10 Photos Guaranteed to Impress Her More than a Dick Pic

Sexy man with stubble in bed looking at his phone choosing a photo to send his girlfriend

We reached out to women and asked them what were the photos guys could send instead of a dick pic to impress them and we've compiled their top 10 responses. 

1. What you're reading (bonus points if it's something we've read)

2. What you're cooking (bonus points that you actually cook)

3. Your pet (bonus points if it's a rescue)

4. Your new ink

5. Your ink and your dog in the same photo


A post shared by Mack (@mack_le_staffie) on

6. You with your besties (we like to know you have a life offline and real friends)


A post shared by Chris (@itsjustchrishere) on

7. What you're passionate about (bonus points if it's scary shit and you're really good at it)


A post shared by Louder Than 11 (@louderthan11) on

8. That you're willing to do some manscaping before you hook up

9. What to expect if you go back to his place (what's the address?)


A post shared by Cristian Pena (@cpwears) on

10. That you're still in bed and wish she was with you

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Comments (92)

  • KinkyDude50
    Looka like having a pic of someone who is not ripped is not recommended for impressing anyone.
  • shortnfeisty
    I totally agree, why must guys only post pic off there cocks & close up ones.... Is that there only attractive feature they have?
    I love seeing a face or a lovely chest, sexy butt & even the pic did include a dick I have no issue with it
    And when you ask to put up a face shot & you haven't even chatted them to only for only 1 min..... They say I cant put one on here, but I can send you a email and after you say to them, sorry not interested. Low and behold a photo appears
    I am happy to share my pic & my pg on here but there had to be a connection the person or People that I chat with
    • justforfun558
      I agree there has to be a connection. I'm big on face pics. I don't mind if a guy has cock pics but I hate it when the first thing a guy asks me is if I have any pussy pics. Obviously that's all some guys are interested in. And don't let pics fool you. I've seen some great cock pics, until....the guy opens his mouth and starts chatting lol. Once I hear what comes out of some mouths, forget the cock pic. Same goes for meeting in person. I've met guys with great cocks but no personality, or worse, a horrific personality. Vice versa, I've met men with not so great cocks, but a great personality. I guess it depends what you're looking for, just physical fun or something deeper.
  • SexyTay123
    That's actually really true
  • bitchonheat97
    Personally i love body and cock pics... but i must see a face pic..
    Otherwise it does not interest me at all.
    We have pussy a cock pic in our public gallery and and faces in private..
    gallery ..
    Under any circumstances they only show me cock ..to me it like pffft who cares.. theres no connection for us and will not meet
    • Trythishard1
      Exactly... that's what the photo galleries are there for.... it's just rubbish that people think a photo of a guy holding a cute puppy in a childcare centre has more opportunities than a guy with nice cock pics. Laughable!
    • bitchonheat97
      I agree with you trythishard1
      And beside i wont show a face pic till someone is genuine and keen..
      To me face pics are for private. .. if i have face pic on public then my home local town people would know what i get upto..
      No to mention there alot of weirdos and stalkers you have to protect your self from..
      Anyway thats my view..
    • motorcade
      I like a cock shot since I'm not on here for a relationship. And I know the angle tricks now !
  • TK42I
    OK. This is good. I'm going to change things.
    Thanks for posting.
  • FabulousMinx
    Yes yes yes. There is nothing sexier that being able to see a gorgeous face or body. As a women I love to see who has messaged me. Save the sexy pics for when we start sharing photos and it sends a women crazy. Just my opinion xx
  • Trythishard1
    I don't really care if people like dick pics or not... I do, and I'll put whatever makes me happy in my profile. I would rather people be true to themselves than to build a profile around what they think others want to see. That's just fake..... I have Face pics in my private gallery, but if someone is more likely to meet me if I have a pic holding a dog or any of these other suggestions, quite frankly, I pity them. :-)
    • freogirl66
      so what makes you different then? all men have a dick?
      The idea behind other kinds of pics is to show something of your personality. Women tend to need to trust a guy before taking the next step. Just a pic of your dick can be pretty confronting and puts out the message that you see a female as just being a vessel for your load, which maybe she is, but most don't want to feel that way.
      I look at it this way. Sites like AMM are a virtual pub or party. If you met a guy at a pub and he got his tackle out, you would most likely be offended and back away. Rarely would someone ask to see your cock before they decided to have a convo with you, even if it's a typical one night stand.
