Top 5 Kama Sutra Sex Positions

Colourful cubism illustration of a man and a woman in an erotic Kama Sutra sex position pose

The Kama Sutra is probably one of the most famous sex texts ever written, but for those who aren't aware of it, Kama Sutra roughly translates to "Teachings On Desire", and is an ancient Indian guide book on love, sex, marriage, and relationships with advice, tips, tricks and incredibly detailed, and often complicated looking, illustrations of all the different sex positions and moves you can do.

It truly is an all-encompassing, holistic look at how to be "coupled", using practices like Tantra and other spiritual mindsets to create a perfect and balanced relationship, mind, body, and soul.

Some of the moves and positions within the Kama Sutra look like you need a contortionist certificate and bones made of wet spaghetti to achieve, however that's not always the case.

There are around 64 different positions within the text and heaps of them are ones you can do, and are probably already doing in your everyday sex life. For example the Dhenuka position is your basic doggy position. Virsha is the all time popular reverse cowgirl, and the intimate seated position you and I would call the "lotus" is called Padmasana in the Kama Sutra. 

All of the positions cater for every sort of body type, even making specific instructions for people with "differently" sized genitals, and there are all sorts of information such as advice on courting and wooing and finding a partner.

Here are a few of our favourite positions that are absolutely doable, with their Kama Sutra explanations that might change the way you think about it the next time you try.



In this position, she lays on her back facing him with her legs up against his chest, and he kneels in front of her, holding her thighs and pulling her towards him.

The tantric sensuality comes from him drawing her feet to his mouth and face. Kissing them and pressing them against his forehead to show sensuality, humility, and tenderness. 


Placid Embrace

She lies on her back and he raises her lower back and hips off the bed (a bit like that old school bicycle exercise with a sexy twist).  He holds her legs up via the thighs, and enters her as her legs wrap around just under his shoulder blades. For the full Kama Sutra experience, she should cross her ankles behind him, giving both connectivity and intimate closeness with both people being able to look at each other and enjoy their sex auras, as well as being able to help control the pace and depth with her legs



For those with strength, dexterity, and not-too-bad-knees, this position is a beautifully intimate embrace. He stands (against a wall if necessary) and holds her up as she wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. It's tricky for this to be anything other than slow and sensual, and gives heaps of time for face-to-face kisses and whispered words. It is definitely something for the fit and strong, but is absolutely worth it of you can get (and keep) it going.


Splitting the Bamboo

This is a deep penetration position where she lies on her back and raises one leg up against his chest which he holds onto, while he straddles the thigh which is on the bed and enters her deeply. It’s like missionary with a twist and he can use her raised leg as leverage for deep thrusts. Plus it leaves her clit exposed for him, or her, to play with. It sounds awkward, but it’s definitely a position to experiment with to add to your repertoire. 


Congress of the Cow

In the Kama Sutra there are a few different ways to describe and talk about the female partner, and one of these words is "cows". It is not an insult or anything awful in the same way as it can be in our Western ways, so I wanted to just mention that here.

In this position she bends over making her body into a triangle/tent shape and he enters her from behind. Intimate yet also a bit sexy, there's space for him to touch her back, butt, breasts and legs, and he can really worship his sacred woman (cow) and give all of his love to her.

So there you have it... a very simple and basic run-down of one of the world's most intimate and spiritually connected texts that has ever existed.

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