5 Essential Items to Pack for a Hookup
One Night Stands and Hook Ups can be awesome! A great way to get a bit of mutual orgasmic fun with no or few strings attached. It’s important to make sure you have everything you need though, and while you may think that’s a pretty obvious list, we’ve come up with a few more items that some people just don’t think of when heading out for a bit of nookie. So next time that cute AMM girl or that dude you met at the pub sends you a “Netflix and Chill?” text, have a quick look over our checklist to make sure you’ve got everything you need to have a good, fun and, most importantly, safe time.
1. Condoms/Dams/Lube/Baby Wipes
The sex-entials. Seriously. Do not have sex without these items handy. It may seem self explanatory, but you’d be surprised the number of times I’ve heard people rocking up to a playmate’s house for a bit of a roll in the hay, and there are no condoms in the house! It’s a really good idea to carry more than a couple on you, and it’s also a good idea to carry a mix of latex and non-latex ones, just in case the person you’re intimate with has a sensitivity. Dams (a thin square of latex used for oral sex on women and rimming) are slowly becoming more commonly used and although not heaps of girls use them or want them used on them, it’s still a really good idea to have a couple just in case. It won’t hurt, and it could be the difference between some good licking, and none at all.
Lube too is an essential part of sex and can turn a not-so-comfortable moment into one of slippery-slidey goodness and fun. The best and most versatile option is water-based as these are usually non-staining and less chemical heavy than some silicone ones. Water-based is also a LOT easier to clean up if it gets on clothes or bedsheets. Baby Wipes are pretty obvious, but often forgotten! It’s just a really quick way to give yourself a surface clean if you need to freshen up after the fun.
2. Mints and Breath Freshener
Again, pretty self explanatory, but it’s a good quick fix way to make sure the garlic prawns you had at dinner before they texted don’t make too much of an appearance during your time together. They’re also appreciated for that initial morning greeting if you happen to stay the night, and a little bit of a sugar fix is always good in high energy situations. I’ve seen a few of these lists around and they often mention packing a travel toothbrush and toothpaste, but I disagree with this for a couple of reasons. One, mints and chewy you can just chuck in your bag and not worry too much if the pack breaks and the contents spill (a few loose mints versus a splodge of toothpaste…. I know what I’d rather) and two, and perhaps most importantly, while brushing your teeth is a brilliant way to get fresh breath, it’s also a fast way to create a bunch of tiny open wounds in your mouth. Like some so small you don’t even notice them… But the perfect size for an STI to slip through into your bloodstream… And while all uncovered oral sex comes with risk, the risk is far greater if access to the bloodstream is possible.
3. Spare Money/Transport Ticket to get Home
Whether it’s a train or a cab, sometimes the Stride of Pride home costs a bit of money and you don’t want to end up stuck on the other side of town with no way of getting home. Having an Uber account can be a good, cashless way to always be able to get a ride, but that doesn’t work for everyone, and sometimes the good ol’ PT way is the best and most effective way to travel. Always make sure you have enough change to get a ticket home and try not to rely on your hook-up friend to give you a lift or pay for your transport. If you’re a regular traveller on public transport, make sure you have your Myki/Opal/Equivalent card and that it’s topped up with enough $ so you don’t end up stranded.
4. Phone Charger
It’s super important you’re able to communicate with people, call cabs, text your check-in buddy (you should always have a check in buddy, especially if you’re hooking up with someone you don’t know all that well), and basically have access to the outside world. Make sure you have a phone charger with you that fits your phone because you can’t always rely on other people to have the same phone connections as you. You can also get portable battery packs that can charge your phone while you’re away from a power source and they’re a really good idea. I have a spare charger that stays in my bag wherever I go so I am never caught short, regardless of if I am at work, at the shops, or with friends… wherever.
5. Fresh Undies
Up until very recently, almost everywhere I went, no matter where or what time it was, I had a spare pair of knickers in a zip lock bag in my bag. There is a rather long and funny story attached to the reasoning (cut short, I once had my knickers, bra and stocking absolutely ruined by a client’s dog at a sex work job) but I was surprised at the number of times I actually ended up using them! Hook-ups and one-night-stands, as well as just random sleep-overs at friend’s houses, and the unfortunate moments my cycle decided to show it’s face when I wasn’t expecting it. It really was a godsend so many times. I also think, along with the baby wipes, that a clean, fresh pair of undies, is the best way to deceive yourself into “freshness” and “definitely not seedy” at least until you can get home and freshen up properly.
So there’s our checklist. Designed to make sure you have fun, stay safe, and get home without too much hassle. Remember to always practice safe sex, and always tell a friend where you’re going and who you will be with. Check you have all our essential items and then all that’s left is to head out, meet your hook-up, and have fun!
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