Why Men Are Better After 50

Couple in their fifties smiling at each other

This article originally appeared in “Better After 50” and is reproduced with permission from the author Pamela Madsen.

There is a lot of attention on older women seeking younger men. I’m not one of them. I think that men get better after 50. And I am writing this because it’s time to throw some love, affirmation, and attention on our “After 50” guys.

Like “After 50” women, you may be experiencing some changes in your body. Men: It’s possible that you might feel your strength ebb, and have moments where your body just doesn’t do what you would like it do in every moment. But, as a woman, that’s not what I care about. Let me tell you all about why many women (not just me) think that men who are more mature are hot.

  1. Older men are way more interested in giving women attention than they are in their own penis. Younger men are often way more interested in their own genitalia. Just go to any dating site and some young dude will send you a picture of his cock. Really? It’s like they have this brand new toy and they want everyone to see it. What are we suppose to say to “Penis Shots”? “Gee Honey, Nice Cock?” What is the right response? A more seasoned gentlemen would never do that. Instead, he will invite you in for a drink, murmur something about your beauty, ask you about yourself and offer to share some of his gifts. Older men have the patience and maturity to offer women what they want the most and that’s feeling special. There are few things sexier than having a man’s full and undivided presence. Men after 50 have figured out that it’s not the cock that is really sexy – it’s attention.
  2. Older men are less interested in getting to “end game”. The growth of the brain and heart has reached a stage where it has outsized the male ego. There is an embodied, relaxed, innate knowledge that you are who you are. You no longer have to prove anything to anyone. And how you love a woman is just like that too. It’s okay, we don’t need you to leap tall buildings in a single bound or stop a train or leap over a cliff. But damn we do like your slow hand. Your experience in not rushing us. Your deep appreciation for our bodies just the way it is. Older men love all kinds of woman’s bodies in a way that is simply different than a young buck who want us to look the way they think we are suppose to look. And that image comes from a magazine – not real women. Men after 50 have been around. They have learned that women come in many different packages, and they love all of the varied tastes and have the staying power to simply trace the curves and enjoy the journey.
  3. Older men are not necessarily a physical Adonis. Which can allow me to breath into my changing body too! I like that their body sometimes aches at night from a life time of living, because mine does too. They let their flaws show and that allows me to have orgasms without having to worry too much about my softer belly from having a baby or that stretch mark. It’s hard to have ecstatic sex while striking a pose to show you my body at it’s best angle. Really can I stop holding my breath? I love it that we can let go of our self consciousness about being perfect and have some really hot sex together! When I’m more relaxed, I feel sexier.
  4. Personally I think that power is sexy. A powerful man can be physically strong, have money, social standing, knowledge, a sense of self and discipline. Wisdom is powerful. They have a sense of accountability rather than point fingers in your face. They say that they want to hold your emotions and then they can actually do that! A powerful man owns himself. It’s true that young men can have some of this too, but I have found that older men seem to gather this stuff up along with their laugh lines. I love powerful men. I rarely see this in men under the age of 40.
  5. Older men know how to do things! They have this delicious tool box that is filled with all kinds of knowledge! I don’t care if it is how to figure out my computer or how to tie me up in knots! They have some knowledge under their belt. It’s not their first time at the rodeo for most things. My pussy is not the first pussy that they have done cunnilingus on! They have relationship skills, and can actually offer me insights to a better friend and lover. They have lived a great big life before they got to me, and they are often able to help me figure out whatever mess I have gotten myself into. This is way more important to me than a six pack ab.

And to all of you women who are looking for young men to play with - I support you! Because you are helping build a better man with a larger tool box for those of us who will be waiting for the older model. And of course young men are beautiful and smart and are on their life’s journey as we all have been.

But today, I wanted to celebrate where they will end up. As a hot silver fox who is ready, willing and able to hold a woman in full. Know that there are many of us out there who wouldn’t trade you for two 25 year old bench pressed surfer boys.

