How to give the perfect hand job
Penises can be just as complex and sensitive as vaginas and it’s important to know how to touch them to give the most enjoyment. Here’s some tips on how to give the perfect hand-job!
10 Photos Guaranteed to Impress Her More than a Dick Pic
We reached out to women and asked them what were the photos guys could send instead of a dick pic to impress them and we've compiled their top 10 responses.
Sex Positions 101: the Good, the Bad & the Downright Uncomfortable
With every sex position comes new sensations, new exploration, and new intimacy. But sometimes, even the most popular of sex positions can have a down side.
How to deal with mismatched desire (in a relationship)
Are you in a relationship where one of you has much more sexual desire than the other? Sex therapist Cat O Dowd says you don’t need to be stressed out because one of you wants sex more than the other.
Are You Guilty of these Seven Deadly Sex Sins?
When it comes to modern-day relationships, let’s look at common sexual misdeeds, committed by both men and women – after all, it takes two to make truly spectacular sex.
There's More to Sex than Penetration
Sex is so much more than a penis entering a vagina, and so much better! Here's some of our favourite ways to play that involve no penetration at all.
7 Things People with Disabilities are Sick of Hearing
One of the biggest myths surrounding people with disabilities is that they aren't interested in, or deserving of, sex and sexual intimacy. Our sexpert Eva explains why.
How Do You Finger a Woman?
The vagina and all its bits are a curious and delicate system of folds and nerves and deliciousness and requires far more care than a bit of rough poking! Read our tips on how to finger a woman.
WTF is Compersion and do you practice it?
When it comes to non monogamous relationships, there are a million different varieties... But most share one thing in common ... compersion. So what is compersion, and do you practice it?
How to Maintain Passion in a Long Distance Relationship
Long distance relationships are far more common than they ever have been before. So how do you keep the fires of passion burning when you’re not in the same room?