7 Things Gay Guys are Sick of Hearing
It goes without saying that, as a society on the whole, especially here in Australia, we've moved on from a lot of the super offensive ideas about gay men. You know, like they're evil paedophiles just itching to steal your kids, or that they can be (and indeed need to be) “cured” from their gayness, but there are still things that are said in every day conversations and comments that can be offensive and hurtful to them, and the entire LGBTQI community.
So, which one of you is the girl?
This is a dumb question. It's just... Dumb. I mean, in the most basic of reasoning it's dumb because the whole thing about gay is that NO-ONE is the girl (duh), but it's also playing into the stupid idea that heterosexual is the only “normal” and that anything that deviates from that is weird and wrong, and that in order for a relationship to work it must be male/female and not two people who love each other. It's like asking which chopstick is the fork. Dumb and irrelevant and makes you sound like a douche.
Gays want “special rights” and it's not fair!
Um. No. Just no. Equal rights, you know, like basic safety and the right to live and work and shop and marry where and whom you desire are not SPECIAL rights. They are just rights. It's the rights every single other person is afforded if their genitals are the opposite to that of their partners. There is nothing “special” about wanting to be safe and protected by the law.
How do you know you're gay if you've never even been with a woman?
Oh ffs. This question is so common and absolutely blows my mind when I've heard people say it. I mean, how do you know you're NOT gay if you've never fucked a bloke? Oh... Cos you just know? Cos you were born that way? Oh. Right. Thanks for clearing that up, Einstein.
You must be scared of getting AIDS
STIs should scare everyone. They are rampant in our society because of terrible sex education and the shame that is put on sexual people who are then afraid to go get help or tested. Yes, AIDS is a big thing... But if you honestly think gay men are unaware of the risks, and that the gay community have not spent the better part of 30 years educating and creating awareness within the community (because the schools and governments really don't give a fuck mostly) then you've probably been under a rock.
Be Afraid Of The GAY AGENDA!!
Yeah, the “gay agenda”. This odd scary phrase invented by homophobic politicians to scare the world into thinking gay people are coming in mass hoards to overthrow the status quo and force everyone into bum sex and sequins... Yeah, no. The “Gay Agenda” is pretty simple actually: Get equal rights. Live life like everyone else. Boom. That's it.
It's Against God's Plan
This one, for your run-of-the-mill atheist is pretty funny. Kind of like a hippy telling you they're gonna punch you in your aura... Okay... But on the side of logic (yes... I know... bear with me here) if, in fact, God is real. And the Bible is real. And the Bible tells us that God makes no mistakes... Then either it absolutely cannot be against God's plan because he made them and they exist... Or your God made a mistake and therefore how do we know that there aren't other mistakes in your religion like, say, all the other hatred you preach in his name, and perhaps you need a re-education in Bible studies...
I'm Cool With Gay People, As Long As They Don't Try And Hit On Me
Yeah, calm down, Casanova... What makes you think you're so special that a gay man would even be interested in you? Firstly your attitude is disrespectful so you lose points there, and secondly, the fact that you're so shitty and disrespectful probably means you'd announce at the drop of a hat “Hey I'm straight!” which is usually a pretty good sign for gay guys you're not into it. The thing is, it actually shows you're NOT cool with gay people. You're afraid of them. Which is what homophobia is. Get over it.
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