When the Stars Align: The Orgy Edition
Call it a symptom of the normative culture we live in, but there's really not much out there in the way of sexual astrological compatibility for groups. You can Google "Pisces man v. Capricorn woman" til your keyboard bursts into flames, but good luck inserting a curious Gemini betwixt the two.
Since we're charting brave new territory with this one, it's probably best to read this as a fun thought experiment - but don't let it dictate the types of people you invite to your next group session. Quite frankly, it takes all kinds to make for a fun orgy.
Here are a few possible ways to organise your astro-orgy:
Elemental magic
It's said that people tend to get along swimmingly with people born under the same elemental influence. In other words, water signs get along with water signs, air goes with air, and so on. It's not necessarily that you're shooting for an optimal dynamic here, or synergistic magic. But you can certainly expect to be on a similar wavelength with your playmates.
As a matter of course, a Wet Water Wailer is going to look a bit different from a Freaky Fire Fiesta. Try incorporating plenty of verbal play for an air sign party, or perhaps a healthy dose of sensual massage for earth signs.
Make it bipolar
It's said that there are also "positive" (generally more extroverted, yang, and dominant) and "negative" (introverted, yin, and submissive) signs. Generally speaking, people relate best to those with a similar polarity, but it's also often true that soulmates are found in opposite pairings. If you're an Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius, consider arranging a get-together with other positive signs for a night of outgoing, dominant fun. For a slightly more sensitive group dynamic, a party made up of Tauruses, Cancers, Virgos, Scorpios, Capricorns and Pisces will hit the mark. Of course, you can always get an even number of both for a balance of dominant and submissive energy.
Don't go for your type
In addition to the four elements, there are also three types of signs: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Within each element, there is always one of each type.
Generally speaking, cardinal types (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) like to rule the roost and incite change. Fixed signs - such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius - are willful, if not rather stubborn. The mutable ones (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are flexible and adaptable in ways that all the others are not. If you can imagine, it's not always a great mix to pair like with like.
Consider aiming to have all your bases covered. If a threesome involving a cardinal, fixed, and mutable sign seems too intimate for your taste, try to represent all camps evenly for a harmonious romp.
Get out a compass
Where compatibility is concerned, harmony (and conflict) often boils down to the number of degrees separating you from your peer(s) on the old zodiac wheel. A 30-degree difference - or neighbouring signs on the zodiac - don't typically click so easily, nor do those with square (or 90-degree) angles. Meanwhile, a 60- or 120-degree aspect will do wonders (that's two and four signs apart, respectively). As with many things, there's gold at the end of the rainbow for many opposites, but it's not always the easiest path to tread.
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