10 Things Guys do that Women Love
For all the guys out there who don’t think they have much sex appeal - think again.
Guys do dozens of little things that the ladies love, and you don’t even know it. And honestly, half the time there’s no reason why it’s so damn hot when you do it. It just is, so keep it up you sexy beasts you!
1. Leaning on things
Against walls, in door frames, next to the foot of the bed. There’s something ridiculously attractive and relaxed about it that makes us want to rip your clothes off on the spot. You have been warned!
2. Tie on/Tie off
A guy who ties his tie like a total professional? Hot. A guy who loosens his tie after a hard day at work (and leaves that top shirt button undone)? Extra hot.
3. Run your fingers through your hair
Do it again. And again. Because every time you do, it makes girls imagine running their own fingers through your hair, too. Plus, you get that cute-sexy ruffled up look about you. Five stars.
4. Being nice to kids
Whether they’re your nieces and nephews, or a child who has fallen in the park and you’re there to help. It doesn’t matter if the girls who see this want children or not, they’d probably start taking off their underwear right there and then if there weren’t small children nearby.
5. Housework
Ironing, laundry, dishes, vacumming – just about anything will do it really. It’s hard to explain this one, but does it really need any explanation when some go as far as to call it ‘choreplay’?
As a side note, taking care of housework is a great way to show off your muscles. We recommend at least going shirtless!
6. Playing pool
Yes, we are checking out the muscles in your arms when you stretch to get in position. Yes, we are checking out your ass when you bend over. And yes, there’s a good chance she is interested in banging you on the pool table.
7. Brush our hair out of the way
If your girl has a strand of hair that’s fallen across her face, brush it away or tuck it behind her ear. This move could almost not be more innocent, but it also could hardly be any more sensual and sexy.
8. Opening jars
Yes, it’s cliché, but it’s also a little like magic. How do you do it? There is something very sexy about a guy who can get those jar lids off.
9. The hug-from-behind
You’re either being sweet, or you’re simply looking for an excuse to grind up nice and close. Either way, it’s a major turn on to feel your body - and let’s be honest, your cock - pressed up against us.
10. The half-smile
If you’ve read so much as a page from any romance novel, you’ll already know about the half smile. It’s more than a smirk but not quite a real smile - or else a perfect blend of the two.
Silly? Probably. Sexy? Definitely.
So, are you more of a stud than you’d originally thought? Most guys do the majority of these things without even thinking about it. Probably a good thing too, or it would make it hard for any females in the vicinity to concentrate.
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