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Comments (69)

  • Nicegirlxx
  • Gold.Coast.Dude
    For me slowing down and appreciating sex more is one of the assets of maturing in age. When I was younger I was admittedly selfish and lacked the understanding that I have now gained. I feel with maturity comes wisdom and certainly the desire to make sure that the other party enjoys our time together as much if not more than I do.
  • Slimshaddy
    I Feel like im already there. Im sure there are good and bad points in younger and older men, You know what they say "you cant buy experience "
  • Lokilokiloki
    I adore 50+ gentleman!! So much to impart on a willing body and mind. Not scared of what they want and not shy about enjoying a BBW , or worried about social constraints. Energy and a hard pounding just don't do it for me anymore, I want the skill that comes with life experience.
    Mmm bra off to men over 50 ;0)
  • Mstr.Full
    NEARLY THERE... will I make it... lol
  • danielxyz
    Great article and I loved the comments! So thought I'd write you a book and respond to a few :D I'm 60 now and have been blessed with many amazing experiences with the opposite sex. With regards to older ladies with younger men, teach them, don't just get the ego boost. "Seems to be the thing in most people, I think" :D I was educated in my very early teens by a 34 year old sex goddess, what a blessing to give a oversexed young male! It has been the greatest asset in any personal interactions with the fairer sex I have had, it's also a time period I remember to this day, WOW!! Sorry I'm on a roll :D Another thing I noticed was when I was out and about having a ball, 99% of the males were holding up the bar, getting scotch courage!! Lads, the ladies are at the tables, and the dance floor more specifically! To my experience, inebriated people are a turnoff, so are loud touchy people, whilst confidence and respect has always been a major positive. "Tip" The dance floor is also where you achieve some remarkable insights and progress in seduction, dance is akin to liquid lovemaking, be it a Waltz, Rock, or La Bamba, it's all the same, just different! If the attraction is mutual, you will have a ball and set the future path... Just don't pull a John Travolta and show respect! It is also a historical fact, that older men represent stability, wealth and mmm, dare I say wisdom, points that most young females find attractive, especially in the childbearing years. So gentlemen if you want a younger lady, like the fishes in the sea, they abound! Please teach them though, not just ego! Personally as long as the lady is fit and healthy, age is irrelevant, but one does get tired of teaching and lol I much prefer a more relaxed attitude these days, responsibilities can be a tad draining.
  • Shyner
    Thanks Pamela !!! What great broad brush strokes of us 50 + men you've painted ...Just looking (hopefully ) to the woman who wants to enjoy some time and experience with me !!
  • ispywithmy
    I think it is all going to come down to the individual. There are going to terrible/average/what ever 'younger men' and there are going to be 'older men' who are no better. If you are not open to people of different ages and have a very narrow age range, then anyone out of that age range must be 'rubbish'? No, it is called personal preference ( we all have our own tastes, likes and dislikes, it is what makes all so unique). I am sure that there are great 'older men' out there, but, there are some reasonably good 'younger blokes' too!! Personal preferences peoples!!
  • Cookie16
    Amen to this article, I agree totally.....good writing
  • david9961
    I'm only 46 & am on my partners page - with his permission. He is 55 and oh so much more than I could ever have imagined. Over 50 yes please every time
  • adanac111
    Says it all really...nothing left to say....we "OLDIES" rock....
  • aqtivist
    Thank you, Pamela, for affirming what I believe I know - and certainly feel. When I eventually meet Ms Compatible, intimacy will be varied, long and (at times) intense. Many women on dating sites surprise me by limiting their oldest age preference; they are not going to experience what you advocate. Pity, really. I'd love to entertain nearby (NSA) younger women; they're hard to find!
  • aussieffff
    What a wonderful and true article :: older men do have what it takes !
  • BlueDaisyChain
    I'm definitely not into the Cougar title .. Love the older men .. Lot more experience, lot more patience, enjoy the journey, please the woman and the bonus of easy conversation and knowledge of life .. They're just so much more delicious :-)
  • newbeginings76
    Sooooo true. Ive found those under 40 say they want to meet, yet mostly sit behind their computers and want to swap videos or pics. While those in their late 40's actually show up or follow through with what they say.
  • Heretoplease7
