A True Story - Hot Hook Up
All night long
When I was very young and inexperienced. I went to dinner with a young lady. I was very shy and very naive. After dinner (at her place) and a bottle of wine. She suggested I should not drive after the wine. I looked at the couch and thought "it looks OK". She disagreed and insisted I share her room. I was in luck. She got naked, I got naked, we got into bed kissed and she guided me on top of her. 5 secs later I was inside her, 30 secs later I was finished. I could have died of embarrassment. But she kissed me, sighed gently and happily rolled me over and cuddled me to sleep from behind. 30 mins later I woke up with an erection and her hand gently holding it. I though, great a second chance to not ruin her evening. She rolled me over gently, kissed me on the mouth and rolled on her back. 10 sec later I was inside her 2 mins later I was finished. I nearly did die of embarrassment. She kissed me. rolled me over and hugged me to sleep from behind. about 30 mins later I woke with an erection, and her hand gently holding my penis. I thought, she is sooo patient with me. I owe her. Anyhow, she again rolled on her back and guided me on top. 10 sec later I was inside her. 20 mins later I am still pumping her with all I've got. My testicles were empty. I eventually finished but had little to no juice to give her. She kissed me, rolled me over and cuddled me to sleep. On about round 5 (I was not counting but pretty sure it was 5 or 6) I simply could not cum anymore. I was exhausted, and (embarrassed to say it) faked an orgasm. She kissed me, rolled me over and cuddled me to sleep. Round 9 or 10, I started counting from either 5 or 6 (but not sure which) I woke up with an erection (she was good at handling me in my sleep so I got hard as a chair leg) and started to roll over on top of her. She APOLOGISED and said she was getting a little bit sore. She then offered me a BJ instead. I had not been able to orgasm since round 5 or 6. I kissed her on the mouth and said can you just cuddle me. But this time it was almost morning. She cuddled me ‘til her alarm went off. I woke up fucked, literally and exhausted. We had breakfast together and I drove home (the wine had worn off by then). We had another amaaaazing night the following weekend but her flat mate (also quite pretty and very keen) asked if she could join us on weekend 3. I declined (basically scared they might tag team me to death) and never saw either of them again. A situation that I still regret. What an evening though. and a great rinse/repeat.
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