Is it normal to queef during sex?

Is it normal to queef during sex?

One of the great mysteries of sex is that we will happily lick each other’s genitals, but that the totally normal act queefing is still somewhat taboo. Let’s fix that.

Are Yogasms the Latest Sex Craze?

Are Yogasms the Latest Sex Craze?

Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to come in a room full of sweaty people? Believe it or not, some yogis are experiencing orgasms during their practise.

Is masturbating good for me?

Is masturbating good for me?

There are a number of scientific reasons why masturbation is good for you and, in fact, should be part of your wellness routine.

This is Your Brain on Sex

This is Your Brain on Sex

There's a lot more beneath the surface when it comes to the mighty orgasm. So what else is happening in your brain, aside from waves of ecstasy and pleasure?

Can I be allergic to sperm?

Can I be allergic to sperm?

No, it's not a practical joke. Semen allergies are real, and they can develop seemingly out of nowhere. Fortunately, they don't have to spell the death of your sex life.

Why can't I have an orgasm?

Why can't I have an orgasm?

I’ve tried dildos, vibrators, and pretty much everything else out there and I can't seem to orgasm. My partner is starting to feel self-conscious, which just makes the whole thing worse. Help!