Group Sex There's more than one way to play
Group sex. How good is it! A tangle of bodies and legs and bits all playing and sharing and enjoying each other. Oh yeah. It's one of our favourite activities here at Adult Match Maker, but did you know there's more than one way to group play?
Let's have a look at some of the more common (and some of the lesser known) group sex terms that you might have heard.
Also known as a three-way, a 3sum or, if you're feeling fancy, a ménage à trois (which is fancy because it's French, but basically translates to "household and three").
This is when three people of any genders decide to get it on. Besides your regular consent and safe sex stuff, there are no real specifics to a threesome. Just get in, get down, and get off with a couple of other people. They can be mixed genders, all one gender or, if you're that way inclined, no specific gender at all just bodies enjoying being bodies together. Check out my blog post about sex positions for threesomes for some inspiration.
As above but with an extra body in the mix.
Moresome... or Orgy
You know the drill. As above but with, like, a whole lot of people and usually has a bit of an indulgent, luxurious feel to it.
In fact, the word "orgy" is derived from the Greek word "orgia" which translates to mean "secret rites" (how very Eyes Wide Shut eh?) and refers to the rituals celebrating the god Dionysus - the Greek god of wine and sex. Basically these rituals and gatherings were a celebration of exactly that, wine and sex, and included great feasts and art and music and were pretty awesome by all accounts of those invited to join the secrecy.
Daisy Chain
A daisy chain refers to oral group sex, whereby one person is satisfying a person orally, while also being satisfied orally by someone else who is also being... You get the idea... Its called daisy chaining because, like the innocent practice of looping daisy stems through one another to form a circle... So to do all the bodies join together. It's like the super nice, not all all gross and disturbing, sexy version of the human centipede.
Circle Jerk
Only penises can play this one, but it refers to a group of dudes all sitting around in a circle masturbating. Either themselves or each other, it's not really specific, but it is apparently really popular to do in American fraternity houses and is often looked at as totally "not gay because no bums are touched". Hey, I don't make the rules... I am just quoting a guy who told me about them... Be straight, touch dicks. I don't care.
(Some Aussie blokes I went to school with used to talk about a game called soggy Sao which was a circle jerk game where they had to ejaculate onto a Sao biscuit and the last guy to come had to eat it. I dont know how much of it is urban legend and how much of it is true... But knowing the guys I went to school with... I'm erring on the side of totally true)
Spit Roast
This is (mostly) an MMF threesome act where the woman is on all fours with one guy fucking her from behind, and the other enjoying oral sex on his cock. The visual is like that of your BBQ spit roast, just without the whole rotation thing... because I don't know how that would work. You can also turn this position into what is referred to as an Eiffel Tower with the two guys sharing a victory "high five", thus creating a triangle shape between the three bodies. You can also do this with other combinations of genders, you just may need a strap on or two if you lack certain appendages.
Translated from the Japanese meaning "to splash" bukkake is the act of several men ejaculting (preferably simultaneously) onto a woman's face. It can be the whole event or just the end of a good gang bang or group sex activity.
DP stands for double penetration and is a threesome (see above) act for two men and one woman. Basically one penis goes in the vagina and another in the anus and, quite often, hilarity ensues. It can be tricky to get the right angles, the right rhythm, the right penises who won't mind touching another penis, and the right people who can laugh at themselves, the noises, and the physical awkwardness that very often comes with the act.
Not just the rock band from South Park, DVDA stands for double vagina, double anal and, yeah, its exactly what you think it is: DP timesed by two. If you thought the awkwardness and tangle and how the fuck does this work was tricky in DP, you ain't seen nothing yet!
Tag Team
You know in wrestling when the guy gets tired after being smashed in the face with a chair and reaches out to tag his mate so his mate can jump in, all fresh and chair-smashing ready, and take over? Well that's kinda the same thing but replace the chair with pussy. I mean we were always told sharing is caring and taking turns is good, so why not put it into practice on all areas!
Gang Bang
For the most part, and for the purposes of AMM being a mostly heterosexual site, a gang bang is when one woman gets to enjoy the indulgence of multiple men at the same time. She can be fucked and sucked and teased and pleased to her heart's desire. Lucky thing! But gay or bi guy gang bangs are a thing too.
Whatever your pleasure or kink you can be sure there's an act out there for you, as well as people happy to indulge. Always remember to be safe, have enthusiastic and informed consent, and then come and tell us all about it in the story section or comments here!
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