Does Summer Penis Phenomenon really exist?

Naked man on a beach in summer holding a sun hat to hide his penis

We love those long, hot lazy beach days filled with sand, surf, good friends and apparently an enlarged willy! Yep, anecdotal evidence suggests that there is a phenomenon called “Summer Penis” which causes your penis to engorge when it’s hot. 

So are Aussie men experiencing seasonal dick fluctuation and becoming showers rather than growers?

The phenomenon was first documented back in 2016 during the UK heatwave when a man posted on that thought provoking online forum Reddit asking if anyone experienced “bigger dick in summer and smaller in winter”. He explained, “Anybody notice size fluctuation during the year? I know mine is bigger, I have better erections in the summer and I also tend to be more of a shower instead of a grower. In the winter, it is the exact contrary. Why is that? More heat = better blood flow?" Many guys were quick to respond sharing their theories and reporting that the heat added not only girth and stronger erections but inches and feeling weightier, and all of them very happy that the warmer weather gave them more of a bulge in their tighty whities.

And whilst the internet decided it was a thing, the apparent increase could occur due to a combination of factors:

  • When it’s cold outside your body tries to maintain it’s heat by contracting, so in Summer the opposite may be true.
  • In Summer you tend to drink more water to remain hydrated so your genitals may in fact appear bloated (not sexy!)
  • And an erect penis may appear larger because blood vessels dilate or widen more in warm environments. The medical term for this is Vasodilation. 

Jump into an ice bath or go for an ocean swim mid Winter and tell me the opposite’s not true! So if Winter Penis exists (google it) then Summer Penis seems perfectly logical. 

Dudley Danoff, author of The Ultimate Guide To Male Sexual Health, says that it's all to do with the widening of your blood vessels, saying that 'summer penis' is all about blood vessels swelling to their limit and being filled "to the max" helping an erect penis appear larger. When asked by Mel Magazine if there was any cause for concern for men experiencing summer penis he replied, “Cause for concern?! It’s a cause for cheering. There’s a reason why people don’t take honeymoons to the North Pole. They go to Hawaii. There’s a reason why a hot tub is attractive for romance.” 

So, does Summer Penis actually exist? Well according to the experts, if you’re talking about your flaccid penis it isn't actually growing, it’s more of an optical illusion and the only thing changing in the heat is the way it looks to you. But yes your erections may be stronger due to the vasodilation, ie. increased blood flow you experience in a warm environment. We’ll take it! Bring on more beach days.

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