Your Definitive Guide to Genital Piercing

A handful of stainless steel piercing rings linked together

Genital piercing mostly serves two purposes, pretty and pleasure, but for the most part, pretty is just a sparkly side-effect of the amazing pleasure and orgasmic enhancement that serves as the main reason people bling their bits these days.

Sure, body modification isn’t anything new. For centuries people have used different ways to change or adorn their body with decorative items either for beauty and aesthetics or for more formal reasons like showing your status or war efforts. 

Piercings, tattoos, jewellery, scarification, these are all ways we can change the way we look and, as the 21st Century gets right under way, it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere. Tattoos are more popular than they have ever been, it’s impossible to walk down a street and not see a rainbow of different coloured hair or multiple facial piercings, and, if you’re lucky enough to get into someone’s pants, you’re more likely than ever before to see something shiny and metallic winking back at you.

We’ve put together a definitive list of all the different ways you can decorate your bits, and what they may feel like, both for you and your partner.

For Vagina Owners

Make your pussy purr with some of these amazing piercings. While some are done for purely aesthetic purposes, the majority of vagina area piercings are done to increase sensation and bring pleasure, while also looking shiny and cool! Be aware of catching them on your knickers though… that can be a bit of a quick lesson in ouch! 


This can also be called a Venus Piercing and is situated where the mons pubis meets the vulva. It’s not the easiest of piercings to get as some women just don’t have the anatomical space for it, and it can often be rejected from the skin too. It’s mostly an aesthetic piercing and doesn’t add to sexual pleasure, and it can apparently be a bit painful if pushed on. But it does look very pretty!

Clit Shield

This is a form of female chastity with the shield used to cover the clitoris and stop it from being stimulated. The only thing is, though, a lot of the time the nature of the piercing and shield means there is often indirect stimulation anyway, albeit subtler, which, when you think about it, could be a great way to tease.

Clitoral Hood 

Probably the most popular and common of all the female genital piercings, this piercing is usually a bar piercing through the clitoral hood. This does not directly pierce the clitoris and can be done either vertically or horizontally. Pretty much every single person we spoke to about these piercings tell of the (pleasurable) dilemma of spontaneous orgasms when doing something simple like walking or climbing stairs in the first week or so of having it done. It does settle down but can absolutely enhance the way your clitoris feels when stimulated.


This piercing goes directly through the actual clitoris. It’s nowhere near as common as the hood piercings, and can be incredibly painful to get done, and also has the potential to cause nerve damage. Many people who want a clitoral piercing don’t realise that this is probably not what they want, and they actually want the hood done.


This is kind of like the opposite to the Christina, with the piercing being placed where the vulva ends at the bottom in the area called the frenulum labiorum pudendi. Because most women don’t have loose, pinchable skin in that area it’s not particularly common to have done at all. But for those with the right amount of skin, it can be a pretty easy procedure, and is said to help stimulate in oral and rimming.


Like the clitoral piercing this is a pretty rare procedure with the potential for mass nerve damage. The bar begins just above the urethra and travels up through the clitoral shaft and onto the hood. It can take up to three months to heal and, depending on the anatomy and length and depth of the individual clitoris, can be pretty dangerous. Check out the Nefertiti piercing if you like the way this might look, but are after a less invasive, far safer option.


One of the more common and easy piercings for women, the labia piercing can be done on either the majora or minora labia (although it can be a little more painful and take a bit longer for the outer labia to heal and as it can be far more fleshy and there’s more tissue to pierce). They are often done in pairs for symmetry and aesthetic. They can be incredibly pleasurable to play with and stimulate for both partners and are safe and able to be done on all body types.


This is a combination of the Christina piercing and a vertical clitoral hood piercing. While it is definitely a safer option to the Isabella, it can still take quite a while to heal just because of the amount of flesh and tissue it has to work through. It can be incredibly stimulating to the clitoris, though, and is definitely becoming more popular.

Princess Albertina

This piercing is so named for its counterpart piercing in the penis (Prince Albert), but really isn’t all that common in women at all. The piercing in this case goes through the urethra and comes out though the top of the vagina, and is dependent on the wearer having a larger than average urethra. The main issues with this piercing is that it can cause pretty nasty urinary tract infections, but is also known to be super enjoyable in the intercourse stakes as the piercing stimulates both the urethra and the vagina


This is a pretty complicated piercing. It goes from side to side, underneath the tissue for the clitoral hood, and meets under the clitoris and inner labia. It can be uber painful and take ages to heal just because of the amount of flesh it has to go through and, due to the necessity of the owner having an overtly protruding clitoral hood to make it possible, is not all that common to have done. It can be incredibly stimulating, though, as it’s the only piercing that passes behind the clitoris, allowing for a very different sensation than when in front.