      You see so many dicks on these sites, you just become so desensitized. You end up looking for lesions and rashes, because what else can you tell from a dick pic?
    • Trythishard1
      I have plenty of face pics in my private gallery so not sure what the issue is, and an adult website is nothing like a pub or club. How ridiculous.
    • Leolady727
      Actually, AMM is called an "Adult Dating Site" - however, we all know by now that you think that your dick is something special. Your comments actually show that you have no respect for women - i.e. you think that all you have to do is show your dick. There are actually many people on here who are interested in some intellectual connection but I guess that is beyond your ken.
    • Trythishard1
      Thought you'ld have your 2 cents worth Leo lol. It's funny, I had 3 messages from females yesterday saying how hot my cock was so as always, your comments are insignificant and delusional. If you think having cock pics and being proud of them is disrespecting women, it's not me who has issues.
    • SassySandy
      freogirl.......OMG!!!!! I was in stitches reading your comment on dick pics....SOOOO FUNNY!!!!
  • Meetoconnect
    Very tasty pics, albeit rarely seen and met on this site!!
    Prefer to see both guys and girls from a wider lense, not interested in close in dick, pussy or titty shots whatsoever. !!
  • SassySandy
    AWESOME PICS!!!!! of hunky guys.....mmmmmmm....WHAT A TURN ON!!!!!!! Not to mention the gorgeous pets....
  • Leolady727
    I absolutely HATE dick pics. Cocks have their uses but they're not exactly pretty and, really, if that's all a guy has to show, I'm not interested.
    What a like to see is a facial picture, preferably smiling (there are many "selfies" on here that look like mug shots). If the guy has a beard, all the better. Tatts, however, are a real turn-off.
  • gchappy
    My (now!) wife said that the pic that got her in the door on the dating site was of me lawn bowling with a beer in one hand and the caption "Can do two things at once". Fully clothed, mind you... Combine fun and a little mystique and you have a great photo...
  • MissThatTouch
    A little off-topic sorry AMM - but, has anyone out there read the book in #1? - I follow the author of that book Mark Manson on social media (haven't read the book yet though) and I love how his mind works. That photo would 'work' for me, for sure haha because it gives me an insight into the guys mind, if that's the book he's reading right now! :)
    • Dipindhorizon81
      u gotta just send pic of book. doesnt say u need to read it. these are tips to get her in bed. as itds says better pics than dick pick. unless she ask for it
    • MissThatTouch
      These are tips on photos to impress/attract, aside from using dick pics. Im just saying this one would attract me..because of the book itself...if he's read this book/this authors work, theres a chance that I'll like how how his mind works (the mind is a very attractive feature, to me) :)
  • prettypickycpl
    Baaahahaaa.. just reading all the comments and you all have a valid point.. I guess it just comes down to who's interested in what which the profile photo generally summarises.. if u show pussy then that's all your offering.. if you show your rod.. then maybe it's your only asset.. different strokes for different folks.. personally, I've disabled adult content because I really can't appreciate a rod until I've developed respect for its owner and opening up my messages with what resembles sea urchins (of male and female form) really doesn't do it for me. Happy browsing.. xxx
    • plunderedheart
      It's easy to say that, but having joined this site as largely an experiment and having experimented with all types of pics from my pets to books to smiling selfies... I've had by far the most interest expressed when my "asset" photos were up.
      I would imagine the reason for the popularity of "asset" photos is because others (both men and women) have had the same experience.
      We all like to think we're above liking someone for their assets and will publicly express the fact, but when the ball is in play and our humility isn't at stake the bottom line is it's a sex site and it's the sex that sells.
    • HappyCple569
      What plunderedheart said, spot on
  • claudius.caesar
    Similar comment could be made about the ladies. The spread flaps, "here it is boys" pic may have its place, but for me the lingerie shot or something a bit more teasing is better. Maybe still have the more explicit ones but keep them in the private gallery for when the connection is established?
  • TessyAurora
    Whatever photos you gorgeous boys are putting out there, whether your super hunks or cuddly bears... think about your backgrounds. Yes, we look at your backgrounds!! To name a few... unclean bathrooms, messy bedrooms, toilets (or worse sitting on toilet seat or next to urinal are all turns offs. Well at least for me. Be creative, or in the very least, put down a black satin sheet and at least make it look like your a sex god. Happy snapping.
    • Thedadbod
