Your Essential Guide to Swingers Club Rules

Woman with two masked men at a swingers club or swingers party

Going to a swingers club is a great evening out. You and your partner get to indulge in all manner of sexy times with fun, like-minded people, all in the safety and privacy of a private venue. But, just like every swinger couple has their own set of boundaries and rules, so too does every party or venue. In the same way you should want to find out about a person’s likes and dislikes and limits etc before having sex with them, the same should be the case for swingers clubs because it would suck to turn up only to have a crappy experience because it didn’t cater to what you were looking for, or even be turned away because, for one reason or another, you don’t fit their entry guidelines.

To help you out a little we’ve come up with a list of the most common (and some not so common) rules, and the reasons for them, that you’ll find at clubs and parties in the swinging scene.

No Means No

Although self explanatory it still needs to be said, and is the basis of all sex and sexual play. Be aware that at a swingers party if someone says no it doesn’t necessarily just mean “no I don’t want to have sex with you”, it could also mean “no, I don’t want you wanking next to me while I’m having sex”. Always ask or wait to be asked before you join in any action. As open-minded and sexually liberated as swingers are they still have preferences about who they play with and sliding in uninvited while people are distracted is really bad form.

No Single Guys

This is possibly the most common rule found in swingers parties and there is a really good reason for it. Basically, when you get a party that allows for single guys, it can become a sausage fest with around 80% or more of the attendees being men. Now don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of women out there looking for a hotwife or gang bang experience, however you won’t find them at too many swingers parties (gang bang specific parties are another story), and if you do, they are still very choosy about who they play with. While swinging couples are often on the look out for a Unicorn (a single female swinger) a search on Adult Match Maker will show only about 20% of couples are looking for a single man to join in their fun, so you’ll understand why that rule is in place more often than not. The other reason is that unfortunately many single men at parties behave very badly (yes, we know, not all men) ignoring consent and boundaries and generally making people feel uncomfortable, so in the name of safety and keeping the good vibes going, single men aren’t invited. If you are a single guy, there are parties that do cater for you, you just need to be aware that unless the Party Organiser vets attendees to balance numbers then the odds won’t be in your favour and, again, couples are fussy so you’re going to have to stand out from the crowd. 

Parties which allow single guys are often referred to as Players Parties and there are plenty listed in our Event section. But make sure you read Chantelle’s advice on increasing your chances of being invited to play.

And if you’re a single guy and manage to persuade a single female to come along so you can gain entry as a couple be aware that if she leaves, so do you. 

No Guys Alone

This is slightly different to the no single guys rule, but works on the same principal. Many clubs put this rule in place in certain parts of the club which basically means if you’re a guy who has gone to the party with your partner you must always be with them in select areas of the venue. Yes you can go to the toilet by yourself or have a cigarette or even maybe sit in a lounge room or wherever, but there will be certain play rooms or areas you cannot go into alone. Again, this is for the comfort and safety of other guests and is because of the unfortunate bad behaviour of some guys - no, not all, but enough for it to be a rule.

Door Rules

Many parties and venues have a bunch of different play areas. There are bedrooms and lounge rooms and spas and bondage rooms and orgy rooms. Again, it just depends on the party you choose as to what sort of spaces and equipment will be available to you, but one thing that is commonly understood is the rules about doors. If you are at a party and you come across a room with a closed door it means “Stay Out”. Do not open the door, do not go in to watch. While you may think this is in conflict with the openness of a swingers party it’s often a way for people to play and enjoy themselves in a controlled group setting with no distractions or unwanted attention or even recognition. 

If the door is ajar - as in not clicked shut but not wide open - it means that you are able to go into the room to watch the action, but not to join in. And if there is a chain across the door you can obviously watch from behind the chain. Some people love being watched by strangers but not so much being touched by them. The other rule for this is if you do watch play be quiet. Don’t talk or giggle or gossip or carry on or interrupt (this is especially important in a bdsm scenario but that’s a whole other article). 

If the door is wide open it is an invitation to come in and join in. However we need to reiterate that you must ask first. Consent is always key.

Dress Code & Dressing Down

But isn’t everyone just naked and getting it on? Why should rules about clothes matter?
Each party and venue is different and so are their rules about clothes. 