For Penis Owners

Penis piercings have the potential to make your cock into a sensation filled love machine for both you and the person you fuck. But there can be some issues. Catching them on clothing and underwear can cause little rips and tears that can then cause infection, so be very careful when dressing, especially when you first get it done. Be aware that metal studs and condoms don’t always make the safest of sex options, and that you take it nice and slow with new partners who have not yet had the pleasure of your penis. Studs and rings can be pleasurable as fuck… But they can also tear soft linings of vaginas and anuses and cause discomfort, and have also been known to chip teeth and damage gums during oral sex.

Also be aware that piercings that go through your urethra may have an effect on urination streams with some people choosing to sit down to pee to avoid sprays and drips missing the bowl. 

Always get piercings done by a professional and follow their instructions on aftercare to the letter. 

Prince Albert

This is probably the most common penis piercing. It’s a circular barbell that sits underneath the head and passes through the urethra to join where the head meets the shaft. If the penis is circumcised the piercing is usually right in the centre, but uncircumcised penises need to be done on the side so the foreskin can fit around it. It can take up to six months to heal, but most people report about a month or two. 

Reverse Prince Albert

Like the name suggests, this is the same piercing as above but instead of being underneath the head, it sits above. Because the top of the head is thicker than the bottom, this piercing can take far longer to heal. Be aware that in both the PA and the RPA the thickness of the ring is very important. Too thick and it can cause damage to the tissue around the urethra which in turn could lead to tearing; and if it’s too thin it can accidentally cut through on its own, known as “cheese cutting” (you know like how in art class your teacher would separate clay with fishing line). Yeah… Ouch


This is a long bar that goes horizontally though the head of the penis. It’s pretty full on and can take up to around six months to heal. It can be done in two ways; The European ampallang, with the barbell passing through the urethra, and the American ampallang has the barbell passing above it. You can also get a shaft ampallang which has, you guessed it, the barbell passing through the shaft rather than the head. This piercing can be rather enjoyable for the penis owners as it can help stimulate the head of the penis during sex. While reportedly not super enjoyable for vaginal sex, this is apparently the best penis piercing for anal sex.


This is the same sort of piercing as the ampallang, but the barbell is vertically placed rather than horizontally. This particular piercing almost always goes through the urethra to keep the barbell centred, and even though you can get them placed off-centre, it will still most likely go through it anyway. Sometimes called the “happydravya” this piercing is apparently super fun for both vaginal and anal sex, stimulating both the g-spot and the prostate respectively.

Magic Cross

This is the ampallang and the apadravya together, making a cross over the head of the penis. Usually done separately (that’s a lot of holes for one sitting) there can be the potential for both nerve damage and urethral damage, and every single person we found with one (okay I found 2) says that the benefit of the pleasure outweighs the fact that they’ll never pee standing up again… (“omg the mess, man. It was sprinkler city!”). Aesthetically rather nice to look at, this particular piercing can take upwards of 7 months to heal properly.


This is a simple looking piercing with a curved barbell that goes though the ridge where the head meets the shaft. If there is just one it’s usually centrally placed, but most common is to get two done side by side. It can be super pleasurable during sex for both parties (with the ball stimulating the g-spot or prostate similar to the apadravya) and has even been claimed to bring back sensation after circumcision (although this can result in early ejaculation for until you get used to it). It can be incredibly painful to have done as the piercing goes right through the head, and it can also be one of the messier ones with lots of blood reported. It’s not really recommended for uncircumcised penises because the moistness around the foreskin inhibits healing, which can take up to six months.

Deep Dydoe/Zephyr

Same as above but with a longer bar like the ones used in the apadravya and ampallang piercings.

Kings Crown

Like above again, but with a ring of piercings going the whole way around like a crown. Uber painful and prone to infection… But kind of cool to look at if you’re into the Pinhead from Hellraiser look.


Pretty straightforward, this is a piercing of the foreskin and is often looked at as the equivalent to the clitoral hood piercing in that it is uber stimulating while being super quick to heal and relatively painless to get. Basically the only necessity is that you have a foreskin or loose enough remainders. It can pull a little bit, and people with them have suggested lubricating before putting on a condom to help stop it from pulling too much and causing discomfort or pain.


This is foreskin piercing done under the foreskin under the head. It can look a little like a Prince Albert until you get up close and see it’s through the foreskin not the urethra. It takes around 12 weeks to heal, and is usually done with a ring or circular barbell


This is a curved barbell piercing that goes through the frenulum (that seam that joins the head to the shaft).  It only takes around 5 weeks to heal and is relatively easy to get done. It can be done for both pleasure and aesthetic and is quite common in the BDSM scene as it can be the perfect placement and size to attach chastity devices to, and some people can even use a ring with a diameter large enough to use to encircle the penis.

