The Sexual Glutton vs The Sexual Gourmet
Someone who’s a connoisseur of sex is interested in savouring sex, whether it’s a late night cuddle under the covers or a weekend of erotic delights. It’s the quality that counts, not the quantity.
The Good and Bad of Porn
We are a voyeuristic species but just like too much chocolate is unhealthy too much porn can interfere with your true sexual connection with your partner.
Women Are Not 'Naturally' Monogomous
Following on from the last blog post, where I debunked the myth that men are naturally promiscuous due to their need to spread their seed far and wide, I’d now like to examine the widely held myth that women are not naturally promiscuous.
Are Humans Monogamous - and if not, what does that mean?
So carrying on from my previous two posts, what is real – are humans monogamous or not? Is monogamy a natural state that all humans gravitate to, or is it a social norm superimposed upon a different biological basis?
Men Have Not Evolved to 'Sow Their Seed Widely'
There’s a perpetuating myth in our society that men are naturally more promiscuous than women and have evolved to ‘sow their seed widely’ and here is why this is a ludicrous suggestion.
Getting to Sex can be like getting to the Gym
When you’ve got so much on, and life has become a constant juggling of priorities, it can be hard to set everything aside so that you can focus on sex, without the distraction of all the other things you could be doing.
Three Types of Sex All Couples Need
Jacqueline writes that you should allow for all types of sex in your life, from the simple to the spicy (whatever that is for you) and you’ll keep your sexual connection strong and your life so much more satisfying.
The Breadth of Sexuality & the Importance of Fun
The most important thing of all when it comes to sex is fun. Sex is play-time for grown-ups and playful sex has got to be the best of all.
Seven Sex Tips for Busy People
Busy isn’t bad, not if you’re relishing life as you busily experience it. Here are the seven fundamental sex tips to help you as a busy person have that blissful haven of fabulous sex.
Do I have to be like a Porn Star in the Bedroom?
We tend to compare ourselves to what we see on the x-rated screen and it can have a big impact on a person’s confidence and subsequent willingness to get into the swing lifestyle. So do I have to be like a porn star in the bedroom?