The Road to Sex & Sexiness in 2017
2016 was a crazy year all round. Let's enter 2017 with a clean slate, a positive outlook, and a sexy spring in our steps!
How to navigate your Lovemap
When you are aware of your lovemap it gives you an element of control to make more educated decisions about romantic or sexual partners and your sexual desire.
Cliteracy 101 for Clitoris Owners & Lovers!
The clitoris has been largely ignored and forgotten about in the history of sexual knowledge, but no more! Finally the most important part of the anatomy in female pleasure is getting the attention it deserves.
I'm really curious about butt plugs!
The key to pleasurable and comfortable anal sex is preparation, and butt plugs can be an essential first step as you begin your anal adventures.
The Top 5 Things Women Wish Men Knew About Sex
What makes a man a good lover? How can men have their partners begging for more and quivering at their very touch. Here are some handy pointers to send your lady to O-town again and again.
At what age do you have the best sex of your life?
Ever wondered what age you’ll be when you’re having the best sex of your life? The answer may surprise you...
Top 5 Sex Positions for G-Spot Stimulation
Let us help you find the elusive but incredible G-Spot with these awesome and fun-to-try sex positions!
How many sexual partners have you had...honestly?
The number of people you have slept with shouldn’t define you, no matter what gender you identify with or what your sexuality. If you are having an enjoyable time, respecting yourself and others, then the numbers don’t mean a thing.
Don't Be A Dick With Dick Pics!
Guys, when it comes to sending explicit photographs there are a few things you should think of first. Is it wanted? Is it necessary? And, if all the above is yes, does it look good?
Get your lover's motor running!
Get your lover's motor running with these steamy foreplay ideas for both guys and girls!