Are you a Grower or a Shower? Part 2

Tape measure wrapped around a banana to signify a penis

Sponge animal toys – how much fun are they? Just add water and watch them grow. But guys we’re guessing that discovering your penis did a similar thing was a whole lot more fun. But, back to the story! 

As soon as men become sexually active they quickly learn that they fit into one of these categories – grower or a shower - and although the comments on our recent post focussed on men knowing how to please a woman we’re sure that for some growers it’s caused some feelings of insecurity or anxiety.

So what do the terms actually mean and what percentage of men fall into each category?

Researchers in a recently published study took penile measurements of 274 men and found that the average change in penis length from flaccid to erect was 4cm. Researchers determined a “grower” was a man whose flaccid penis gained significant length over 4cm (on average 5.3cm), whilst a “shower” gained significantly less than 4cm (around 3.1cm). 

And - drum roll - it found 26% of the men were growers and 74% were showers.

There were no differences in the groups with regards to race, smoking, erectile function, etc. although it was noted that the growers were younger. Although not covered in this study researchers do know that health can play a role. There are some medical conditions which can affect the elasticity of a penis because of the collagen fibres and how stretchable the tissue is. And of course for men carrying a few extra kilos around the middle their flaccid penis can appear hidden making it look smaller (a very good reason to hit the gym and lose that belly guys).

Even more interesting was that although the growers may appear smaller when flaccid, they’re more likely to be larger during an erection by 2.4cm with an average erect grower achieving 15.5cm whilst the erect shower achieved 13.1cm.

In an interview with Thrillist Dr Tobias Kohler said, “It’s genetics - just like some people are taller and some people are shorter. There’s a genetic variation in humans like there is among all species and animals. It’s true that there is discrepancy. Some guys’ flaccid length is very similar to their erect length. And some guys’ flaccid length is dissimilar to their erect length.”

And when asked if there’s anything a guy can do to make his penis longer he said, “If there were something to do to change that, I think guys would be doing it. They still always ask. As a surgeon who operates on penises all the time, if there was any way to make penises longer [starts to laugh]... It just doesn’t exist.”

And if you didn’t catch it the first time here is a link to our recent blog post, Are you a grower or a shower?


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  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    im deffinatly a grower

  • Moroman


    More than a month ago

    Grower baby

  • firmhands2015


    More than a month ago

    a grower and proud of it... wouldn't say i am huge but definitely adequate and average

  • sweetbierotic


    More than a month ago

    I love putting a grower in my mouth and feeling it grow xx super yummy xx

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Mmmm love me some Grower cocks
    had sum of the best grower shower cocks so cute and Full of attitudes when it awakens!...
    And then i have had some 9incher whose cant gets fully hard all floppy
    Not every woman wants a big cock as long as it works whos cares

    • manfactor


      More than a month ago

      That' I suppose could be true to a degree ,
      so why do so many women cheat with guys with a big cock.
      I have had my share of experience and most of the women have said
      that a good sized thick cock is best ,
      luckily I have had no complaint's thus far only at 7 ins but thick and do stay hard with good stamina to please,
      love to hear from you cheers

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    I honestly think i have the smallest cock on earth, I'm so insecure about it but I'll let you all judge when you click on my profile

    • funready2


      More than a month ago

      I think you are having us on.
      That is NOT small!!

  • gang.bang.boys5


    More than a month ago

    I have held over 200 gang bang parties and seen more cocks than Linda lovelace. The numbers quoted here are right, in this study they measured only 274 men, in other studies 15000 and same results. In more than 20 years of putting together parties, I have heard more boasting than Conner Mcgregor! So far maybe 5 guys showed up with what the average profile here claims. See a man 6 feet tall and no one notices, see a man 6 feet 6 every one notices, see a man 9 feet tall you're a liar. John Holmes ex wife said in a interview his cock was 10 inches when she measured it. But any one who has seen it would believe the claims of 14 inches, it was massive, I am yet to see a genuine 10 inch cock, and unless you have a picture with the tape on the top, don't waste my time telling me yours is!. A 1.25 litre bottle of cock is 10 inches. So many guys here guessing. lying, or measuring from their ass. It's pretty simple the tape goes on the top side, not the bottom not even the side. And no your guess is not accurate.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Well I think that’s prob correct but one comment on this made me laugh someone needs too read the article properly before they comment

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Definitely a grower here.... about twice as big when ready for a conquest compared to when in a resting state. But it surely doesn't matter, as long as the operator knows how to use it right ;)

  • Ninja1969


    More than a month ago

    Am i reading this correctly?
    "Average erect grower achieving 15.5cm whilst the erect shower achieved 13.1cm."
    Is this the additional length or overall .
    Surely it is additional length?
    I am tiny at 5.7 inch which is considered to be a microdick by society standards ( and not much bigger than by medical standards)
    Since every woman i have ever met has said that i am the smallest that they have ever seen and as such were not interested i assume i am reading the article incorrectly

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      An earlier blog post might put this into perspective read blog post

    • CheepFrills


      More than a month ago

      ...a mans worth is not measured in the size of his penis...

    • Leolady727

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Not every woman wants a huge dick - I thought 6 inches was about average, so I'd hardly calls yours "micro".

      Best comment I ever saw on one of the AMM blogs "guys with big dicks often ARE big dicks" ;-)

  • AmberBi


    More than a month ago

    What about the cold water effect?
    Do growers respond significantly to cold water and show'ers are not affected so much?

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      Nothing in this study to cover that. Might have to rely on more anecdotal comments.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Best looking part of me

  • wickedcat


    More than a month ago

    Being a "portly" gentleman (few extra kilos ... mmmm ), I am a 2 stage grower ... sitting 4cm .. standing 8cm, and then erect 16cm .... a bit of 'double / double' ..... hahaha

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Definatley a grower myself, though those stats don't reflect my growth I grow from 9cm to over 18cm....

  • Brendanforfun


    More than a month ago

    As the study shows average gains between a grower and a shower then % gains is probably a better indication. Growing from 6cm to 11.1cm (or 47% gain) is a grower according to the facts. But if I’m growing from 17cm to 22cm then percentage wise I’m a shower with only 22% against the the previous example So am I a grower or shower?

    • wickedcat

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Brendanb1975 ..... by my calculations, a 47% increase on 6cm equals 8.8cm ..... from 6cm to 11.1cm is an 85%increase ... therefore an increase from 17cm to 22cm is 30% ........ But having 17cm in the first place means you are definitely a shower .. :)

    • Brendanforfun


      More than a month ago

      Sorry. Yes. You are absolutely correct. But still not sure that cm gain difference is really the different. Maybe there are guys that grow from 8cm to 22cm. I don’t look. Hahahaha

  • BBWmature


    More than a month ago

    Who’s in the performance not the show or grow

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      I agree with you who cares

    • 30Looking4Older

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      But, the growing is part of the performance ;)

    • Itska69

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I also agree
      Who cares ?
      It's how you use it !!

    • Darkstud


      More than a month ago

      And other parts like the mouth are equally powerful

  • Zamboon


    More than a month ago

    I’m just grateful it works and that it’s appreciated every now n then ...

  • Darkstud


    More than a month ago

    Mine looks flaccid but when erect, I am a grower!

  • horny7890


    More than a month ago

    Grower here

  • chesswiseagain


    More than a month ago

    I'm a grower THEN a shower... Lol...

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