lots of it which is not a bad thing. It doesn’t mean they have no morals, no self-respect or a lack of standards. Just because someone will have sex with parts of the community that they wouldn’t, and lots of it, does not mean they don’t have standards. Morals and standards are actually subjective so really, it’s a judgment that says more about the person using slut as an insult than about the person themselves.

In the recent sex survey done by Adult Match Maker, it showed women are far more adventurous and sexually active than the media might lead us to believe so why not let this whole slut thing be descriptive of someone who just enjoys having sex and celebrate the liberation of it! The movement has already started quite some time ago; let’s just help it along a little, shall we?

Here are my reasons for you getting your slut on and finding the empowering aspects of the word rather than shying away from sexual experiences that will make you feel more alive:

Sluts allegedly love sex!

If you love sex or would like to be someone who does, decide to express your inner slut by enjoying more of it rather than hold back for fear of being branded a slut. If you’re a swinger then you’ve already got a need for variety and pleasure, enjoy what the lifestyle has to offer in uninhibited fashion!

Sluts have the best clothes!

Sexy, raunchy, revealing and such a turn on. We all love looking attractive and getting the good attention! You don’t have to go out in public wearing such adventurous clothing but you could definitely wear it at home for your partner and/or playmates. Be daring and accentuate your assets!

Slut means liberation!

Well it does to me. I used to worry about being branded a slut (that was my baggage/stuff) but when I decided not to worry about it, I let go in the moment with my partner and playmates and discovered more intense orgasms with a voice to go with it! Embracing my own inner slut meant freedom in enjoying more pleasure within myself!

Slut means adventure! If you aren’t afraid of what others might think about you then you will say yes to trying new things whether it’s anal, something tantric or kinky, or something else. By being open to trying new things you will find new and exciting ways to be turned on and pleasured and how to do it to your partners in return. You could very well earn a reputation for being the most amazing playmate making you someone who’s in demand!

Slut means FUN!

Who are the people you most enjoy being around? The people who are the least judgmental, easiest to hang out with, who don’t care what others think and who know how to enjoy themselves, right? Most of the people I know who don’t care if they’re labelled a slut or not, are some of the most fun people I know because they let go, enjoy the moment and have zero judgment on what I enjoy or want to do. Love my sluts.

Slut is just a word and unfortunately I see it time and time again where women (more so) hold back and restrict themselves from being every part of who they are or experiencing everything sex has to offer for fear of someone else branding them a slut. The more people who don’t care what it means or doesn’t mean and who are just enjoying sex, the lifestyle and life, the happier and more orgasmic we’ll all be! So get your slut on and own it in your own way, and celebrate the same in others.

Do you have a story you'd like to share with other members? We'd love to read all about it in our Erotica section.

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Comments (68)

