Oral Sex: How to get a guy to go down on you!

Handsome man about to go down on a woman for oral sex

If you've been lucky enough that you've grown to expect compulsory oral, it can be pretty baffling when your new playmate won't take the hint.

It’s worth keeping in mind that not all men are twat hungry all the time, despite what pornography might have you believe. But before we get any further, it's probably good to just get one thing out of the way: It's probably him, not you! 

But if you crave that tongue treatment and he is reluctant to go down on you, here are some tips.

Speak up!

Honest, straight-forward communication should always be at the top of your list of go-to tactics. It's true that some of you may be reading this because you've already tried - unsuccessfully - to talk about it. However, if you've yet to mention how parched your pussy is feeling, it's very likely your playmate has no idea you're feeling neglected. Guys are not mind-readers - especially when they’re preoccupied with their own raging boners.

Pamper your nether regions

A woman’s vagina is her territory, so you definitely shouldn’t let your boyfriend’s preferences dictate how you primp and pamper your pussy. Still, if you want him to spend lots of face time between your legs, you’ll need to consider what might be turn ons and turn offs to him. This may mean compromising - if he isn’t a fan of pubic hair but you are, perhaps some trimming (rather than full-on shaving) is in order. Talk to him about what turns him on most about the female anatomy, and once he starts to open up, you might get some hints on what you can do to make your pussy as appetising as possible. Our blog article about the waxing and waning of pubic hair trends received a lot of member comments but the opinion was divided so it is an individual preference.

Use positive reinforcement 

Some men have spent a lot of time buried in muff, but it's entirely likely that your man is hesitant to go downtown because he's inexperienced, or nervous he'll suck at it (pun intended). Use words of encouragement to show him when he's on the money, or offer a gentle push: "I'd go crazy for a little bit of tongue right about now," could be the hint he needs.

Show (and maybe tell a little)

If the issue is that your man is going down on you occasionally, but not enough to satisfy you, then you may be dealing with a different problem. Every woman is different, so maybe what worked on his ex isn't doing it for you as much. Men are often highly attuned to how you're reacting, so if this is the case, he may have gotten discouraged after receiving a lukewarm response from you. Everyone's always talking about how you should ask for what you want, but sometimes words feel inadequate for the task, or it can feel like a bit of a buzzkill to speak up in the middle of the act. If there's a certain kind of pressure you like, demonstrate it with your fingers first. If he’s paying attention, he’ll get the hint.

Consider staging your own boycott

Of course, if you love sucking dick for sucking dick's sake, by all means, keep it up. But if all give and no receive is leaving you frustrated, remember that you're under no obligation to keep doing something that’s not being reciprocated. Bear in mind, this should be a last-ditch tactic - talking to him first is essential, or else he may not understand why he’s suddenly feeling dry.

One more caveat: You really shouldn't have to resort to mind games in order to get your partner to reciprocate. On the other hand, no one should feel pressured to do anything they're not comfortable with in bed. Maybe pussy-eating just isn't up your man's alley, but if that's the case, he should be seeking alternative routes to help you get off. If not, you might just have a selfish chump on your hands.

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Comments (42)

