Our DIY Strap On Harness Guide
Take a class in DIY and learn how to make the perfect strap-on kit for those pegging and girl on girl experiences
Does Summer Penis Phenomenon really exist?
Do penises experience seasonal dick fluctuation? We researched the phenomenon referred to as “Summer Penis”. So what does it mean and does it actually exist?
A guide to playing with piercings
While definitely not a new craze, there is absolutely a huge new prevalence in body piercings of the sexual kind. So how exactly do you play with piercings and touch them to get the most enjoyment out of them?
Everything you need to know about sex in water
While it looks great in movies and music videos, actually having sex in water can be a lot more different and difficult than it seems... Our sexpert explains.
Is blowjob one word or two?
Want a laugh? Read our fave tweets and replies to the age old question, “Is blowjob one word or two?”
Sexy vs Sex Appeal
What's the difference between sexiness and sex appeal? It turns out that these two are very different concepts, although they look similar!
Are big boobs better?
If you get most of your sex information from porn, you probably think big boobs are the be all and end all of breast size and preference. But is that really the case? Are big boobs better?
What is Jealousy?
Jealousy is the label we use when something we have is threatened by someone else, but using this label can stop us from understanding what we’re really feeling. So, what is jealousy?
Putting on the Porn Star Moves
Want to put on a show or just add some new tricks to your bedroom performance? Our sexpert shares some tips to putting on the porn star moves.
What motivates men to send dick pics?
Every minute of every hour a deluge of disembodied dicks are transmitted to the mobile devices of unsuspecting women. It’s the smart phone era mystery - what motivates men to send dick pics?