  • Nigellassecrets
    I have found my inner slut after 30 yrs of marriage and a suppressed sex life. I have no shame in it. I can't get enough sex at the moment....bring it on
  • Neonjackstar
    After 4yrs of suppressed sexuality, with a partner that didn't want to be intimate... We recently broke up and I have been discovering my inner slut for the first time and it is good!! It is great! I can't believe I denied myself intimacy to be with someone who I thought I loved... Own it ladies!! It is very liberating
    Us men don't get judged anywhere near as harsh as lady's, but imbrace sluttyness. It's the old saying, " people that mind don't matter & people that matter don't mind" ENJOY?
  • DDdelite
    Hallelujah Chantelle (Rach). I praise you sister girl!
    I decided recently to "embrace" MY inner slut and am having the BEST sex and orgasms I have ever had! It helps greatly, that I am in my mid 40's, and I wear that badge proudly. I've been on and off AMM for 13 years and my profile has matured with me (( post small children, divorce and menopause)). It now reflects, what I truely seek, what REALLY turns me on. Life is TOO short bad unsatisfying sex, to worry about every little roll wrinkle or saggy bit. Leave your judgement at the door. Let it go people! Let it Go! Not only embrace your inner slut - but wave that flag, sound the horns and scream it from the roof tops!! Bugger the neighbours - they're probably just jealous.
  • nativxxx
    isnt jus the nawtee girl playinn nd ur nehaviour will reveal ur inner goddess or slutt jus won philfeedirteexrazeethawts nd mind si lett urself go nd flow nd see hw natureal everywon has an inner slutt mmm go and play nd hav phunn that brings out ur innerself deepinsyde
  • Msmiya
    I am learning to unleash my inner slut. I am loving the lack of shame and letting go of inhibitions. It is very liberating.
  • FussyChickadee
    While I don't identify with the term slut...yes cringe worthy. Regular girls, good girls, Angel, goddess, mother... We all can love sex.
  • sweeper69
    Well I am a true slut and I have had enough of people out there being nasty to me why can't you all just be nice.
  • kittyhere
    Awesome article.....I'm proud to be a slut...I'm just particular as to who I'm slutty with ...Not every man sadly appreciates it.....
  • jenoo1
    Whilst I totally agree with embracing the inner slut, the fact that it is seen as naughty or taboo adds to the excitement. When a woman hides her inner slut until you get her in bed (or elsewhere!) and she unveils it in all it's glory, there's no better surprise. "Wow, she really loves cock!", or "wow, she loves to be dominated and fucked hard in public places" etc. If it became open and commonplace, it wouldn't be as exciting when revealed.
    I like the lyrical quote "Lady in the street, freak in the sheets". It's like opening a present on Christmas morning. :)
  • Amber6363
    I'm a slut and whore who adores cock and pussy and loves to be used and abused......love a hot guy or group of hot guys to cum all over my face spit on me slap me degrade me.......
  • questionalways
  • Void1961
    As a 50 yo guy, who has only over the last 2 years embraced my inner slut, I would like to add that it's been liberating, and finally the acknowledgement of who I am and what I like has brought s sense of freedom in thought and spirit that I have for do many years, been envious of in others.
    On the other side of the coin, the only women with whom I have achieved greater levels of sex enjoyment and pleasure, are those who accept, value and embrace their inner slut. It need not be in the bedroom or continual sex talk and play, but via conversation about intellectually and emotionally challenging topics, the willingness to go along with ideas and thoughts and an opennes of self to vulnerability.
      Bring out your FrEaK an have fun with it.
    • BauboBelil
      YUM, love that vulnerability is in the first response... for me, being really open to sexual adventure, my whole, loud sexual self can be a bit full on for some, and slut was a way to attempt to contain it... but the real honestly good stuff lives in the bit where you give zero fucks about what anyone else thinks! The word still has power in our culture, but I am grateful for a community that celebrates the slut!
    • allinmymind
      The last paragraph is hard to understand. More information please.
      My increased sexual ability never came out of d&ms especially not delving into my psyche, that is depressing and sex and depressed are on the opposite sides of the spectrum.
      The context I tried out anal for example even though suggested by someone else as a challenge, was as a married women with my husband, which is the opposite of slut, or inner slut.
  • EroticTouch2017
    Great article.
    I'm a man-whore, man-slut, whatever........basically I'm having fun and sharing the adventure with others and LOVE IT!
    Come and use me and abuse me!
  • Blackntite
