The Vulva Gallery

Illustration from the Vulva Gallery of a vulva made to look like a cat

Photo from the “The Vulva Gallery” used with permission from the very talented Hilde Atalanta

Hilde Atalanta is both an artist and an advocate for body positivity. Well, in particular one specific part of the female anatomy – the vulva. Her motto is “Love your vulva, because all vulvas are beautiful just the way they are.” 

In August 2016 Hilde started a project she called The Vulva Gallery in response to the enormous increase in labiaplasty amongst young women. The Vulva Gallery is a collection of images celebrating the vulva in all its glorious diversity. Hilde believes “No vulva-owning individual should have to undergo this [labiaplasty] just because they want their vulva to look like the ones they see on the internet (for example in porn), or like what they think other people expect them to look.” And with over 45k followers on Instagram the Gallery has certainly created a buzz with Hilde’s beautiful images which portray vulvas of all shapes, sizes and colours. 

"Your vulva is as beautiful as anyone else's. There is so much natural variation in how labia look: they can be long, tiny, thick, wavy, flappy, asymmetrical, curvy - and there is only one like you. Stop comparing yourself with others. Appreciate the natural body you have, because you are beautiful in your own unique way. Let's celebrate our diversity, instead of comparing and pointing at each other's flaws. We are beautiful. We are awesome!  Love yourself, and love your vulva, just the way it is."

Eva Sless discussed it in her blog post for us last year – A Labia Tale – and reminded us that because female pink bits are tucked away women don’t often see other women’s genitals and that means porn is sometimes their only reference point leading to many women worrying about if they are “normal”. 

Hilde told us “The only way to change the way (young) individuals experience their bodies, is to educate them and show them that diversity is beautiful. This is why I started making The Vulva Gallery.” Hilde is the primary artist for the gallery and it’s her beautiful images you will find on Instagram. 

And it’s not just the images which captivate, it’s her wonderful notes on each image which encourage the acceptance of body diversity.


Labia can have many different colors. Some are pink, others are light brown, very dark brown, reddish or purplish - and often it's a combination of colours (for example pink on the inside of the vulva, but darker purple or brownish on the external skin). Sometimes the colour of the labia is the same as the rest of someone's skin, but often they are lighter or darker. Those are all natural variations, and they are nothing to be worried or ashamed about. Love yourself, and love your vulva, because all vulvas are beautiful just the way they are! 💛 ✨ #thevulvagallery#vulva #vulvas #vulvaart #vaginaart #respecteachother #genderequality#freethevulva #transinclusivefeminism #bodylove #genderinclusivity#humananatomy #empowerment #feministartist #bodypositivity#bodypositive #bodypositivemovement #selflove #watercolor#watercolorpainting #watercolorillustration #labia #freethepussy #pubichair#pubichairdontcare #thehappyfeminist #loveyourself #hildeatalanta

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Why does Hilde use the term “vulva” rather than “vagina”? The vulva consists of the external part of the female genital organs. The vulva includes the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, bulb of vestibule, vulval vestibule, urinary meatus, greater and lesser vestibular glands, the vaginal opening, the pudendal cleft, sebaceous glands, the urogenital triangle (anterior part of the perineum), and pubic hair.


It’��s not OK for anyone to judge you on the way your vulva looks. Whether this is a sexual partner, a friend, your gynaecologist, or anyone else. We’�re all different, and vulvas come in so many different shapes, sizes and colours. They're as diverse as faces or body types - and we also don't expect those to be all the same. Do not worry about what other people say about what vulvas should look like in general, or what you see on the internet. Respect each other, and treat your (sexual) partners the way you'd like to be treated. If you’�re confident about your body and showing it to someone else, that’��s great. If you’��re not yet, that’��s ok too. Love your body, and love your vulva - because all vulvas are beautiful just the way they are 💛 ✨#thevulvagallery #vulva#vulvas #vulvaart #respecteachother #genderequality #freethevulva#transinclusivefeminism #bodylove #genderinclusivity #humananatomy#empowerment #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodypositivemovement#selflove #watercolor #watercolorillustration #labia #pubichair #loveyourself#hildeatalanta

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Hilde hopes that the gallery concept will contribute to the way people view body diversity and especially vulva diversity. You can also read stories and touching messages from people all around the world on The Vulva Gallery website.