      Hey TessyAurora...what do you mean you don't find toilets a turn on....lol, couldn't agree more. A bit of an effort to perspective hook-ups can go a long way that goes for the girl's as well. I have seen plenty of shocking backrounds and instantly thought "ummmmm, you could have moved the personal hygiene products first".... I love your profile pic! Every time i see it it makes me want to pop open a bottle of champagne! I generally the girls have it over the guy's on the creativity side we(i'm referring to me) just can't get it right...i am trying though! I know what your thinking start with my profile pic, right? Thats just time poor hehehe!
      I would love to see the expression on his face after the dog farted while he's lying on it. That would be more realistic!!!!
  • Playtime.mmmm
    Females tend to luv the element of secrecy, The sneaky hopping out of the shower n the towel just barely covering things. Laying in bed n the sheet hasn't quiet slipped far enough. Gets our mind racing, not to mention the hormones.
    As for the profiles that have just 5 dic pics. Quick wheres the next profile. Most of us want more than just a cock. Its the persona, the chemistry the attraction.
    Im not against dic pics at all, just give us some of the person behind the dic as well.
  • AdamandCynthia
    Dam you have found unrealistic pic's how is the average guy compete with that. Try real men not models I love my dog's and love adrenaline sports like skydiving and stuff but I am no super model like those guys. Keep it real
  • badthoughts63
    But what if you don't like dogs? I like cats.
  • Austphil
    Ok all you fail to give us is the name of a good plastic surgeon, so we can ll look like the male models in the pictures and a personal trainer. Replace the guys in the pictures with the average guy on amm and we all can have good laugh. After that we can rent a condo on the top floor, grow a beard and get stupid tattoos, buy a dog and shave off our pubes. How is it women have none of these things on their profiles? Oh sorry forgot, I am wasting my time If I don't agree with you, so I should delete this now.
  • 2ringround
    Hmmmm... well it seems like I'm doomed....!! No pets, no tatts, no 6 pack, no upper level apartment, no buff mates, not a rock climber.... but I do read and cook and manscape... me thinks 3/10 isn't going to grab the ladies... bummer....
    • HappyCple569
      Maybe just a picture might help, no picture and we don't bother going any further. Why are people so frightened of putting up pictures? it is possible to use pictures where you can not be identified. Maybe there is a reason, their partners might recognise them lol.
    • 2ringround
      Well I don't think my exs would be here so I'm not hiding from them...haha...
      Women's pics are sooo much betterer than anything I can produce of myself.
      If someone views my profile I will (mostly) reply with a "thanks for looking" message and access to PG.... That's usually enough to end conversations... haha..
  • Jumpontop1990
    Ok ladies, are my pics on here ok? I have various types. Let me know please if you have ideas on what other pics I should add.
  • cowgaluvoldrmen
    Yes to an extent but hey who doesn't like a nice rod photo lol
    I love no 2, 4, and 10
    Lol some dik pics boring lol or just yuk
    It's also nice a guy knows what he wants what he likes and doesn't mind the woman the same
    But eyes n smile work tooo
  • freogirl66
    A dick pic is always a deal breaker to me, but I'm not a fan of ink either. Chest/shoulder pics, doing something interesting pics (surfing, travel etc) or smiles are the best - love the idea of a guy in bed - that's pretty sexy
  • 9inchofun
    Well i hate tattoos for a start. Is it me or does every one of those pics look completely staged, set up and fake?
    • KinkyGirl101
      They're all Instagram posts aren't they. Real people but obviously with filters, etc. There's no reason a guy can't be creative and impress with his photos.
  • FullMast
    Hmmmm......... lovely theory... but my experience says the exact opposite.
    Look at any mainstream dating site and these kinds of pics are a dime a dozen..... to the point of being cliched ..... the only exception being a decent face pic with a warm smile. Even the pics in this article are so geared towards hipster chic that all they tell you is that you're going to be dating a sheep.
    I'll stick with what works for me. :)
    • freogirl66
      Yet u claim nobody is serious about meeting?
    • FullMast
      Many on here are not 'freogirl66'.... a lot of people... especially men from what I've been told, make arrangements and balk at the last moment. That's not about their pics.... that's about their character. It's easy to be full of bravado when you're hiding behind a keyboard.
      I'm on here because I love sex. Not to meet a life partner. I don't judge anyone for their choice of pics. We all have different reasons for posting what we do. For me, given the nature of my employment, any disclosure of my face is unthinkable, so I make the best of what I've got.
      My experiences have been pretty good over the years..... and 'yes', I've definitely been 'winked' by people that have a clear 'no dic pics' policy. :)