    When I was in my 20s I used to party a lot with mainly men and usually end up taking a few of them on in the bedroom but was only branded a slut when I wouldn't let some play but hey if they were invited they'd whistle a different tune. So my inner slut has been my guardian angel when it comes to dealing with multiple sex partners and gives you a bit more control in the bedroom rather than being a total sub she has made me feel like the more dominant slut as the men were usually older than myself. Now when I slut up I am confident of the challenges ahead.
  • JydinTobio
    I'd rather be a slut than a prude. It's about being free to do what you want without giving a damn what the prudes think. You're allowed to be a slut and have fun. Ignore the haters, they're just jealous.
  • Sweetangelic3
    Have been labeled this for years.. I love to dress in my lingerie as much as possible when not working...
    Love to play and just enjoy the moments that present themselves... great read.. wish more ladies would let it out ...
  • 1964kaptain
    I have always seen the term slut as meaning a sexually aware and liberated woman who embraces and enjoys her sexuality without guilt or shame! The way mose men do without even a hint of criticism.
    Women who embrace this definition are truly the most liberated and just eroding yet another bastion of gender inequality!
    Go girls
  • Intimit1
    Quite agree, past time for reclamation of the word slut. We use slut to denigrate when in fact it's a word of celebration, celebrating free thought, celebrating free action & celebrating not being tied to the strictures of an hypocritical society. I'm male & I love being a slut, my partner loves it too & is enjoying the journey of discovering her inner slut. So my tenet is to be myself & slutsrus is a good, fun, way to be!
  • Melody2973
    I'm not really cool with the term. I'd have to know someone really well for them to use that with me :)),
  • Mia111
    Wow Thank you
    mind changer
    I really like naughtyallys comment
  • LovetoGush
    I'm a slut and proud of it. I have a few guys that call me a slut or cum slut and I'm quite okay with it. I love sex and cum. It's just a name and you can take it seriously or embrace it as I have!
  • 1xBitten2xShy
    I love it when my dom calls me his dirty little slut, because for him, that's what I am.It is not said to hurt me or with any cruel intent. It is a massive compliment when he says I'm his slut.
    But my other fwb and I do not engage in the same activities or conversation and I would not want him saying that to me.
  • SensualLover73
  • Slida181
    My sentiments exactly. I love slut's Sexually Liberated Ultimate Temptresses!!!
  • naughtyally
    S- sexy
    L- luscious
    T- temptress
    I hope your lucky as me to have one
    Sexy as hell
  • rodney1249
    thanke great
    rodney cheers
  • Wearefree
    I could agree more with this article. The term slut is so unjustly labelled upon the fairer sex. Me, well I am a male slut by the interpretation of the mass. My wife and I are both sexually positive. We will have sex with whom ever we want. The first thing we do when we see each other is tell the other about our interlude. We do not engage in have a long term continual relationship with another; however, we do have our regulars romps but on an infrequent interval, that is to say once every couple of months. I am more than happy to be labelled as a slut if that is the way it has to be, but at least my wife and I are very happy with life itself and do not intend on changing it. Chantelle, keep up the great articles. We both love reading them.
  • 90r930u5
    I like that Christina Aguilera song that goes "If you look back in history/It's a common double standard of society/The guy gets all the glory the more he can score/While the girl can do the same and yet you call her a whore
    I don't understand why it's okay
    The guy can get away with it & the girl gets named"
    I think once women realise that it's just a word and words can't hurt them then they will definitely embrace their inner temptress and let go of their inhibitions and let their hair down.
    Women have ALWAYS been crucified. Whenever there's an affair it's always the other woman who's a homewrecker - pretty much saying the guy was taken advantage of - please! Plus if a woman is ever raped it always infuriates me when the question is asked "What was she wearing at the time?" Seriously wtf has that got to do with anything? Rape is about power not sex. So bringing up a woman's choice of outfit is absolutely ridiculous!
    Anyway I've gone completely off topic - I apologise - probably killed the mood too - again I apologise - but I think men have had it good for too long, time for women to enjoy the same luxuries ;)
  • lesyeux57
    I used to get offended by the word but no more in fact I embrace it. I embrace my sexuality, and as mentioned by couple other members who embrace their liberation and have incredible sexual confidence. I think it goes back to when we were teenagers and if you were a young woman with not such high moral you were deemed to be a slut. oh how disgusting. Thanks for the article and putting a different slant on things.
  • bear642
    I miss my cumslut. Great clothes great body for parties great attitude. She was a slut :-)
