Sex and Weed and the Science of Pleasure
Not too long ago we published a blog post looking at some of the pros and cons of mixing weed and sex and came to the conclusion that, while yes there are definitely those health issues that come with smoking (if that’s how you choose to partake), and some other issues that weed can exacerbate like apathy and (not permanent) lower sperm count, overall, apart from the archaic laws surrounding it, there was far more good than bad, and now we have some scientific proof that we were on the right track all along!
In a recent study conducted by the St Louis University School of Medicine 373 women were given a range of questions on sexual satisfaction, orgasm frequency, pain during sex, and other related topics. To avoid bias and make sure they didn’t guide the answers too much, the marijuana questions were subtly placed within the questionnaire and interspersed with others so that the results were more naturally answered than if the study was solely based on cannabis use.
Marijuana does give women better orgasms!
Of the 373 women surveyed 47% said they were regular cannabis users, and 34% said they regularly used it before sexual activity and the researchers found significant differences between the answers from users and non-users.
Among those women who reported using marijuana before sex, 68.5% stated that the overall sexual experience was more pleasurable, 60.6% noted an increase in sex drive, and 52.8% reported an increase in satisfying orgasms compared to women who did not partake.
There were also reported increases in desire, and decreases in pain and discomfort that women said they had experienced prior to cannabis use.
Why does cannabis improve sex?
Probably the most common reaction to pot is the relaxation of our bodies and the slowing down of our temporal perception of time. Both of these things have a flow-on effect to the body and its responses to stimulation, including prolonging pleasurable feelings and heightening the senses of touch, smell, taste and sound. The other big thing researchers concluded from these findings was that when your body and mind is in that relaxed state, our inhibitions become lower and our confidence and willingness to experiment and express our desires and needs becomes easier, and when all these factors come together they lead to enjoyable and memorable sex experiences that women had not experienced before using cannabis before sex.
Should Australia legalise marijuana?
Unfortunately here in Australia, with the exception of some medical applications, marijuana is still classed as an illegal drug and, while most people will know someone who knows someone, it can be a risk trying to procure it. Because of this it is mostly only available in smokeable forms which, for many people, isn’t something they want to do. In places where cannabis use and its use in products is legal there have been some incredible leaps and bounds in the creation of edibles, topical applications, and other infused products made for a range of needs, including sex. There are cannabis infused lubes that, by almost all reports and reviews, make your bits feel light and high and super responsive to touch and play. There are drinks and gummy bears and other edible products that allow you to feel the benefits without the smoking health risks, and then there are all the important medicinal applications it is used in. Things like reducing seizures, minimising chronic pain, helping with cancer relief, restoring appetite, calming the nervous system, helping to treat certain mental health disorders including anorexia and depression and a whole bunch more.
It’s not just medicine and personal highs it can do either. Did you know pretty much anything made of plastic can be replaced by using hemp? Which is cheap to produce, easy to work with and, in the end, completely biodegradable and healthier for the environment. Clothing and other textile materials, building supplies, paper… So much of the stuff we use every single day can be made from this brilliant little bush that grows like a weed in almost any environment you plant it in.
The rest of the world is finally starting to see what an incredibly versatile and diverse plant this little weed is and we can only hope that Australia takes up the baton soon to allow far more medicinal, sustainable, and hopefully recreational use for us all.
The science is there, the science is backed up, and the proof is in the pudding. Weed is, on the whole, a positive and natural substance and something the world should embrace and explore, it has the potential to save our sex lives, improve our health and, more importantly, save the world and, as the dominant inhabitants, we have a duty to use everything we can to preserve and love this planet for future generations.
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