Frenum Ladder/Jacobs Ladder

As above but with a whole row of rings running down the underside of the shaft of the cock til it reaches the testicles. Because it’s a pretty simple procedure and doesn’t take all that long to heal, ladders are often done all at the same time.


Lorum is a blend of the words “low” and “frenum” and is a basically the same as the frenum piercing above but done much lower where the base of the penis meets the testicles. Again, it is super quick and easy to heal and is often done in multiples like the ladder.


While women can get this piercing too it is far more common in men and is the piercing of the perineum (the bit that runs from your butt-hole to your genitals). It can take over nine months to heal and is not recommended for people who sit regularly (bike or horse riders, professional drivers, even desk sitters can find it extremely uncomfortable after sitting long term and the constant stress on the area can also lead to piercing migration and rejection.) It can be done ladder style like the frenum, but the more in the area the harder it is to keep hygienic and well cleaned. 


Pretty much any piercing on the testicles is referred to as a Hafada piercing. They can often be an extention of the frenum ladder and are done for both aesthetic and pleasure as it can make the testicles even more sensitive, while not actually going too deep to cause pain or discomfort. Takes up to 8 weeks to heal and is one of the more easy procedures to have done.


Probably one of the only piercings that you get with a scalpel and a dermal punch (I know, guys, I closed my legs too), this is a piercing where a large barbell goes though one side of the scrotum to the other. It is a full on surgical procedure and can be really dangerous if not done properly leading to infections, infertility and even death. Some people with these like to use them as stretchers (like the earlobe tubes) and if you want to go looking for pictures, be advised they can be confronting.

Remember, when it comes to any sort of body modifications. it’s your body and your choice to decorate and adorn it however you see fit, but it is always super important to do your research and seek out recommended professionals to do the procedures for you. Make sure you follow all their care instructions to the letter and if anything looks or feels like it’s going a bit weird, talk to a health professional immediately.

We’d love to hear about your body bling! What have you got? Let us know in the comments.

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Comments (12)

  • Upgraded1
    I have subdermals, 3 x 10mm Teflon ball that rub the g spot and a PA. Works like magic.
  • 5.Cougars
    Proud vertical hood piercing owner here too
    BEST decision I ever did for myself
    Had it for 17yrs now and it’s just as good as new
    Not many ouch moments while healing which was great
    Ladies you won’t regret it but definitely go to a reputable place to have any piercing done ;)
  • Leolady727
    Can I just point out that it would be near-impossible to have one's VAGINA pierced? Surely you mean labia or vulva?
    • DeliciousEva
      The only one I mention that involves the vagina is the Princess Albertina piercing, which literally goes through the urethra and out of the vagina. Google images can help you see what I'm talking about to make the visual understandable.
    • Leolady727
      eeek - I think I'll pass on seeing that!!!
  • SweetestSins
    I have a vertical clit hood piercing and I absolutely love it.. and so does any sexual partners I’ve had.
    It didn’t tickle to have done.. but it wasn’t as bad as I expected.
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  • funguyatbyron
    I'm like Zamboon didn't know there was so many piercings have never been with a lady who has any; love to try some day/night been told great if a lady has a tongue pierced makes a head job a more pleasing experience i live in hope
  • MessyKnickers
    I love my clit hood piercing!
  • wickedcat
    I have a large gauge PA that women tell me rubs on their G-spot during doggie, causing extra sensations for both my sexual partner and myself ... I also have large gauge scrotal piercings that 'tap' on the clit during doggie. I have never received any complaints from those that have been willing to try them out :)
    The only real downside that I have come across is that some prospective playmates find the appearance a little daunting, so therefore are not willing to try them out :(
  • Zamboon
    Wow - I think I’ve been living under a rock for some time - I’ve seen a couple of piercings but such a variety? - I’d be interested in reading about the history of piercings and how they came about- anyway from the descriptions I certainly won’t be having one done - even from the recovery time alone - a friend had a fling with a guy who had one through his urethra and when they went camping he needed a shower after taking a pee and he showered her too so in a normal situation he sat for a pee..
    I have very sensitive nipples so that I’m tempted to do but down there ? Nah!!
    • maggiemae59
      I had my nipple pierced and it was brilliant .............would LOVE clit hood but worried about it hurting . They used anesthetic gel on my nipple , waited 30 mins then wham ! I watched it go through pain ............BUT i removed it for an xray and neglected to put back :( wish i did .........definitely worth it
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The content posted on this blog is intended for informational purposes only and the opinions or views within each article are not intended to replace professional advice. If you require professional relationship or sexual health advice you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist.