We're celebrating Cake and Cunnilingus Day
Today you can have your cake and eat it too ‘cos it’s Cake and Cunnilingus Day! It’s a day for women to demand the equal right to enjoy themselves in bed so go forth without guilt and indulge in pleasure.
The Da Vibe Code – What do those buzzwords actually mean?
Sometimes the words and phrases on sex toy packaging can be a bit confusing! What does it all really mean? Our sexpert explains what those buzzwords actually mean.
Relationships Thrive on Respect Not Radicalism
In this ever changing world of love and sex and relationships men and women face different issues and some extreme voices make things a bit tricky. Our sexpert shares her thoughts on the new world of dating.
What You're Doing Wrong with Condoms
Condoms are one of the most revolutionary sexual products in the world, so what are so many people getting wrong about them?
How to Have a More Orgasmic Sex Life
Regardless of your relationship status, indisputable truths apply when it comes to maintaining hot sex and love affairs. Here are my 5 tips for living a more satisfying, orgasmic life.
Future of Sex: 2018 Predictions
Every year brings new trends and sex is no different. Find out what our sexpert thinks will be the latest crazes to hit the sex world in 2018.
Good consent leads to great sex if you play this fun little game
Introduce more adventure and pleasure into your sex-life with this fun little game which will show you how good consent leads to great sex.
3 Facts About Orgasms You Might Not Know
How good are orgasms! We love having them, we love watching our partner/s have them and we love learning how to have more of them. Here are 3 surprising things about orgasms you might not know!
If I’m Poly am I Kinky?
I strongly identify as poly, and as I’ve started discussing this there seems to be an assumption that this means I’m kinky. So do I have to be kinky if I’m poly?
Hook ups, dating & pleasure in the age of Ansari
The Ansari case has shifted the focus from sexual violence and assault to a more nuanced conversation about the machinations of mutually pleasurable sex alongside consent, fairness and power.