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Comments (42)

  • Loveismylife
    That's why called pussy. ( Y ) . Love pussy any age.
  • Scorpioplay
    I personally like a nice tidy vagina and accept how she looks, I love lips to stroke, kiss & long soft sucking, big turn on for me
  • sunnyskies
    Well, I don't know what kind of porn ya'll are watching, but porn is exactly the only place I've seen variation in genital anatomy :p
    Yay for online smut! (And to people normalising body diversity)
  • Slavos
    Not sure I can comment for everyone here, but for my part, its not the look, its the feeling.
    If we really strip it back umm, our privates are not so glorious after all. Wiggly worm with a sack of nuts and a curious cleft with wrinkles?
    Throw a bit of feeling in and its, "Throbbing Manhood" and "Silky Smooth Tunnel of Love"
    All of us look at ourselves and judge, it's human nature to want greener grass.
    But trust me, once the gear is off and you are suitably "connected" everything is so f#*+ing wonderful!
  • Happy2.Share
    v. good articles. please women don't hurt yourselves for us men. I love pussy as they are, can someone let me have one please :)
  • edward491
    All vulvas' are beautiful so soft and suckable
  • ArfieIzaBugga
    I don't know what ALL the Fuss is "About"
    Every time I park my Vulva in Perth City ...
    " Get a goddam Parking Ticket" :=0
    How I Cope, I don't "Know" ;=)
  • Slida181
    I so agree with this. One interesting thing is that whilst lots of women may look at porn for comparisons, many just look at the magazines like pic or zoo.
    In order to meet Australian laws, where external showing external genitals crosses the line between porn and "non-porn" these "soft core" mags air brush out women's labia. This means that many women looking at these pic see women with no visible labia and therefore think that their labia is abnormal when it is for from it.
    I think pics such as this should have a notice that they are doctored so that women & girls know that the models are nothing like real woman......
  • Love.Doctor
    I've never been critical or judgemental regarding most things or topics in life but these self promotion/empowering articles usually by women for women get a little tiresome considering the one sided position taken by women. 9 out of 10 women judge and criticize penises like its an open right. There really is no equality or maturity shown.
    • liplover69
      Good point. However I have noticed a lot of girls don't enjoy big penises due to the pain. Through media its all big and dangly. Through face to face interaction it tends to be average.
    I get pissed off over the perfect VULVA or Perfect PENIS arguments.
    You have what you have so for F**K sake just ENJOY Your body for what it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edward491
    I don't judge on the size , shape, colour they all look beautiful and taste superb hairy or shaved that's the ladies prerogative could suck the pink bits for hours!!!!!
  • Leolady727
    So good to see, for a change, the proper terminology being used - it always annoys me when a vulva is described as a "vagina".
    They're all beautiful - shaved or natural, doesn't matter to me!
  • KaifraDuet
    The casts gallery at MONA in Hobart is really worth a look, growing all the time and attracting a lot of attention among younger women and girls I noticed each time I was there.
  • Hobow
    As a man I don't complain about how a woman looks down there, it's your body and you should be proud of it and love your body, it' should be the same as a man, I'm only 5 - 6in and thick and think my body is good but unfortunately a lot of you ladies want a man to be a lot bigger, I don't think there's a woman on here that's been rejected because of the look or size of her pussy but men are always rejected on the way there penis looks...
    • Melody2973
      Really ? Not all women are that shallow and you don't know they have been rejected for their vagina do you :) If a woman is like that she's not worth knowing :)
    • FriendlyGuy1965
    • Hobow
      Funny Medoly2973,
      That's exactly how your profile reads, I quote "decent size anatomy required, like you said that's shallow and exactly what I was talking about!!
    • Melody2973
      Honestly while some men lie about their size etc, I decided to add what I thought I some requirements for a laugh ;))), if that's ' shallow ' so be it ;), I've encountered my share of shallow men on here believe me :(
    • hornijan
      I'm sorry I am very fussy about how a penis looks.. It's not about the size but how they use it and work it... However there are some terrible looking cocks out there that I wouldn't have sex with even with someone else's pussy... We all have a choice in what we are looking for. I don't judge but I know what I like and don't like and I am fussy. This is a site for hooking up and I will hook up for my pleasure not their's so therefore it's my choice. I still answer most if my messages and I'm not unkind about it, I just decline the offer nicely...
    • Leolady727
      Hobow - I feel your pain. I prefer a man who is averagely-endowed ( 5- 6 1/5) but it seems that every SINGLE MAN on AMM has 8" or more and thick. During the years my ex and I were into swinging, I think I rarely, if ever, encountered an 8" cock but here they all are :-)
  • nativxxx
    ask the womban two guide you with pace nd then graduallee work twogetha nd xplore eachothers world then u can play out ur lovemakinn appreciatinn eachother?
  • manjoy
    Nothing better than a natural vulva with pubic hair, sorry but i hate when women shave that area. To me pubic hair on the pussy is the best, shaven just looks weird. But hey it's not mine or my place to say what they should do with it and those that shave it is up to them, i not saying don't do it just stating what i prefer in a woman. If women want to shave it that's their business and no one elses. :)
