This Emoji is destined to become the standard reply to unsolicited dick pics

Image of a woman's hand pinching her fingers around an eggplant emojie

An emoji is the contemporary way to liven up a message, express our moods, and quickly reply to a dozen messages with a single symbol. We love them! So we were very excited that Emojipedia have unveiled new emojis which are due to be released later this year. But it’s one little emoji that has tongues wagging and the internet buzzing.

Although it may just look like a hand which is pinching something we all know it’s the universal gesture for something small and in particular a shaming gesture used to indicate something small below the belt. 

So we’re confident that no one is planning on using this emoji to convey a pinch and it’s destined to become bigger than the eggplant (pardon the pun) when it comes to sexting and specifically replying to unsolicited dick pics. 

Body shaming aside, because it’s really not about the size, it’s about the lack of consent and women not wanting to respond because, well, some men will take any response as a positive. This emoji will quickly convey that you’re not interested.

So let’s look at some of the funniest responses on Twitter.

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Comments (33)

  • mmw4nt1ngmm
    Just turn off the “adult “ tab and all this goes away as far as profile pics go
  • agoodsoul
    Dont like it dont look delete and block them its that simple i rather not show my face on my main photo and i have tryed seeing what notice i would get by removing any dic pics only to find my profile gets no views and thousands of messages i sent got no reply be lucky if they even got read.
    When i put my dick pic on my profile i got heaps of views and a lot more notice fair enough it was mainly couples as in all seriousness single female on here have hundreds thousands of messages from single guys messaging them weekly if not daily so to get noticed is not so easy.
  • Funwithme181
    Its very sexist.. what would be said if there was something similar to show that a woman's vagina was big and loose?
  • parrikeet
    The problem with this emoji is that it wont only be used for dick pics. It will be used to put down men driving big or expensive cars. Having expensive watches , boats, toys etc.
    A while ago women used to hold up their little finger to indicate the same thing and it had nothing to do with dick pics.
  • Itsallinfun22
    Dad bod and dusty angel
    I think the emoji relates to unsolicited pics rather than identifying and ridiculying women and body parts, thank god there is a block function on this site with comments
  • Darkstud
    I never subscribe to sending unsolicited dick pics. I think this emoji is great but is it going to stop the idiots from sending their rod pics. to others?
  • tastetester61
    Searches for women here will reveal a lot of obese, wrinkly, veiny tit photos (yeech). Girls are just as bad as guys in this department. Dick and tit/pussy photos as a profile pic should all come with a Neanderthal warning.
    • Leolady727
      The difference is, the pics posted on the site are not unsolicited. Some men just DON'T get it!
    • MissThatTouch
      This isnt about profile pics...
      And talking of 'warning', if only more men had the decency to warn or ask us if he could send an image of his dick to us privately or not....before just landing us with it, unsolicited. I actually respect men who do so, even if they did want to send it, they check/ask first.
    • tastetester61
      In all honesty, if it's the headline photo in your profile, then it's unsolicited. I should be able to do searches without being confronted with this. So should all of the women. Opening a profile is done at your own risk, searches shouldn't be.
    • MissThatTouch
      Having a profile pic on display for all to see, is diferent to deliberately choosing to contact someone, flashing yourself at them privately without warning when they innnocently open up the personal message. I see what you are saying...but they are two different issues (and at least here we have Adult Mode to avoid those types of profile pics if we choose). This is about pics sent to us individually & deliberately by choice, by that person (sending a direct message/email/social media/text/other medium etc - this is not just about 'this site' its a much wider issue) in the case of this site, under the guise of 'interest'. Opening a private contact and seeing a dick right there..its akin to knocking on a private house door and flashing when they open it, to me. Its a totally different experience than casually scrollling through and seeing profile pics....its a more deliberate act.
    • NY8888
      How is a woman showing her chest on her profile pic any different to you showing your chest? There are a lot more dick pics on here than pussy pics, even accounting for the difference in numbers.