    Don't have to ask lol i love go down on woman anytume !! . that's my most favourite this when its come to pleasuring a woman .. Its feels Amazing .
  • Countrygent59
    Must say I enjoy a nice pussy any day , don't much care if the favour is returned. Although it is nice.
  • FoxDen.HQ
    SugarnSPICEY, apparently disagrees......but, I am not alone in my experiences.....any guys (or gals) care to comment?
    AMM Editor??
  • edward491
    Nothing like it, the aroma and taste of a woman's pussy is to die for I could go at it for hours and watch her move and moan with anticipation,,,, luv it !!!!
    • 42pupasmurfblue
      I agree, Thiers nothing better, but not all women like to have there pussys licked and smokers smell bad and taste bad and I have parsley, and don't care if she doesn't return the favor or not have intercourse I could eat her all day if she wanted me too.
  • friskypuz
    It's a deal breaker for me, if you want a great blow job, be prepared to go down and rock my world.
  • Fellator2145
    Eating pussy is wonderful and so is cock.
  • sweet.dreams2
    I've never had an issue telling a guy how and what I like him doing to my pussy, however I am respectful and kind in my suggestions. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar (be nice when you bring this topic up). Lots of encouragement for what he is doing well is really important.
  • hiphopmulisha
    If a man doesn't like eating pussy then you need to find a guy that absolutely loves it and loves it when a woman comes hard down your throat with tangy pussy cum.
    Hairy or no hair its fantastic and it is a must for all men to engage in.
  • mauricegerard
    if you are ignorant of your partners wants...needs...desires
    you dont deserve them
    if you think its just your background that determines your views today
    you dont deserve them
    sex is the greatest thing we humans have
    we express love
    we experiment
    if it is that you have a partner that wont allow you to do something that you like doing
    they dont deserve you
    move on...get over it and get horny
    cos for every one person that hates things in bed
    theres 100 that love it
  • LibidinousCpl69
    There are quite a lot of men who don't enjoy eating pussy and for me that is a deal breaker. They don't want to eat pussy yet expect their cock to be sucked - no sorry that doesn't work for me
  • Jumpontop1990
    Nothing is finer. It turns me on knowing I give pleasure. And that shaking feeling a girl gets before they cum is the best. Then, well you can coat my mouth with pussy juice. Yummy
    • sweet.dreams2
      OMG that was so sexy. You must eat pussy well to know how true it is that a woman shakes before she comes.
    • 42pupasmurfblue
      It called being in tune with your partner, by being in tune with you can gage what is working and what isn't, the idea is to get her to just about reach orgasm then to back off keeping her edging till you can feel that she can't take any more then you go for broke and Finnish her off with a mind blowing orgasm. That's how you eat pussy!!!
  • freetogiverall
    nothing finer then eating a ladys vagina ,, yum
  • Kinetic.2
    Really just ask! If it not on the nose (assume personal hygiene) then its a given, "A ride there for a ride back".
  • manlyfun
    Hot sex and fulfilling sex is sex that is mutual. NOT one way.
    But some woman seem to be quite self focused hence the reason why they are feeling left out!!
  • MrSpooner
    don't have to ask me twice. probably not even once, i'll just help myself :p
  • FoxDen.HQ
    This will maybe be a bit confronting, but as a true lover of oral on a female.....and yes, I see it as making love to the clit with my tongue n gums....what really turns me off is when a woman is a heavy smoker, or smokes high tar cigarettes. For the female's nether regions are full of glands, that secrete fluids......and tar and nicotine when they are ingested into the body from the lungs, being chemicals, move about the body. So, when the next comedian makes light of the comment about "it's like licking an astray", remember....a heavy smoker's vagina is 'very' likely to taste that way. (Another good reason to give up or cut back on smoking ladies (and gents.....)!
    • sweet.dreams2
      That's interesting regarding the smoking fact. Yuck! Another reason I'm glad to not be a smoker. I love receiving oral too much to taste and smell bad down there.
    • friskypuz
      Same goes with men who smoke or are heavy drinkers,
      Not tasty at all
      Have you had a bad experience due only to someone's drinking habits? I've never heard of that before, so I'm interested in your reply. (Not that I am a heavy drinker mind....just never heard of it before.)
    • SugarnSPICEY
      That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! I am a smoker and never in my life anyone has ever been put off going down on me. In fact quite the opposite, I get told it looks smells tastes amazing, and they keep going back for more.
    • AMM.Editor
      @friskypuz yes that's true heavy beer drinkers apparently produce bitter-tasting ejaculate.
    • 42pupasmurfblue
      It easy to say that,but have had a non smoker go down on you or a smoker?, Non smokers can smell smokers a mile away
  • NortyBlueEyes4U
    Seriously.. Is this a really an issue? Surely this can,t be so... I'm dumbfounded.. I love the taste of a woman and making her cum with my tongue! 69 the best.. cumming at the same time!
  • Pabs2.0
    I had a muso mate used to do a song that summed it up...... will just quote the chorus...
    "Oral sex.....It's the kind I like best,
    Tongue & Fingers..... Cunnilingus...
    69er........ Nothing could be finer...
    Aint no side effects.... with Oral Sex."
    really what more is there to say...
    • msviolet
      I love yr poem but rather disagree with side effects part.. people seem to forget u can catch exotic.amazing stuff from oral alone goes for male and female. Safety first.for.me.
  • derail61
    What about if your a male and have a female partner who thinks a blow job is just in porn movies and not a normal act in a relationship? I am missing such fun even though I go down on her and we both enjoy that immensely!
    • stevo4u
      that's one of the first things you do, suck tits then go to eat pussy and suck toes while your pounding the pussy that you just licked
  • sexigreenize59
    Smooth and clean is always better. Nothing worse than getting those short and curlies caught between your teeth.
  • secretdessert
    Personally, I'm addicted to eating pussy - love feeling and hearing a gorgeous lady besides herself from the deep orgasmic pleasure of multiple orgasms. Smooth sometimes gives better access but variety is also nice!
  • msviolet
    I must admit I have never been in that situation. To me sex without orgasm seems unfinisd. I do agree with one thing, down under needs grooming, i am bi, I am not a.fan.of hairs down there but that's me and I prefer clean and pretty Vagina if I am going anywhr near it. Ladies if u want yr partner to lick you to yr hearts content then tell him, and tell him wat u like nd how u want, harder slower this way that way or that's just annoying. They will get the message fast without being offended.
    most man want lively women in.bed sumone who doesn't just lie there but also participate in getting her own orgasm.
    so ladies speak up be selfish no harm in that.
  • sirius65
    Wow how could you NOT love eating pussy. I don't care if there is pubes or not, I'll go to town on you for hours !!!!!
  • 1easygoin1
    Absolutely love eating pussy. Prefer them smooth or at the least trimmed.
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