Sensuality feeds Sexuality
Embrace the sensual and you’ll connect with your body at a deep level and increase your energy, both of which will heighten your desire for sex and your enjoyment of it.
Phone Sex
When your lover is in absentia, it opens up wonderful possibilities for ‘distance sex’ via video or phone sex. In fact, absence can not only make the heart grow fonder, it can make the loins grow hotter!
Toys for Grown-Ups
Sex is playtime for grown-ups. Sex is about sharing pleasure. That means being creative and experimental and generally having fun. One element of playtime is…toys! Yes, just as kids can play with toys, so can we grown-ups.
Do your Research!
Sex is the one thing in life we seem to think should just happen ‘naturally’ without any focused attention and study. Which is completely absurd, and one of the reasons why people don’t have good sex lives!
Men Need a Muse
To a man, his beloved is so much more than just someone to have sex with. When a man connects deeply with his woman, when he makes beautiful love with her, he feels all-powerful, as though he could conquer the world!
Your Sexual Makeover
Essentially a makeover is when you realise you’re not living up to your potential in some area of life and set about changing that. Can you makeover your sex life? Of course you can!
Moulding Your Brain for Better Sex
When two people’s brains are wired sex-positively, they come together in openness. The more you come together in this way, the stronger the wiring becomes and the easier it is to enjoy love-making.
A Penis is for Connection not Penetration
Think about electrical sockets. You have a masculine socket and a feminine socket. Bringing them together enables the energy to flow.
Fire & Water: The Masculine & Feminine Sexual Energies
The masculine sexual energy is like fire: it comes on quickly, burns brightly and extinguishes quickly. The feminine sexual energy is like water: it’s slow to heat up, but once it’s boiling it will boil and boil and boil and boil…
High Libido Women Keep Their Water Energy Simmering
A woman’s desire is contextual, it’s not simply a biological urge. It depends enormously on how she fees and what’s going on around her. This article explores what a woman needs to ‘keep her water simmering’.