    In ones younger days male ego was in control, forplay was limited. As ones selfish attitude was that one knew what a woman wanted, dick penetration. Banging it and done. As an older human one realizes that their is another person involved. One takes consideration of partner's needs giving her what she wants, thus ones enjoyment comes from giving her a great enjoyable time.
  • BlondeBlueeyez
    fantastic article and so accurate.
    As a young lady who has been exclusively involved with mature men her entire life, this is all to close to home.
  • luvanotafita
    Well said Pamela. Glad that there are women that prefer mature guys. Unfortunately especially on this site a lot of women seem to chase the 40 and under guys. Cougars? In any case a man can be a better lover and friend after 50.
  • zamale
    Great article and I guess it also depends on what the other party is looking for.
    I've 'enjoyed' more mature women and loved it - I've 'enjoyed' younger (some 30yrs my jnr) and loved it.
    I do agree that after a certain age - the 'quicky' gives way to real pleasure and pleasuring. I believe it's better to quality over quantity.
  • secretdiscreet1
    Well written. I am not over 50 yet but I can relate to all the points the writer is making. Sex is better when these principles are used. Ladies really enjoy themselves.
  • JustR8ted
    Can't wait for the next proceeding article ie: 'Why women are better after 50'... 'Winks'!
  • NoHarmInAsking
    There could be a lot of advantages with an older man, but most won't even look.
  • allinmymind
    51 plus are baby boomers and they have their own unique way of looking at life. In twenty years time the other 50s will be different. However like one commenter said, crusty doesn't cut it. And vigra is not a given, not in my experience anyway.
  • luckydip30
    So true, but its very hard if not impossible to prove to many.
    I am 64, and very happy about it. Not interested in wham bam thank you Mam, quite happy for others to really enjoy.
  • Melody2973
    What's better ? it's an individual thing I think. The one man I did see that was 50 wasn't that impressive :(
    Younger man aren't that bad, maybe some women prefer older men I for one am not sold :)
    • JustR8ted
      Yes an individual thing and there's good and bad results,young or old.
      Don't let one encounter taint your brush and or give you an anti climax false allusion.
      Personally,i have a preference for older women,they know what they want,where there headed and less baggage.
      A 62yr old who i was seeing a for few months last year,would put many a lot younger to shame with her hungry appetite,stamina and her many talents.
      That ended,due to health reasons,that's the only down fall.
      I also met a 33yr old last year and she was also on par.
      Age is insignificant on the scheme of things and yes again,an individual thing.
      Horses for courses really.
    • Leolady727
      What an hilarious mixed metaphor, JUstR8ted "taint your brush", indeed !
  • 4me664
    yes great read ...im 50 plus
  • NorthBeaches100
    Fantastic article.. from a mature 50 something man !
  • larson7
    Great article, I have just turned sixty (look 45 lol) and have had a couple of liaisons with younger woman (one was 25 and super sexy and very good looking/body, the other was 36 and again sexy and adventurous), once you start to get down and dirty age goes out the window (in my opinion), its about having that mutual sexual connection and needs, in my experiences I found that they liked the older guy (me ) to be in control, also when I asked them why they liked older men they both said the same thing experience, plus the fact that it was unrushed and long lasting, plus one said the younger guys talk the talk but cant walk the walk if you know what I mean? so all the 50+ guys on here keep on believing as it can and does happen sometimes and when it does let me say you feel like your 21 again. I actually don't have an age preference as I like all women of all ages. It's all about having a good time with mutual pleasure for all.
  • Masterplussub
    Great article , i enjoyed reading it , older men that know there bodies and the partners can have a far better and longer time than younger , it is not the cumming but the journey
    As a dom ,i enjoy the mind of my partner , to watch and make her feel worthy , it is not about the cock IT IS ABOUT HOW YOU MAKE THEM FEEL INSIDE . I think any comments
  • KnightsnSinners
    Thanks you for your article, it is spot on in regards to what a mature guy can bring to Long Term Relationship.
    Now to communicate all this to a potential partner?
  • Ellesee
    Great article, my partner is over 50 and I couldn't be happier!
  • joe2442
