How to Tempt your Inner Sex Goddess out to Play
Ahhh us women can be complex creatures, particularly when it comes to sex; our sexual appetite, desires and ability to let go in the moment of passion and pleasure. What works for one, won’t necessarily work for another so with that in mind, here are 10 things you can do to help her find that place within her where her inner slut resides and wake her up to come out and play!
- Energy is a big thing! Women are busy with jobs/businesses, partner’s, family, kids if there are any, and everything else and while men do have a lot of these things too, we’re physically, mentally and emotionally different. Men generally have more than enough testosterone and energy to be at a 5 on the horniness scale (where 10 is “MUST f#@k NOW!”) Women, when they are managing lots of things, tend to be somewhere in the minuses which means getting to 5 is an effort, let-a-lone 10. So free up her time and energy! Where can you take on some of the load? The more ME time she has, the more she rejuvenates and the more she heads up into the positive numbers making it easier to get her to a 10, wanting you to pin her against a wall and f#@k her!
- Regular exercise and good nutrition lead to lower body fat and higher self-confidence. It’s a fact. Can’t argue with it. If you want to help boost her self-esteem and help her feel even more sexy, which leads to more sex, then get her involved in exercise but something she’ll enjoy doing. Big note to make here – don’t just tell her to do it, she might think you are not happy with how she looks, the best way to encourage her is to do it with her so you can both be happier and healthier (exercise triggering those feel-good endorphins and such).
- Encourage her, or buy her, sexy lingerie and clothes that make her feel sexy, desirable and stunning. Important note: It has to be what she feels sexy in, not necessarily what you think she looks sexy in although there can be overlap. If she’s wearing something you think is sexy but she feels uncomfortable in it, she’ll just feel self-conscious and not so ready to devour you or anyone else for that matter.
- Compliments and appreciation. Most men really don’t understand the value of these. It speaks to her emotional connection and when it comes to being unlocked sexually, women need to be connected emotionally (in general). So tell her how amazing she is, how beautiful and sexy she is, how much you appreciate what she does and who she is etc. Don’t go overboard and do 50,000 in one day so she’ll have sex with you, she’ll see right through it! Make it a part of your every day interaction. It’s a little thing to do but with BIG rewards!
- LOADS OF FOREPLAY with her mind before her body, and all of her other body parts before you go for gold. You know what I mean, the body parts most men go straight to – boobs, clitoris and vagina. TEASE her. Warm her up to boiling point so she’s begging for you to take her. The more you drag it out, the more you ramp her up so she doesn’t go straight back down to minus, in fact, do this well and she’ll remain above 5 with you (seriously, take a week and see what happens).
- Sexy costumes! These can be a lot of fun and are playful. This can start more role play fun or just stimulate the sexiness within her. And then go to events where she can wear them ;) AMM has a list of social events to kick it off!
- Get her into exploring Tantra. Tantra has many facets which help both genders connect with their sexual and sensual selves, unlocking and healing the blocks to being sexually unleashed. Dancing Eros (Google it for more information) is also designed to help women really connect and fuel that inner slut. Who knows what she’ll want to do with and for you when she’s deeply connected on that level!!! You might get more than you imagined.
- Get her to talk about her fantasies and start stimulating her imagination to go into them more by building them out, whispering bits of them in her ears while you slowly caress her. Role play them until you can make them a reality for her or until she wants you to make them a reality.
- Explore new things together whether it be kink related, Tantra or some new toy you found at the adult store. Keep going until you get into the playgrounds and lifestyle you want!
- Make time for date nights, sexy adventures and fun! The more actual fun and sexy times she has, the more she’ll be spending time reminiscing her adventures and the hotter she will get just thinking about them. I found the swinging lifestyle had a way of doing that which made me just want MORE!
Don’t just do one of these, you want to be doing at least the first 5 simultaneously then add in the rest! Have fun!
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