  • Archer4567
    From a man's prospective, now that most women have cleared the playground and you can see what is really going on down there, it is beautiful and everyone is different, don't change or wish for something different, it is part of you and makes the individual that you are. If a man does not want to spend a lot of time down there, making you happy and giving you pleasure, get rid of him.
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  • Melody2973
    I've seen more than most men being a Beauty therapist :), they vary considerably :)
    Embrace your own I say and if you aren't happy with it do whatever it takes to be happy I guess :)
    I'm stoked with mine ;),
  • LadyDragon
    So true, the fact that women, especially those who don't 'play', don't know what their genitals *should* look like. It's only since I've been a player that I've realised I don't have an ugly pussy... not what anyone ever said to me, just my idea of what my floppy bits should be like. Having 2 girl babies, those perfectly formed little genitals were all I'd ever seen... mine seemed like a monster compared to that!
    But thank you to those men who have since convinced me that 1) it isn't ugly, and 2) I'm perfectly normal, even "pretty" down there!!!
    NO ugly/big pussies, NO ugly/small cocks... it's all about how you use it!
    • trusted8
      Its yours kiddo and whatever it looks like (fortunately neat & lovely), make the most of what it does for you and I'm sure the men that get to play with it don't complain either...
  • Intimit1
    A great initiative & kudos at correctly naming the vulva, so many times even in sex positive pieces this beautiful part of a woman gets referred to as vagina.
    No two vulvas are the same & I'm rather French when it comes to them 'viva la difference' is my motto, I love the different shapes, sizes, colouring inherent in them, much like the women who they belong to. Loving women is loving all parts of them & judging them by any physical point of difference is so shallow as to not warrant any consideration.
    So ladies, be proud, be vulvalicious & Viva la Difference! (love how that rolls off the tongue, just like a sweet vulva!)
  • Titianslady
    We are all individuals just as men's cocks are all shapes and sizes our Vulvas are too. If anyone has the cheek to critise another's I'd give them a boot up their individual ass and send them packing.
    Variety is the spice of life if we were all the same what a boring world it would be. look at the myriad different styles of fleshlight on the market vulvas in all shapes and sizes. I think it's exaggerated about how many woman are having this operation. The Porn Stars seem to celebrate their individuality rather than all look alike and if you've looked that closely at a vulva on a porn flick for gods sake get out their and get a life. My only other comment is that most I've glanced at are shaven/waxed/lasered perhaps there is the similarity.Sorry one more comment, most men are fixated on this body part and crave to worship it in its many diverse forms perhaps it's a woman thing to want to change it.?
  • 1DoorMan
    You are all different so be proud of what you have . I male love all except for the trees above don't like picking them outta the throat all bald for me. And my better half has a magnificent out-ti bald as my head just beautiful .
  • TullWeMeet
    I think the female form is absolutely beautiful in all it's shapes and forms and I realise that sometimes we may wish things were a little different especially when comparing ourselves to the perceived "Norm" being stuffed down out throats all the time but we mustn't let these perceptions control us, we need to learn to accept and embrace these differences, everyone is individual and what makes us who we are!
    To all you women out there, you're all beautiful and stunning and I love your vulva just the way it is!!!!!
    • FriendlyGuy1965
      Well said mate. I feel sad when i hear or read that some women have their
      vulva altered purely due to their partner's request and NOT because they
      wanted the procedure(s) done for themselves first. Even more sad when young ladies/girls feel pressure from peers or images in magazine /adult videos that they do not fit the "norm" .So ,so sad...
  • trusted8
    I can understand why some women would want to alter their vulva....especially if they feel its look doesn't fit in with the rest of their body. Its all about perception, and if by chance they may have been questioned by another, whether it be a guy or a girl when being naked as to "its look/shape/size". This may have planted the seed of doubt in their mind with them investigating the idea of altering it. No different, as to altering their nose/lips/breasts/thighs/bum/tummy/or any other part. We need to be sympathetic and careful when criticising or commenting on anothers body image and encourage them for what and who they are.
    • Slida181
      Hey Trusted... But the main issue with this is that women don't know what normal is and when they look at "soft core" porn the pics have been doctored to remove labia. So they don't really know that they are really normal. I think part of the process should be for Plastic Surgeons to show a prospective patient, what a "normal" vulva (as in lots of pics of the range in normal) looks like as part of the process....
      The other issue is that (and I have a friend who went through the procedure) unlike a nose, or ears, labiaplasty can impact on sexual pleasure. That shouldn't be taken lightly.....
  • 1964kaptain
    Ladies if someone does not love your vulva for how it is, move on. You want a man not a boy.
    I wish porn did not distort the perception of the perfect pussy.
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