There's More to Sex than Penetration
Sex. What fun it is! If we listen to basically everything and everyone over the past thousand years you’ll know two things. One, sex is icky and bad (especially for women to do) and will lead you down the path straight to hell… and two, sex is the act of putting a penis in a vagina, moving it in and out, and ending in a sticky explosion and a cigarette.
If you’ve ever actually HAD sex you’ll probably know those two things are bullshit.
Just to brush over the first point, sex is not icky at all. It’s fun, funny, good for your health, and no matter what gender you are, you can have as much of it as you want and still be a decent, normal, not-going-to-hell person.
As for the second point, that can take a bit more time to break down and explore, so let’s do that right now.
PIV Is Not The Only Way To Play
One point is key in all of this: Sex is NOT just the act of penis in vagina (PIV). Firstly that counts out every single lesbian and gay man as ever having had sex, and I can guarantee you they’ll have something to say about that, and secondly, if that’s what you truly believe sex to be about, then I’m really sorry both for you, and whoever it is you’ve been having sex with.
I also need to add that sexuality is only one reason why PIV might not be possible between people. There are heaps of other reasons why someone may not be able to, or want to, have penetrative sex, but who still enjoys, or wants to enjoy, a healthy and satisfying sex life.
Endometriosis, for example, is a debilitating, painful disease of the reproductive organs in women. It can lead to all sorts of menstrual and reproductive issues, and is most commonly known for its pain. Like excruciating pain that can become doubled or tripled when having sex, and for some women with the disease the act of orgasming is one of extreme pain, and not pleasure at all.
Erectile dysfunction for whatever reason can interrupt penetrative sex, as can so many other issues, either medical or psychological. None of this, however, means that you can never have or enjoy sex again. It just means changing your mindset a bit and thinking outside the box (pun not intended).
The Whole Of It
Sex is, without trying to sound wanky, holistic. It is mind body and soul. It is hands, mouths, and words. It is the coming together of two (or more) people intimately and sexually and with the view to connect on a personal and intimate level… And a penis never even has to enter a vagina to experience it.
Touch & Scent
Touch is so important to humans. It connects us and comforts us. It lets us know we are not alone in the word. Just the simple act of hugging someone can release a bucket of chemicals and endorphins into our brains and bodies that give us an overall feeling of well-being and safety. The act of massage and intimate touching is a really nice way to connect to a partner, to relax them and make them feel loved, safe and sexy. In sexual play, massage can be a beautifully intimate way of connecting. Oils and scents combined can create gorgeous feelings of sexiness and love and, when delicately applied and rubbed all over, can be very satisfying for both partners. Try massage oils that warm up, or have scents you both enjoy. Massage candles (a warm, drizzly oil over the skin which is not too hot at all) are so much fun too, and add another, romantic element into a sensual massage.
Oral sex is awesome. Like super awesome. It's sexy and fun and, for some people, can be even more enjoyable than penetrative sex. Flavoured lubes and condoms can turn it into a slurpy delicious affair, and adding things like cock-rings, penis sleeves, vibrators and other implements into the mix can make it even better! Teasing someone with the soft, warm, wetness of your mouth is the ultimate in intimacy and can illicit sensations and stimulation like no other act can.
Seriously though, how good is porn? Like sure, some porn is better than other porn, and some does absolutely nothing to turn me on, whereas other porn can have an instant effect on the inside of my pants. Like okay, anal gaping ain’t really my thing… But it’s someone’s, and I can guarantee you, no matter what you’re into there’s porn about it, and you can find it without too much trouble. It’s not just porn in the whole “visual” thing either. Dressing up for your partner. Taking sexy photos together. Discovering new materials and elements to lingerie. For example a pair of fishnet stockings versus a pair of latex ones. The sensations and look and feel and everything is different… But both can be incredibly sexy. Sexy costumes is another fun visual way to play sexy without having actual sex. And the memories of the images can be excellent for your later spank bank.
What about other visual fun too? Watching your partner touch and play with themselves is ultra sexy, as is the sending of sexy videos to each other.
Sound & Thoughts
There’s nothing quite so sexy as someone whispering you their wants and desires. Telling someone exactly how you feel, or how you want to be touched can be a really sexy way of communicating. Write little erotic notes and stories to each other. Find erotica online that suits your preferences and read them out to each other. Slow, sultry sexy music is always a great accompaniment to massage and sexual touch, as is just listening to the sounds and breathing of your partner when they are aroused. Texts, sexts, shared eye-contact moments across a crowded room. These are all beautiful, non sex ways to show affection in an erotic way. And none of them require your genitals at all!
We DO Need Re-Education
The thing is, until we start to reposition our thoughts and concepts about what sex actually is, the majority of education, information and knowledge gathering about it will be flawed and misinterpreted and misunderstood. The idea that one can only have sex with one’s genitals is slowly becoming outdated and questioned by experts and amateurs alike and I for one applaud it. For whatever reason you may not be having PIV sex, whether it’s personal, medical, physical, or ethical, it doesn’t mean you can’t express yourself sexually, be sexually confident and positive, or have sex in any of the ways spoken about here, or anywhere else.
Sex is a very personal thing, and it’s not up to me or anyone else to tell you you’re doing it “wrong” because you do it differently to me. Use the words and language that feels comfortable to you, and if using the word sex feels right for whatever actions you and your partner(s) do, then it absolutely is sex, and fuck (obviously not literally) anyone who says differently.
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