    • freogirl66
      I must be doing something wrong - I've never had a man balk at the last minute, and I have never done that to someone else. I've been on here for 11 years. Perhaps I just build up a better level of communication before we agree to meet, which never involves "Oh can I see your dick before we move to the next level?"
    • FullMast
      @freogirl66 : I'm not sure that it's a competition you know!
      I'm happy for you if every experience has been a positive one...... not sure that it's got anything to do with dic pics though. :)
  • Bumcakes
    I don't get much value out of the chat groups on AMM. What I do love is reading the comments that people make on these articles. I love the intelligent & erotic thinking you folks offer here. Thanks!
    • AMM.Editor
      You've nailed what a lot of members don't realise. Comments can make or break you, they are a true insight into what sort of person is behind the profile. We've had guys blocked based on their comments and others who have been favourited based on their reactions. Ditto for the girls.
  • Thedadbod
    And that's what I look like when i wake up! I have a coffee machine next to my bed (rather that the kids sprawled over the bed).
  • Insatiable177
    Hopefully this will be read and put in to practice
  • smartshoes
    Lol if I wanted a shallow relationship or a quick hump why don't we mention our bank account to really sell our selves ? Winner
    • Michka2016
      I'm confused. How is sharing a dickpic less shallow ... or indicative you want more than a "quick hump"?
      Dicks are great. I love them. Especially if they're long, thick, hard & cut. But I am really bored with dickpics. There's this great thing called Google if I'm gagging to see a cock. What I want is to see is a bit more about the man behind it. This is what this article is trying to convey.
      And no, I don't give a rat's what your bank balance is. But the ability to 'buy a gal a drink first' will help a guy past 1st base. Understanding a bit more women (more broadly) will help a guy past 2nd.
  • KinkyChops
    You nailed it but I am sure there are plenty of brain dead nymphos out there who still like a dick pic. My favourite is the dog pic. A man who loves animals tells me a lot.
  • Tigerlily2034
    Now fellas, I do like a dick pic however, I know there's more of you!
    I like to see more of the man attached to it.
    I love creativity, visual imagery and writing.
    Use it show me more about yourself.
    • MissThatTouch
      I'm with you....the more creative the better - in his pics, his profile, and/or message(s)/approach to me. Dick pics are everywhere on this site...show me one that gives me a giggle/teases me a little - a cheeky head peeking out the top of his trunks/a bedsheet, a tip peeking out the zipper of his jeans, or showing the shadow/shape of it below his underwear, a body shot in a colourful pair of trunks..nice.. - that definitely grabs me more than 'just another standard all-out, dick pic'. A nice bare chest/torso pic does it for me too (and no he doesn't have to be ripped or a killer 6-pack), more than a penis shot does. Leave whats under the jeans, for me to discover or my mind to wander to whats under there...and grab me with showing me how your mind works - make me smile cheekily, or intrigued when looking at/reading you, and that'll give you a closer chance to your foot in the door...so to speak lol.
  • Michka2016
    A bearded & inked up man with a dog, food & a book in bed - all in the same shot. Now that would get me in a lather :-)
  • SammyJO4
    Totally agree, any and all of them would be great options. Also face pics that show his smile and eyes always a big hit.
  • SouthernErotic
    Be interesting to see some of these same pics, but with "normal everyday guys", rather than the gym fit models that have been used in these staged pics , , , Just saying.
    (not including the steak and dogs in that of course, before someone says something, lol)
    • DaveSolo
      Agree completely.
    • Heer.we.are
      Perfectly said. Why does every pic have to be without a shirt on either? Don't they own any?
    • Thedadbod
      You said it hotwifeSA...Hey heeriam...Shirts must be very expensive in fantasyland!!! If we all had nothing else to do than go to the gym six hours a day then three hours a night we all cold look like that....sh1t i still cant grow a beard like that! Maybe i have evolved further from the Neanderthal period?
    • Robbyg352
      So do I Hot wife, what about us older fellas pushing 60, who live in the real world, I wouldn't sleep with a male dog he'd be licking mine instead of his own
  • Malejust4u
    Great and inspiring stuff. This is more of what I am interested in and would love to see. The complete individual and/or couple experiencing the quality and excitement/s of life. Bring it on "Guys"
    • allinmymind
      Some try to say that the sex part is the excitement and all else is boring. I guess it depends on what people are looking for. The comments seem more like relationships.
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