5 Things which hold you back from mindblowing sex
Women hold on to a lot of negativity about their sexual selves. It’s been pumped into us since we were little girls that sex is not something nice girls do. That sex is something that happens TO us. That sex is inherently bad for women but we should probably put up with it so as not to upset men… But only our husbands because otherwise you're just a slut if you ever do it for fun, and a million variations of the same contradictory thread.
Negativity and self doubt are two of the biggest things that hold us back from being who we truly need and deserve to be, whether personally or professionally, and sex is no different. It really is time to let go of it and embrace our full sexual selves
Here are five things I think women need to let go of and stop spending so much energy on to finally start achieving the best sex they can have.
1. Let Go Of Bad Body Image
Okay so your tummy folds over when you sit down and your boobs fall like poached eggs under your armpits when you lie down. You have dimply thighs and a wobbly butt and you look nothing like those women all over your TV and magazines… News Flash… NONE OF US LOOK LIKE THAT! Not even the actual models you’re envying. Seriously. I get told 100 times a day that I am a sex goddess… And I literally just described myself in the opening there. Wobbles and bumps and floppy boobs are natural, normal and goddamned sexy. Seriously, the people who want to have sex with you think you’re sexy as fuck and if anyone has an issue with your realness, then fuck.. Why would you want anything to do with them? You deserve someone who thinks you’re the bees knees. Because, girl, you are!
2. Always the Pleaser
Yes it is important to make sure your partner has a good time. Yes it’s important to look after their needs and enjoyment… But it should NEVER be at the detriment to your own. So many women put their own pleasure secondary and it’s time we stopped! It is absolutely okay to say “today I am going to lie here and be enjoyed!” I don’t mean just starfish yourself on the bed and let it happen around you, I mean let yourself be the one who is looked after. No sex for him until you’ve come at least twice! You are a goddess and you deserve to be worshipped.
3. Faking It
Just stop it!! You are not doing anyone any favours by faking your enjoyment, least of all yourself! There are a heap of reasons why women fake it, but none of them really have anything to do with their own personal sexual pleasure… And hell, again I say, if you’re not enjoying it, what’s the point? Check out my article on faking it to get some tips on how to improve your experience so you don’t have to lie about it any more.
4. Hiding Your Kinks
Want to be slapped on the butt? Tied up and teased with a whip? Want to peg your partner or drizzle hot wax over his chest? Kinks and fantasies are completely normal and you’d be surprised how into them your partner may be if you just opened up and told them! There are ways to do it subtly and in non-confronting ways that can slowly ease you both into new play, and just imagine the new world that will open up once you let go of that fear holding you back.
5. Worrying About Everything
Seriously girl. Yes, you turned off the stove and locked your car. Yes the kids had enough to eat at school. No it doesn’t matter what Mary and Sue told you about Jenny in the school yard yesterday. No, he’s not looking at your unshaven pits and thinking you’re a monster. Yes you fed the goldfish, watered the plants and shampooed the cat… Now please just relax and close your eyes and enjoy the sensations that your lover is giving you. The vacuuming will still be there later, and you can stress about the phone bill after you’ve orgasmed. Life happens to everyone. It’s absolutely imperative to find ways to shut out the white noise from time to time. Take up yoga or meditation or learn breathing techniques. Learn to let go and focus on pleasure. Your body, mind, soul and bits will thank you.
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