Sexual Health Checks 101
One thing I will never quite understand is the stigma and shame that is associated with having a sexual health check. While yes, I know the Powers That Be have made sex for anything other than procreation a shameful and sinful act, but the actual Powers That Are Us should know better. The thing is, sex – as fun, exciting, and sex-cellent as it is – is a pretty big responsibility. We need to understand things like enthusiastic consent and fluid communication, we need to understand the risk of pregnancy that can come with it, and we also need to understand the risk of infection and disease that can also be a part of a sexual life.
These things are not rocket science and making them out to be something difficult or not worth your time thinking about means you’re probably not as sexually “mature” as you think you are, and are probably putting yourself and the people you sleep with at great risk.
STI Statistics… You Are Not Alone
When it comes to safe sex, condoms and dams are one of your best defences but, as we have talked about in the past, are not 100% effective and for certain infections (like herpes or HPV for example) can have absolutely no effect whatsoever.
“So what!” You say. “I’m clean! I don’t sleep around. I’m safe!”
Well firstly that’s a very bold and stigmatising statement to make. “I’m clean” implies that people who have caught an STI are “dirty” (hello stigma and shame) and this is actually not the case at all. Let’s consider the statistics around STIs. For example, did you know around 67% of the entire world’s population (that’s 3.7 billion people under the age of 50) has the herpes virus? Or were you aware that around 60,000 new cases of gonorrhoea are diagnosed PER YEAR in Australian males. Perhaps you’d be interested to know that in 2011 Chlamydia was the most reported STI in people in Australia with over 79,800 cases being diagnosed (that’s around 435 cases in every 100,000 people).
All In This Together
STIs are common. So very, very common that is is actually far more likely that you will have slept with someone who has an STI than not, and the chances that you may have some form of STI (whether symptomatic or not) are quite high.
Sure, you may not sleep around, yay for you, but you are one person, and unless you are having sex purely with yourself, you cannot say for sure the people you are having sex with are like you. Sure, they can SAY they are… But do you really know? And, looking at the stats just posted, why would you risk it anyway?
Get Tested!
Getting a Sexual Health Check is easy, mostly painless, and also free in most cases too, and can do so much to ease your mind while also helping to educate and inform you and your partners of the risks you take and the best ways to avoid them.
I say “mostly painless” because there are certain tests that require blood to be taken (ouch needles) or internal swaps to be taken (cold speculums and a Q-tip on the cervix, or under foreskin swabs). They are slightly uncomfortable, but far better than what could happen to your bits if you leave an STI unchecked. If you have some form of HPV and get genital warts, they can be frozen off with nitrous which can be a bit unpleasant too, but probably not as unpleasant as cervical cancer or other related HPV illnesses.
It’s very easy to get one too. Your local GP will be able to do it, as will any of the many Sexual Health Clinics that are open around Australia. If you’re a bit embarrassed to go to your regular GP then you can always make an appointment at a community medical centre where no-one knows you. They will most likely be bulk billed and if they’re not, the Medicare rebate should cover it, or you can always find a clinic that does.
The results don’t take too long, although if you’re testing for HIV they can often ask for a few different samples over a few months, just to make sure.
I’m Clean! Let’s Fuck!
There are a few things that I want to mention that a lot of people don’t seem to realise.
A “clean” bill of health on an STI check isn’t a Get Out Of Jail Free card. It doesn’t mean you should forgo safe sex practices, nor does it mean you are invincible. Again, you are only one part of a sexual encounter and it doesn’t matter that your piece of paper says you’re okay, theirs might not, and, even if it does, it also won’t stop pregnancy.
It also isn’t necessarily a true representation of someone’s actual health status. It really only covers you from that moment you had the test to the next time you have sex. You could go get the test on a Thursday, then go out and have sex on the Saturday. You get the results on Monday saying you’re fine… But what about that quickie you had on the weekend? The test didn’t cover that one…
What I am trying to say is getting regular STI checks are as important to your sex life as always making sure you have consent, but that it is (like consent) a fluid and ever-changing thing that must be kept up to date and on top of, and not used as gospel or an excuse not to use protection and minimise the risks.
Do It For Your Lovers
Every sexually active person should be proud and willing to have checks every three months. It is the best thing for your sexual health peace of mind and for your partners to know you are a mature and intelligent person who takes their health and safety, and the health and safety of others, into consideration when embarking on the intimacy and adventure of a sexual relationship, whether as a one night stand, or a more regular, permanent affair.
No shame. No stigma. Just good old fashioned looking after yourself. And why should anyone be embarrassed about that?
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