Often, and especially at nights that cater to new couples, the start of the party is about mingling and getting to know people. Usually the dress rules are smart, sexy, and casual, and give people a bit of time to ease into the group. Sometimes the rules are for lingerie or sexy costumes, but they usually rarely start the night off in full nudity. There will be a specific time, however, that it is time to “dress down” and this is when people shimmy out of their “meet n greet” clothes into something less. If, by this stage, you don’t feel comfortable dressing down it’s probably the time to leave. Really, there’s not much more disconcerting and uncomfortable at a swingers party than being naked and sexy with fully clothed people wandering around checking you out. It just feels off, and you’ll most likely be asked to leave anyway. Often rooms at the venue will have a “naked only” rule which means exactly what it says. If you want to go into one of these rooms, even if you’re just going in to watch, you need to be naked.

Not all clubs require you to be nude, and not all clubs have super strict clothing rules, so make sure you read up on what’s expected of you fashion-wise before you go.


Although it’s rare to come across a licensed venue that also caters for swinging (the Saints and Sinners Ball in Melbourne is one exception) you are often allowed to BYO drinks and have them put behind a bar, or in the kitchen, labelled with your name so that you can have a few drinks during the night. It’s not uncommon to want to relax a little bit, and a glass of wine can be a great way to gain a bit of extra courage and confidence, but please do not overdo it. And note what you’re allowed to bring, eg. some venues will request that you don’t bring red wine. Bar staff will be RSA qualified and so the normal rules of serving you if you’re drunk will apply. 

Drunkenness or being off your face on drugs is not a pleasant thing for others to witness. It is not sexy. It is not endearing. It’s just gross, and annoying, and often leads to all sorts of drama from couples fighting, people vomiting, or even violence. None of that is conducive to a good, sexy night out, so just be aware of how much you’re consuming, and be sensible.

Many parties will also state “no drugs” so please respect their wishes and don’t sneak stuff in. It’s disrespectful and if you’re caught you will probably be asked to leave and you won’t be invited back.

Be Responsible For Your Own Stuff & Respectful of Others

It’s a bit embarrassing having to write this on a blog for adults, but we’ve been to enough parties to know that sometimes adults don’t have the best behaviour and often expect other people to do simple things for them and complain if they don’t.

Condoms, for example. Bring your own! Yes, a party will usually provide them, but they may not be the brand you like, and probably not latex free. The same goes for lube. If it’s provided it most likely will come in annoying little tear packets (annoying, yes, but also the most hygienic way to provide them), so if there is a brand you like and prefer, bring it with you. And it goes without saying – use condoms – stealthing is not something you want to be caught attempting at a swingers party.

Clean up your messes! Seriously. It’s just gross lying down in someone else’s wet spot from half an hour ago. There are towels and wet-wipes provided. Use them!

Always label your stuff. Don’t take anything too valuable. Be aware of where your stuff is being kept (if you’re offered a locker use it). Be an adult and take responsibility for your actions, your items, and your experience. Yes, the hosts have given you a lovely space to play in, so respect it.

No Phones Allowed

While a lot of people at parties are parents and may need to have their phone close by to check on the kids or be available if an emergency arises, the No Phones rule is fairly straightforward and is more about the use of recording devices than the taking of phone calls. Along with consent, privacy and discretion are the cornerstones of swinging and it’s imperative to uphold the anonymity and privacy of attendees. And before you start thinking of spy-camera-ing the night for your own personal clip collection, you should be aware that sneaking pics or videos without consent is a crime and carries hefty fines and even jail time. Don’t risk it. Go buy some porn if you’re that keen for videoed sex.

Screening & Vetting 

Not all parties do this, and not all people like parties who do this, but it is becoming a far more popular practise so it’s definitely worth mentioning.

Firstly, most reputable parties will want to talk to the female member of the couple, if not both of you. Mostly to make sure that you are actually a couple and not a single male pretending to be a couple. If you’re a newbie couple they may spend time chatting about what to expect when you arrive and this is your opportunity to ask any questions which haven’t been answered on their Event listing or website. 

There are parties where everyone is welcome, regardless of age, hygiene (yes we have to mention it) or your sexual preference. Other parties might advertise that they’re for under 40s or request that you include a photo when you RSVP. Guys, just a note here - they are not looking for a picture of your dick – head and shoulders only. Why do they do it? Well they want to make sure that a. if you claim to be a couple that there are actually two of you; b. that if you claim to be 35 you are closer to 35 than 55 and c. that you look like someone they want to party with. Age bands are often only a guide. If you’re 45 and outside the age brackets for an under 40s party but you’re fun, respectful, can hold a conversation and you have a reputation for being the last one still fucking when the lights go on, chances are you will still get an invite. Also if your partner is over the age bracket specified but you’re under, depending on circumstances and the other confirmed guests, you will possibly get an invite. Most will state they’re not looking for super models, they are looking to put together a guest list of people you will want to party with. So whilst parties which specify age bands are often seen as snobbish they do serve a purpose. Newbie swinger couples in their 20s are going to be far more likely to attend a party where there will be couples around their own age until they move beyond soft swap and feel comfortable enough to attend parties with a broader age group. 

