How To Get Her Rocks Off
The number one thing that most guys seem to forget is that most girls need their clit stimulated to achieve an orgasm. Holly sets out some easy lessons ... homework has never been so much fun.
How To Get His Rocks Off
Holly lets you into some secrets from a workshop she attended called “Blow his mind” which was run by the Scarlet Alliance. Share these tips tonight – it might be the most empowering thing you ever did.
Are We Naturally Monogamous?
Are we naturally monogamous? Can we love more than one person? Or are we just stuck in old traditions that have been passed down through the generations that we’ve never questioned?
When Good Toys Make Great Sex
So there are a range of toys out there that stimulates clits at the same time as our partner fucks us. They are relatively inexpensive and are just about guaranteed to have you initiating sex, not him.
Why Men Tell the Truth When They Say they’re Sluts
There are some surprising men’s explanations of what testosterone does to them and the influence it has on their genitals. I believe them. (After all, someone had to think up all the jokes). These are their tales.
Why Women Are (Finally!) Getting Slutty
Traditionally, female sluts are admired by men and loathed by women, and male sluts are loathed by women and admired by men. Yet a change is occurring and we are beginning to relish just how good a clitoris can make you feel.
Average Jo's Guide to getting his end wet
Imagine her lying in your bed, damp hair askew and begging you to fuck her again. Sounds more fairy tale than fantasy, doesn’t it? Not any more.
Men Are Not Machines
We all strive towards equality in our relationships and yet double standards are rife among the best of them. We all know that men have sex on the brain but a man who says ‘no’ can often be met with frank disbelief or even ridicule.
Every Penis has an Arsehole
Once regarded as the last bastion of gay men, male arseholes are making a comeback. I have it on very good authority that prostate stimulation feels like ‘a long, continuous orgasm’ and is on par with – if not better – than ejaculation.
Getting the Kinks Straight
Welcome to the wonderful world of submission and domination. Sometimes referred to as topping and bottoming. Sounding kinky yet? Hell no!