    • tastetester61
      Me showing my chest, fair point. But be aware that I sometimes mow my front lawn without a shirt on, none of the women in my street do the same from what I see. None have complained to me either, a bit like a day at a family oriented beach. As for the number on vagina pics, that's irrelevant, they are still there, and yes, I have been sent unsolicited tit/vagina pics. I'm not disagreeing with the gist of this topic, just saying that there are women guilty of it too, the younger, the worse. Is this a generational thing? Blame must be proportioned in both directions here, I just think men are less likely to complain.
    • freogirl66
      There’s a huge difference between genitals and breasts.
      The ones that annoy me are when you receive them on txt or kik. It’s pretty embarrassing if you’re out in public or around family/friends. You should only show your junk if you’ve asked her first. I would think the same for pussy pics too.
  • parrikeet
    G'day to all the men reading this. If a woman sends you this insulting emoji, just send it back to her cos it represents the size of the brain of a woman who would send such an emoji to you.
    • MrFit71
      Maybe don't send them an unsolicited dick pic in the first place!
    • Leolady727
      Bahaha - just read parrikeet's profile - total wanker. I so wish that the blog comments were linked to a profile - would be so much easier to add guys to the NTBF list.
    • parrikeet
      Yes, that's a very good idea. Please put me on your NTBF list.
    • KinkyGirl101
      @Leolady727 Do you think the guys realise that the very same women they are trying to attract read their comments. Hmmm Thank god for the block function.
    • parrikeet
      I guess that it depends whether the ladies on AMM are looking for men who agree with everything they say or the ones strong enough to go against popular opinion and voice the negative aspects of using such an emoji.
    • KinkyGirl101
      "strong enough to go against public opinion" - that's not how your comment came across. Telling women we have a small brain if we respond defensively to a random guy who we are not dating sending us an unwanted picture of his junk. And we're the ones with a small brain apparently. Anyway end of discussion on this thread. Believe me the hundreds of women who read your comment understood exactly what you were saying.
    • parrikeet
      If all these women "understood exactly what you were saying", then they too read my comment through the red haze of indignation and didn't notice that my comment was general and nowhere did I mention 'dick pics'. As also indicated by 'dustyangel1', this emoji will be used for many other reasons to putdown men. I was making sure the women, who used it, realized that it could be turned back and used on them.
    • mmw4nt1ngmm
      Just turn off the “adult “ tab and all of this goes away
  • NightHowl
    Do we have one for unsolicited pussy pics as well ? Equality ppl.
    • KinkyGirl101
      I'm all for equality but am yet to meet a woman who has sent an unsolicited pussy pic. Normally the guys beg, sorry I meant ask, for them lol
    • NightHowl
      They ask you nicely I hope ! What about close up vagina profile pics, they can be quiet confronting, maybe we guys should put, " Pls ,no pussy pics or u will be blocked " lol
    • triXXXi66
      Classic.. yeah and is there an emoji for a loose vagina? I would need the one for a tight one myself... any suggestions for the difference of loose / tight? Lol
    • SusanGKing
      Mussell - open or closed (as in the shellfish, have a good look at them)
    • Thedadbod
      Maybe we should have one for a big loose sloppy vagina!!! How would girls feel about that? Not nice is it!
    • dustyangel1
      Or one for other droopy female appendages? One for the “muffin” top rolls which aren’t even close to being cute?
      Equality goes both ways people. And here most women think that this emoji is harmless to use without realising that it in itself could be classed as harassment from its implied meaning alone, quite apart from what it is going to be being used for.
      Which won’t be its sole denigrating use towards men.
    • freogirl66
      I think you’ll find far more dick pics than pussy pics on any of these sites. They are great for elimination purposes.
      But, as I said in a previous comment, it’s more the ones who send them via kik or txt when you’re not expecting it. That can be quite awkward.
    • MandyM73
      Agreed, I’m sure there are women sending ordinary pissy pics :( I’ve got to agree though, sometimes if I receive an unsolicited one and it’s less then impressive I’m pretty much turned off.
      Personally I’ve never had any complaints if I’ve sent one ;), requested or not ........
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