Does the size of my clit affect how I experience sex?
Clitorises come in all sizes, but it’s unlikely a small clit will make sex any less fun. These magical toys offer the greatest physical pleasure no matter their size.
10 Reasons to have Sex every Single Day!
Just in case you need any more encouragement to pull your partner into bed every day, here are 10 reasons why you should be having sex every day of the week.
7 Sex-Crazed Historical Figures and their Sexploits
History is full of sexual miscreants whose exploits litter the dark corners of days gone by. After a popular blog post last month, this follow up explores some of the sexual deviants you suggested!
Our Findings on Big Dicks Unzipped!
Bigger isn't necessarily always better. Aussie girls reveal their penis preferences.
Beyond 50 Shades: Erotic authors you should read
Move over 50 Shades! We feature 6 authors who really do justice to erotica and to prove we've got what it takes downunder, some of them are Aussies.
How long should sex last?
As with everything sexy, duration really comes down to whatever works for you, as there is no right or wrong. A marathon or a quickie? One of each, please.
Finding Zen in the Bedroom: How to clear your mind during sex
The worst thing you can do for your sex life is over think it. Here’s how to chill out, embrace your inner zen and focus on what’s happening in the moment.
5 Mistakes Women Make in Bed
No matter our level of sexual experience, we are all still learning new tricks. Here are five things women could do better in bed for even-more mind-blowing sex.
I'm horny all the time - do I have a sex addiction?
It can be difficult to tell the difference between a healthy sexual appetite and a sexual addiction. So how do you know whether you're blessed with extra libido or saddled with a problem?
Unlock Hidden Pleasures with these Erogenous Zones
We’ve got the basic erogenous zones sorted, but what about the ones that don’t get quite so much love? Here are a few zones that could breathe fire into your next sexual encounter.