Do female arousal gels work?
Our latest Q&A article talks about female arousal gels and if they work, how they work and what’s available in Australia.
The Vulva Gallery
The Vulva Gallery is a collection of images celebrating the vulva in all its glorious diversity. Hilde Atalanta, the primary artist and founder, wanted to contribute to the way people view body diversity and especially vulva diversity.
How to Tempt your Inner Sex Goddess out to Play
Women can be complex creatures, particularly when it comes to sex; our sexual appetite, desires and ability to let go in the moment of passion and pleasure. How do you find your inner slut and tempt her to play.
Orgasms aren’t everything so why do we fake it?
Faking an orgasm is something so many women do. Why do they do it? And why is it actually a pretty big problem for both them and their partners?
Top 5 Sex Positions for Intimacy
Eva Sless has put together five of our favourite sex positions that embody the connectivity and intimacy that comes from sex with someone you love.
Will a GSOH get you laid?
Research shows we find men who can make jokes and women who can appreciate them more sexually attractive. But “GSOH” means different things to different people - does it mean “will you laugh at my jokes?” or “are you hysterically funny?”
Top 5 Ways Men Can Get More Sex
Do you want more hot sex? The most powerful sexual organ is the brain and women’s are hardwired differently to men. Learn to be genuinely emotionally available to your partner, she will reward you no end in the bedroom.
7 Things Gay Guys are Sick of Hearing
Being gay can be a pretty scary thing when attitudes and the law often class you as a second-class citizen. We've come a long way in Australia... But there are still a bunch of casual things people say that can be really hurtful or super offensive.
How Edging can Turbo Boost Your Orgasms!
No matter how vanilla or how kinky you are, edging is a practice that anyone can do and learn, and that can lead to some of the most amazing orgasms you'll ever experience!
25 Crazy Sex Laws Around the World
You would assume that what you do behind closed doors with another consenting adult (within reason) is your own business. Read the 25 craziest sex laws we discovered and be very grateful you live in Australia.