  • pleasingcple
    My man likes to call me his slut as it turns him on to talk to me like that. I don't mind being his dirty little slut. I call myself it. I love my sex and want it more often then I get it. We swing and enjoy the life style.
  • live0nce69
    Ive married a very sexy HOT slut, i wouldnt have it any other way.
  • JessicaRabbit86
    Yeah I had such a problem with it, until a friend pointed out to me that sex was almost a hobby to me and I actually did it for no other reason than I love it! Then a guy called me a slut, and that didn't sit with me too well, but he showed me it was in affection and I wasn't to be ashamed of it. The 'normal' people who call me a slut do it behind my back because they are jealous of my confidence and sexual liberation;) Go Team!!!
  • cukoldcouple
    I love my wife being a slut.. i love the fact that she loves sex as much as she does.. if shes out slutting around then im hapoy to know shes out doing simething she likes.. and thats enjoying great sex.. lucky me to have such an open adventurous lady thats not ashamed of the fact she likes to enjoy sex with others..
  • Iwantmorecock
    Men who have sex with many women are called Studs and admired whereas women who enjoy the attention of several men traditionally have been called sluts. It took several years for my husband to make me realise that my sexual hunger for extra men didn't mean I was a bad person and that he loved me for what I was. I love men and what they do for me, I love having several at a time, I love having lovers that come and visit and my husband adores me. No one will ever replace him but we have a sexlife that many only ever dream about. Married 31yrs this year & he still excites me & I him and we put this down to the fact that it excites both of us so much to see each other enjoying sex with others. He loves seeing or hearing me crying out & groaning as I orgasm when I have one of my lovers with me and it excites me beyond belief to see a woman going out of her mind over what he's doing to her and that excitement stays with us & spurs us on to have more sex. We both can't get enough of it but it does make it hard to get work done. Sluts enjoy your sexuality but make your partners feel loved & secure that way they will love what you do & encourage you. Insecurity leads to jealousy.
  • youngandfun010
  • niceeasy242
    We work maintaining our inner slut
  • Cd4play
    Women aren't the only sluts you know lol.
    But I agree with everything else you said, especially the clothes and being more adventurous!!
  • Letsenjoymore
    i think many men and women miss out on good sex because of words that label and in fear of being label they become very vanilla in there sex lives, i study many books dvd audio interviews and realized i knew nothing about relationship sex, i felt shy fearful to mention something "taboo" in fear of being brand a pervert, it takes time to brake old preconceived feeling but read people and enjoy the many fun things in relationship and sex.
  • likewhatusee69
    I dream of the day all the time. You need to have sex a lot before you can get a great nickname like that. At the rate I'm going to get such an awesome name like slut it will be just hopes and dreams for me.
  • Userdan12
    A guy can't be a slut
  • Trythishard1
  • Mstr.Full
    Slut can be a term of endearment... a term of lust... a dedication of love... admiration... so many things.
    here here!!!
  • Leolady727
    Sluts RULE!!! If you don't agree, read "The Ethical Slut" by Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy. Ladies, let's reclaim the word - it DOESN'T mean some skank who will fuck anything - a slut is an uninhibited woman who is comfortable with her sexuality. I'm proud to call myself a slut!
    • KaifraDuet
      And rightly so - and I know from experience that you are an uninhibited slut with great conversational and social skills.
  • Sultry78
    I believe that those who call others a slut, are just jealous. (They are jealous because deep down they know that they are not as sexually liberated and in touch with who the are.)
    I know what I am, and I enjoy my life because of it...SLUT
  • agirlsbestex
    I like the word, but I rarely use it.
    Except to describe myself.. I am a slut.
    It doesnt mean I will fuck just anyone though.
  • biluvers
    We BOTH luv being sluts, men luv fucking us both because they know we will both enjoy their cocks in us. We cant get enough of being sluts ad men seem to enjoy us being sluts as well.
  • XxjazminxX
    Slut is a term of endearment.
  • RideNSlide69
    SLUT...Sexy Liberated Uninhibited Temptress...whats not to love about that. Add the term ethical and there it is. Nobody should have hang ups about having fun. And yes it’s a judgment that says more about the person using slut as an insult than about the person themselves. Its only a word. We only live once and to hold back because of somebody else's morals only serves to suppress our inner sexual creature. SLUT...Sensual Lustful Unbridled Tigress or 50 Spots of Cougar! Love it !!
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