Let's Bust Some Myths About Sex Toys

Group of women at a sex toy party opening a box with a vibrator

Even though sex toys are fast becoming a fixture in modern day sex practices, sex talks and sex education, and the taboo, shame, and misinformation about them is getting less, there are still quite a lot of misconceptions and misinformation doing the rounds. We thought we’d have a look at some of the most common myths about sex toys and bust them wide open for you. 

Sex toys will replace men

Sometimes I wonder if this myth goes around because many men seem to see sex as the only worthwhile thing, or reason to be, in a relationship, because it absolutely makes no sense in any other way you look at it. I mean sure, sex and sexual release is great and a sex toy can be amazing… But it cannot talk to you, hug you, love you, bring you a cup of tea, or fill your heart. Human contact and intimacy are incredibly important in creating well-balanced, healthy people and, even if it makes you squirt towards the ceiling, a sex toy can never re-create that.

If you use a sex toy during sex it means your partner is bad in bed

This is just dumb. Your partner could have the most skilled sexual talents to ever exist in the known universe, but there are just some things they won’t be able to do or replicate. Sexual fun is often about discovery, exploration, and finding new and delicious ways to get your juices flowing and adding new things like sex toys into the mix just work to enhance and compliment everything else. In fact, bringing a toy into the bedroom is a big indicator of trust and intimacy and should be looked at as a positive!

If she can’t orgasm without one there’s something wrong with her

I’m not sure how many times I have to say it in my blogs and articles, but something like 85% of women cannot, and never will be able to, orgasm from penetration alone. While sure, the vagina can produce a lot of pleasurable feelings and sensations when being played with and stimulated, sometimes it’s just not enough to get the full experience. It would be a bit like if someone spent half an hour playing with someone’s balls and then wondering why they didn’t come. Sex toys can make that awesome, pleasurable feeling inside the vagina into one of extreme orgasmic bliss. She’s totally normal if she needs that little extra bit.

Over use will damage your bits

I have to say, I can absolutely understand where this myth or misconception has come from because, if you’re anything like me, there have been those… moments… where you have spent three days playing with your vibe on the highest settings, getting more and more numb and frustrated, throwing your toy across the room and wondering if it would be bad form to go ask next door if you can borrow their angle-grinder for a few hours... You are numb and sore, feeling phantom pulses and weird tingles. Your clit has gone into “frightened turtle mode” never to emerge again and the fear is real… Omg will I ever come again!!!!

The good news is yes. Yes you will, but you probably need to put the vibrator away for a while and let your bits settle down. They are sore and tired and rubbed to within an inch of their sensation… But they WILL recover and you can do it all again soon. 

Sex toys are unnatural

Ahhh the ol’ “natural” argument, used by people (think anti-vaxxers etc) to shame you into, or out of, a particular practice. Look, that’s all very well and good until you really start thinking about the word “natural” and how ridiculous the conviction is that it is somehow better or superior than something artificial or made by a person.

I mean, getting eaten by shark is “natural”, belladonna and deadly nightshade are “natural”, getting swept away in raging flood waters is “natural. Seriously, stop being so pretentious and stop worrying what other people use on their bits. 

The more expensive the toy the better it is

While this is often the case for many things; cars, shoes, clothes etc, it is, unfortunately not always the case for sex toys. Partly because of a lack of regulations, partly because of misinformation and downright lies, and partly because of capitalism and consumerism, you cannot assume that the sex toy you’re looking at that costs $200 is better for you, your bits, and your pleasure, than the $50 one on the shelf next to it. If the copy on the box makes grand claims of antibacterial properties or any kind of “infused” silicone to make it “better” they are lying. If they use anything other than 100% medical grade silicone then they are of a poorer quality than those that do, end of story. Do your research before buying. Look at good, professional sex blogs and review sites (Dangerous Lily is probably the ultimate of Sex Toy Blogs) that have brilliant, informative, scientific explanations about the different materials and their properties, in a way that everyday people like you and I can understand.

Anything’s a dildo if you’re brave enough

While not everyone has the luxury or privilege of being able to buy fancy sex toys, and we even recently wrote about the ingenious things people have used to masturbate with over the years, the very real facts are, if you use an item not made specifically as a sex toy as a sex toy you could possibly do quite a lot of damage to your body. There are ways to minimise these risks but really, for the most part, you should always use items specifically made for your bits on your bits. When it comes to potentially fucking up your body with something not intended to be used in that particular area, that doesn’t make you brave… It actually can put you in danger.

Sex toys really are one of the best additions to your intimate playtime, and can turn a great experience into a fucking amazing one. Always do your research and talk to the people in the shops, and ditch those niggling ideas that you, or they, are something weird and abnormal or something to be ashamed of.

Have fun and happy playing, my friends!

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Comments (3)

  • Helway
    Some say swinging can save marriages, sex toys have probably saved the rest, but how does one guy truly satisfie a woman? Toys have been a part of our marriage for years and they stimulate in ways a human body can't, Mrs solo playing has only ever added to our sexual desires and definitely hasn't resulted in less sex.
  • BareNakedLady73
    Thank you for this article!!
    The selection available these days is outstanding - toys for couples etc...
    I am a huge fan of toy play with a partner - not so much when solo hmmm
  • qick-e
    i love my Male G Spot Vibrator Prostate Massager with 8 Vibration great to use by your self or with a partner , lots of fun
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