Love Thy Partner

Love Thy Partner

Are you treating your partner like your lover? Your bedroom is the practice ground for love. Allow the love in to yourself and allow it to flow out of yourself.

Solo Sex

Solo Sex

Solo sex is a healthy part of everyone’s sex life. People often think it’s only something you’d do if you weren’t getting ‘the real thing’. But solo sex is fabulous in its own right, and can enhance your ability to have better partnered sex.

The G-Spot & Female Ejaculation Debate!

The G-Spot & Female Ejaculation Debate!

My advice – get to know your vagina! Whether you’ve got a G or an AFE or XYZ spot, there are undoubtedly good bits that work specifically for you. The important thing is to relax and explore and enjoy your wonderful womanly bits!

Sex as Entree not Dessert

Sex as Entree not Dessert

Sex doesn’t have to be the last thing you do at night, it doesn’t even have to be in the evening. Having sex before dinner can be great! Think of it as entrée, rather than the traditional dessert.

Ditch the Myths

Ditch the Myths

Our society is full of myths about sex. There are many aspects to moving forward sexually, one of the key ones is to ditch all the myths that plague us.

Expanding your Sexual Play

Expanding your Sexual Play

There’s a veritable smorgasbord of sexual possibilities, so why limit yourself to meat and three veg? I keep stressing that there are no ‘shoulds’ in sex, the important thing is to find out what is real for you and honour that.

10 Tips For Your Vagina

10 Tips For Your Vagina

A friend asked me recently what my top 10 tips for a vagina would be. Good question! So many women feel disconnected from their genitals. So read on and find out my top 10 tips for your vagina.