The best Twitter comebacks in response to unsolicited dick pics

Man holding his tracksuit pants open to take a dick pic

If you're a woman the chances are you've been sent a dick pic. In fact recent stats say 40% of women have been sent unsolicited explicit material. 

Anecdotal evidence reveals that the motivation for men to send a dick pic varies but a few common reasons are:

  • Validation,
  • Insecurity about their bodies and looking for positive comments,
  • The conversation (or texting) is lulling,
  • The thrill of taking the pic and imagining the sexual connection,
  • It’s a numbers game, a small percentage of women are going to say yes and hook up with me. 

The humble dick pic is still a topic which arises daily on Twitter (yes pun intended) and here are some of our favourite tweets on the topic. 

If you own a penis then definitely check out our blog posts Don't Be A Dick With Dick Pics! and 10 Photos Guaranteed to Impress Her More than a Dick Pic

But dick owners beware, according to Twitter dick pics are so 2018! Nut videos are the new black!

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Comments (26)

  • Caringredhead7
    If I'm attempting to get to know a person to see if we connect, the last thing I expect is a dic pic....that comes my choosing
  • morehorniea
    I send back a photo of a cat - if they have a sense of humour we keep talking if they get agro they get blocked
  • Logophile
    I was subjected to a chain of vitriol when I politely told an AMM member I didn’t think we were suited after he sent me an unsolicited dick pic on another platform!
    I get people are into it but it can be controversial so check first! And don’t be horrid if you’re rebuffed.
    Wish I could name and shame but I’m taking the high road while he’s sitting around with penis in his hand waiting for photographic opportunities.
  • cowgaluvoldrmen
    Lol I’m not on Twitter
    But there plenty of dick pics here , some nice some not
    Do like a decent neat pic thou or a nice video but there is plenty of porn now days ! I just say if it’s only thick n big lol than send me a photo , amazing how many don’t reply
  • SweetestSins
    Receiving unsolicited dick pics is the same as when my cat brings me a dead mouse, I can see he’s proud.... but I’m not touching it! ;)
  • LadyDragon
    Hilarious! Not the unsolicited dicks, but:
    "Oh, you have a huge dick? Awesome. I have frosted sugar cookies. Guess which one I’m putting in my mouth?"
    Ha! Also, those guys with JUST dick pix in their on-site profiles... we all KNOW guys have dicks (well, most of them) and SOME get great erections, but THATS NOT ALL most women want. It's the mind & body, or support system for the cock that's most important (to most women, I'd think). If we want validation your cock rises to the occasion, we'll ask, or tease it a little to see if it spits (the dummy).
  • Ifuwannadome
    Hate hate hate they piss me off and are instantly a bye bye sorry but all guys have one and it means nothing to me
  • shortnfeisty
    I am so over the Dicki on any site & what is men thinking behind it, is that the only attractive feature they have? Or do they think that I will show it & us being wimmen will be drawn to it because it big they are in with a chance .......... Um not for me thanks I just delete and move & indeed they ( men ) when you ask to see a face shot you get sent a dick pick SERIOUSLY did i ask that. What part face shot dont u understand what is your dick attached to your face?
  • bouncingsoulism
    I love twitter. I have never had a dick pic sent to me. I've never asked for one either. I read one lady who replies "why are you sending me a photo of a child's dick ?"
    Even on here, men drop their dacks (you can see their dirty floor/or trousers & undies), the loo in the background or even are on the loo or beside a BO spray can when they take a snap. Zero thought into a pic, that a man hope attracts getting laid.....
    I do love dicks. But I love the mystery of discovering cocks in real life far more exciting. I find alluring pics far sexier.
    I know some people who love dick or pussy pics- unsolicited. Cool, it's all about what turns you on.
    Owners and viewers choice.
  • barkly48
    It must be my age, but I think its a good thing I'm not a twitterer... At least I don't have to worry if she wants to see it or not...!! Besides, isn't it better to let her see it first, for real?
  • ManBrainD
    lol my wife and friends are planning to do a podcast episode all about dick pics. i'll ask her to give this article a shout-out. thanks!
    • AMM.Editor
      Awesome! Let us know when it's going to air so we can give you a shout out on Twitter. Dick pics is a topic close to our hearts ... um well a little lower actually.
  • KinkyGirl101
  • 6delights9
    No different to woman having pictures of there waxed / shaved / hairy pussy on display
  • Heavenly75
    Best response would have to be this video on YouTube called Dickpicito (to the tune of Despacito).
  • Darkstud
    Connections start with eye to eye contact first rather than going straight down under into the pants
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