3 Reasons Why Morning Sex is the Best Sex

Couple in bed cuddling after having morning sex

We have spoken at length on the AMM blog about how good sex is for your physical health, your mental well-being, and your life in general, and we truly believe the more sex you have, the better life can be all round! Starting your day with a good round of orgasmic loving is definitely a great way to make your entire day shine! Here are our top three reasons why early morning sex can sometimes be the best sex!

1. Leave Your Joggers Under The Bed

Forget getting up early to slog away at the gym or go for a run in the cold/foggy/rainy/too bright/too early/too outside-y outdoors. Put your Lycra away and opt for a full nude workout in the bedroom instead. Even a slow, lazy shag can get the blood pumping and the heart-rate up which is great for both heart and lung function as well as speeding up the metabolism which can help assist in weight loss and energy. A good sweaty, fast session is a fantastic cardio work out and can help stretch out tired achy muscles and reboot your system ready for a full day of work ahead.

2. Get Out Of Bed On The Right Side

As well as all the fantastic exercise benefits, the releasing of endorphins and chemicals into the body that come from sex have been scientifically proven to directly influence mood in positive ways. You feel less anxious and more confident, and it can help you deal with all the little stresses of the day. The residual endorphins floating around your body from a good morning orgasm can help make that meeting with the boss, or that final uni exam just a bit easier to deal with, and never underestimate the positive effect a good mental flashback can have if you feel like you need to recharge during the day.

3. Increased Intimacy and Stronger Connections

All sex has the ability to create bonds of closeness and feelings of connection, but there’s something about morning sex that seems to increase it. Maybe it’s the fact that you’re already so close, having been asleep next to each other all night, your bodies have been connected in unconsciousness for hours. Maybe it’s the rawness of the two of you; sleep hair, puffy eyes, yesterday’s smudged mascara, mumbled morning words. Maybe it’s because they become the very first thing you see and think of and touch when you wake from slumber… Whatever it is, the snuggly, warm, sleepiness of morning sex is a beautiful way to connect and share and start your day in the most positive way.

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