How can I get my best friend to move on after her breakup?
Dear Amie, my best friend got dumped by her long-term boyfriend about six months ago. I totally understand that it broke her heart and I was there for all the tears and long conversations. But it seems that’s all we still talk about. She hasn’t moved on and, to be honest, I didn’t even think he was the love of her life. How can I be supportive but tell her she needs to put on her big girl pants and move on?
Breakups are notoriously painful and heartbreak is a bitch. Anyone who’s been through a shitty breakup will tell you they’d probably rather be hit by a car than go through that again… me included.
And while you can be proactive about trying to get over a breakup, you can’t rush them – the heart heals when it's ready to heal.
With that being said, I reckon best friends are entitled to one solid month of wallowing, before they have to scale it back. The fact that your friend’s breakup has dominated your friendship for months on end is hardly fair to you. That’s a lot of pressure to put on a friendship and makes it all very one-sided. If your friend isn’t careful, she might be experiencing a breakup with your friendship next.
Here’s what I’d do.
Tell her to shut up… nicely. No seriously. Enough is enough. Ban your mate from mentioning her ex’s name. Make her agree to a pact that he won’t be spoken about again. The only way she’s going to be able to get over him is to look beyond him. Tell her he’s taken up enough space in your friendship and it’s time she widen her world view. He was clearly not a keeper – or he’d still be around. And she’s hardly going to be open to meeting new people if she’s still clinging onto the past.
If your friend still feels she has a lot of emotional unpacking to do about the break up, suggest she talk to a professional. She might get the shits with you for suggesting that, but if she’s slipped into a state of sadness that she can’t seem to break out of, a therapist might be able to help her get some closure. Shit – that’s what they’re paid to do! Plus, if she doesn’t want to do the work and just wants to keep talking about the ex endlessly, then at least she’s doing that to… someone who isn’t you.
One of the most proactive ways to get over a relationship is to stay busy. Your friend is consumed by the break up – she needs to divert her energy elsewhere. I’d say she needs a passion beyond obsessing over the ex. Why not suggest a new hobby or activity you can both commit to doing together?
As a last resort - they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Maybe suggest your friend sign up to Adult Match Maker…
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