Your Sexual Makeover

Jacqueline Hellyer, Australian relationship coach, smiling at the camera alongside her website logo

Article originally posted on The Love Life Blog

Can you makeover your sex life? Of course you can! That’s what I’m all about!

Essentially a makeover is when you realise you’re not living up to your potential in some area of life and set about changing that. Many people simply accept their ‘lot’ in life, excusing even the possibility of change with beliefs that: ‘I’m too old’, ‘I’m too poor’, ‘I’m too whatever’. Other people realise that we create our own lives, so it’s up to us to choose to be however we want to be. This applies as much to sex as any other part of life.

In fact, I think a sexual makeover is essential to any makeover. As I keep repeating, we are essentially sexual creatures, our sexuality is fundamental to our being, and therefore to our wellbeing. So if you’re considering a lifestyle makeover, you’ve got to include sex!

Sometimes people say to me that they’ll fix the other ‘stuff’ before they address sex. No, no, no, I say! Sex is at the base! So start at the base! Start transforming your sexuality and you’ll start transforming your life.

This is one of the things I love about sex. Once you really start looking at your sexuality and working on your sex life, everything changes. It can’t help but change. It’s potent stuff.

So how do you go about a sexual makeover? As with any makeover:

  • Firstly, by acknowledging that you need to do it.
  • Secondly, by believing that it’s possible.
  • Thirdly, clarifying your desired outcome.
  • Fourthly, getting the advice/support/inspiration you need.
  • Fifthly, doing it!

It’s up to you to take the first step.

From then on I can help.

So much of what I do is dispelling the myths around sex that hold us back. Anyone can improve their sex life if they choose to. So I can help you believe it’s possible.

Most people have no idea or our human sexual potential. There’s so little information around about what sex is, why it exists, how it helps us, how it can manifest. Most of the west seems to be milling around primary school level, when there’s veritable post-graduate possibilities out there! I can fill you on that too.

Clearly I can help with the fourth step. Whether it’s private coaching and therapy, attending a workshop, or reading these blog posts, there’s bucket-loads of advice/support/inspiration to be had. And of course, not just by me, there’s an increasing amount of sex-positive information and services available these days.

Then once again, it’s up to you to do the fifth step. You can have all the guidance and support in the world - you’re the only one who can do it.

Transform your sex life - transform your life - transform the world!

(Seriously, imagine if everyone in the world made over their sex lives and were having great sex, how much happier would this planet be!)

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Comments (3)

  • yogaprincess
    This will be the first step for many people to embrace their sexuality! It becomes lost in the jigsaw of life, and often becomes the lowest priority as people age. Keeping it number one is so important. Sex isn't always about love and having one partner who you will expect will satisfy you for the rest of your life. We are re-learning sexuality, love and life. People like yourself are re-writing it and helping people understand that there is no rule book! Fabulous to read this message, and I hope many take up your offer!! Viva la Sexual Revolution ;)
  • pog7777
    Thank you for your timely advise.
    Caio ,Peter
  • terrie11
    Hear hear! well said Jacqueline, lets hope the message falls not on deaf ears.. :)
Copyright © 2025 Jacqueline Hellyer It is illegal to use any or all of this article without the expressed, written permission from Adult Match Maker and the author. If you wish to use it you must publish the article in its entirety and include the original author, plus links, so that it is clear where the content originated. Failure to do so will result in legal action being taken.
The content posted on this blog is intended for informational purposes only and the opinions or views within each article are not intended to replace professional advice. If you require professional relationship or sexual health advice you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist.