I have a low libido - what should I do?
Low libido is a multi-faceted problem with a singularly frustrating result. Here's what may be at the root of your problem - and how you can go about fixing it.
4 Important Rules for You & Your F*ckbuddy
What isn't worthy of an "It's Complicated" status on Facebook these days? Here, we break down some important guidelines for maintaining a healthy friendship when "benefits" are involved.
Can men have multiple orgasms?
Sceptics, begone! Multiple orgasms are perfectly attainable for almost any gentleman, and you don't even need titanium balls to achieve them.
5 Tips to Up Your Sexting Game
Sexts feeling a little stale? Whether you've been in the game for years or you're just getting your feet wet in the realm of digital doggy style, here are a few ways to take things to the next level.
Can men really be bisexual?
As many bisexual men are likely to say themselves, they really do exist! But why does society insist on treating them like unicorns?
Masturbation: It's not just for wankers!
Masturbation is a really important part of our sexuality and it can actually expand and enhance our erotic experiences with others. Here are a few tips to spice up your masturbation to improve your technique!
Guys! Read this before you buy your next pack of condoms
When it comes to condom shopping, don't be like Goldilocks. Instead of cycling through ones that are too big or too small to find just the right fit, use our handy condom shopping guide!
Happily Ever After in a Sexually Diverse Disney
I love a good fairytale. But what if Disney got an update and started creating movies that incorporated more of what’s happening in the world right now?
The Down and Dirty on Dirty Talk
There’s a big difference between the porn you see on your computer screen and what happens in your bedroom – but dirty talk is one thing that can exist in both worlds. If you’re new to using your vocal chords to turn on your partner, then read on.
Why You Should Embrace Your Inner Slut
Slut is just a word and unfortunately women hold back and restrict themselves for fear of someone branding them a slut. The more people who don’t care what it means the happier and more orgasmic we’ll all be!