    This article is quite appropriate and brings in a lot of issues surrounding agesim. For all sorts of reasons I think dating is far more agesit on women and yes still today in 2017. Many famous men from Hollywood celebs to politicians to big businessmen have wives 10 years or more younger than they are. Less seems to apply to women. There is a bit of a cougar fetish by some guys under 40 for women over 40(40/50's) but in general far more men date women 5-years or younger than them than women do, not to mention many men who date women 10 years or younger. The young woman(under-40) is often labelled a homewrecker by middle aged women(40 and over). It seems in some eyes men 50 and over become more desirable but women fade at least it appear that way in western society. Who has more dating options a woman 18-40, or or a woman 40-60? Somehwere I read an article that said men are attracted to youth and beauty, women are attracted to power. If that's true or not is debatable, but guys over 50 some will have more money than 25-yr old men or bigger penises(for women where size matters) height as well 50 yr old men and over can be taller than guys in 20's-30's etc, plus intelligence has nothing to do with age, a 55 year old doctor is probably more academically bright than a 25 yr old taxi driver. So it's as if men and women get judged on different things in dating according to the society they are in. If men can be financial providers that can be extremely appealing to younger women, especially younger women who want children. Does a woman 55 who is on an upper middle class income of 200K taxable salary, have the same appeal to a guy 25 yr old on a middle-class salary, in my view no.
  • Leolady727
    One thing your article didn't mention is that more mature men did not grow up watching porn and therefore have a more realistic approach to sex. Young guys who think that all they need is a big dick and to be able to pump away all night do nothing for me!
    And, I only wish it were true that the mature guys on this site didn't feel the need to flash their dicks ;-)
  • Queen1963
    I much prefer men of this age... they're so much more patient and attentive. this article was spot on.
  • SassySandy
    Great article for those into the OVER 50's or 60's.....been there tried it...not saying all are tarred with the same brush BUT...out the window goes..body hair, body odour, too much facial hair, greasy gray's, dress code.....they seem to become too comfortable with themselves forgetting what really turns a woman on...I've had VERY WEALTHY PROFESSIONALS after me BUT as mentioned above....just too relaxed with their appearance...Just look at some of the pics on here!!!!!! As much as I would LOVE to have a NO BAGGAGE older man in my life who can still please me sexually (Not just foreplay) as I have a very high sex drive..... will continue to stick to the younger generation just for the fun of it...AND MY SATISFACTION!!!! Hehe
    • friskypuz
      but its not just men who let themselves go,, plenty of women do to.
      so it all is a matter of choice
    • Justintime100
      You can rest assured, that on our first meeting, I will be in a Navy Jacket, white shirt, tie, grey trousers, shiny shoes. No, not all of us are "slack" in the dress code area ... You may be pleasantly surprised ...
    • Petewil
      Yes sassy, I am am very relaxed with my appearance I never feel more relaxed than when in a nice suit or jacket. Hair and smells are only as appropriate and appealing. The only real thing that I noticed that changed in my 50s is that rather than finishing in 30 or 40 minutes, I now go literally for as many hours of as you want with the occasional break for a tea or a wee.
  • Sexualreality
    Very true and as told by some friends of past. "You dont need Viagra" and my aim is to ensure their body reacts to what I do to them, before I worry about myself. Shame yhat younger females don't understand or appreciate what us older guys do and can offer.
  • Looklustlick
    Yes we all know this but as every man over 55 will attest "Good luck trying to find a woman will respond" yes a few do but the vast majority want the young buck experience
  • nautycol
    Oh yeh, pretty much spot on Pamela. I am on the high end of that spectrum, look after myself and keep myself as fit as I can so as to keep the ladies and me, for that matter, happy.
    Love the different packaging and find great pleasure in extracting the various needs of the individual and then fulfilling same.
    Man, I have a great life and have met some great people, some of whom have become very good friend even without any nonsense
  • FriendlyGuy1965
    Nice article and agree with everything. I am 51 y,o. , but unfortunately unless you are very good looking or have big dick as many women (not all) in my age group want in their profile, all the positives in the article mean nothing to those women, and men like me miss out on any possible meet ups. But one will trying until until one gets lucky - eventually ! (lol) Cheers.
    • willinged666
    • nqsensualgent
      Yes FriendlyGuy, I totally agree with you. When I first read this article, I thought that's what I enjoy doing BUT most women seem to want younger men most of the time. Perhaps it's the quick thrill rather than the much longer one (two or more) that they are interested in!
      Younger men are more interested in getting their jollies, not their partner's.
      Thanks Pamela for pointing out facts that us oldies knew - perhaps our turn will come soon.
  • EastSideSlut
    Could not agree more.
    I have enjoyed a number of guys recently and without a doubt the older guys perform better........nothing to do with how many times they can do it in an hour its about giving a fulfilling experience. Young guys seem to think being a mindless jackhammer makes them wonderful..lol.
    My man is over 50 and no one has come near what he can do.
  • Archer4567
    Thank you Pamela, great article, I am a younger guy in an old blokes body, with all those years of experience, things are done differently now, I know what a woman craves in a sexual encounter and I deliver with experience and passion. You are right about body image, it not that important anymore it is more about the person inside and how much pleasure I can give her. I am not perfect anymore and she does not have to be. You can have a intelligent, informative and stimulating conversation with her while you are reloading. Keep it up all you old farts, there is hope for us yet.
  • Kentscot
    Wow! A blast of very fresh air and very welcome too. Thank you Pamela.
    I am at the other end of the +50 spectrum that you have written about.
    Marketing a 70+ male who is well and alive and functioning well, is difficult at times to keep one's pecker up, to coin a phrase, because seemingly most women on this site (who are of interest to me) look for men no older than 55. For me, yes sensuality and sex are great, but the FWB enables building knowing and respect for my friend, enabling me to be more understanding of her needs. Could write more, but your recognition of issues faced by men +50 is appreciated. Kentscot
  • friskypuz
    Interesting read, while I would agree with most I tend to find 40 - 50 + men are the go for me.
    Yes they are more attentive, in less of a rush and if like myself not getting what or as much as you would like at home, very discreet and past having to rush home for the kids.
    From a 50+ N.I.L.F
  • Amante.
    What a great article highlighting some of the beautiful characteristics some mature men gain after 50. I say some because there are still a few lads that haven't grown up.
    Of course there are some difficulties for men over 50, sexual function, mood swings (yes just like menopause), less flexibility both physically and emotionally, and in my experience many become quite selfish - especially those who have never had children.
    Despite the above, I'd much prefer a confident 50+.
    During my life I've dated men 25 years each side of my age. The mature men keep my attention for all the reasons you have mentioned.
    Thank you for a great article....Perhaps we can celebrate the 50+ here the way most media idealise youth.
  • Newage55
    Great article, thanks for talking about senses, and reality , can not beat experience, ... the sensibility of an older man is always present , it is present with young and mature women.
  • KaifraDuet
    Thank you Pamela - I won't give up my membership of this site for a while, then. :-) What you say is true... the orgasm becomes a consequence, not an aim, and so is not always necessary. One has hopefully discovered that great sexual experiences involve intellectual connection - getting inside a lover's head is equally as important as getting inside her body and an orgasm of the mind is an orgasm of the soul - a beautiful thing. There is nothing quite like watching your lover in the throes of ecstatic orgasm when you are not distracted by the urges of your own cock.
  • DDdelite
    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us Pamela.
    I couldn't agree more. I'm at a lovely point in my life where I am getting the attention from both young guys and older gentlemen. It does the ego good I must admit. However having gone through "the change" my body is now super charged and wanting and needing the best sex I can! I'm also having the best orgasms ever! Older gents allow you to be yourself and all your fabulously flawed glory, and that state of relaxation allows for so mind blowing sex.
    So ladies before you rant and whinge that you're unsatisfied and men are selfish in the bedroom - try a sexy older man. As Virginia says, they come with all the tools and knowledge, rather than tricks, on how to work your beautiful body and mind.
  • chesswiseagain
    Of course, I love the article... Being over 70 now limits me a little but I am very much into foreplay these days!!! I am pleased to say there are a few ladies out there who do like older blokes ;-)
  • nativxxx
    all humanz after 50 the cycle goes otherwae si yeah wii all gta gracefullee age into our skin nd folds of life nd our behaviour is stiffled nd enthusiasm id waninng si thats mature altho old women seek the stamina of younger men tru...
  • brick1950
    Pressure to perform from an older man is much greater with an older woman in my opinion that is why an older man is looking for a younger woman to provide mutual pleasure
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