And then there are the “elite” parties, with a reputation for catering to the rich and beautiful and a price ticket to match. Like everything in this world, class and status says a lot about you (or at least to the people who care about such things). They will require a photograph of you and often a questionnaire about you (how rich and beautiful are you really?), they may require that you join their site to gain access to party information and then they will decide if you’re worthy of entrance. They will rarely accept anyone outside their specified age band, unless you’re someone famous, and we’ve heard of quite a few times where one member of a couple is deemed “beautiful” enough but their other half isn’t. If you are rich and beautiful you will probably love the idea of these exclusive parties and revel in the idea that you are one of the “elite”. But a recent morning show interview with the UK owner of one of these elite parties which is trying to break into the Australian scene said 56% of attendees stay fully clothed so we’re guessing it’s more a “meet n greet” than a genuine swingers “play” party. 

And one final thing which is more common courtesy rather than a rule. If you RSVP and you can’t make it – call or message to let the Party Organiser know. Unless it’s Saints as I think Brian will be a bit busy that night to take your calls. But especially if you’re a single guy who has been invited to a party. There is possibly a waiting list with some other guys keen as to come along. So if you can’t make it, it gives the Party Organiser the opportunity to let people on the waiting list know. 

Basically, if you’re a swinger or interested in swinging, there is a club or party that will cater to your needs, but sometimes you may have to do a bit of hunting to find the best one. Do your research, look them up on Adult Match Maker, talk to past attendees, see if there are validations on their AMM profiles or reviews online. If you’re not sure of something it’s perfectly okay to email the party hosts to ask and I would actually encourage you to do so. If a party you want to go to has a rule that means you can’t attend don’t get argumentative or try to get around them in any way, that just makes you the exact sort of person no-one wants at a swingers party (deceitful and boundary pushing). Be respectful, be informed, and be safe.

Good luck, and happy party shopping… Why not go check out our Event section right now?

If you’re new to the swinging lifestyle you should read our Swingers Glossary jam-packed with all the terms you will come across in the swinging scene.

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Comments (9)

  • sugarbuns
    We've hosted a lot of swingers' parties and we have a routine that works well. Firstly, we have a (quite long) list of people - singles and couples - who've been before and with whom we're comfortable. We always try to add some new people each time. But its incredibly frustrating to have people accept and then fail to show, or give a last minute excuse. We cant get replacements and theres often a waiting list.
    We work in getting 20 or so people including two or three single guys (they make sure everyone's happy) and meet in the hotel bar for 30 or 40 minutes. Those who decide they dont want to play can head off then - we appreciate that swinging isn't for everyone. We then head upstairs to the room (usually a suite with at least two queen beds), where there's condoms, lube, drinks and nibbles. Once the view's been admired, someone starts with a kiss and before long everyone's naked. Works a treat! Totally recommend the lifestyle.
  • abcplus1
    A good article, and good timing, we are thinking of going to a club for the first time soon.
  • PartyAnimalz
    Really well-written article that covers all the major points.
    At Debauchery, our 'vetting' is slightly different to what was described in the article. We always like to talk to everyone on the phone first, just to make sure that their head is in the right space to enjoy the experience. We don't discriminate on looks or age, but we'll be honest about your chances of success if you ask. Of more importance to us is whether or not you'll enjoy the experience, and if we think your expectations are unrealistic we'll tell you in advance.
    We also have zero tolerance for guys who try to get into our party by using a female friend as a 'door pass' to get around our no single guys rule, or those arrogant pricks who believe they should be able to play with any number of females at the party, but who try to forbid their own female partner from playing with other guys.
  • Sex.Geek
    I (Kimmi) have hosted adult parties in Adelaide for 10 years+ and I personally allow swingle males (which is different to a single male) to events and in my experience, they add flavour and they're a lot of fun....winks* However, I do meet with each individual swingle male personally before they are able to receive an invitation. We go through the all the difficulties that may arise and how to communicate and what to be psychologically aware of to understand all the dynamics of attending a couples dominant event solo, which isn't an easy ask, so, be compassionate to swingle males too - he has no home-base/partner and can often feel lost.
    And, I could honestly say that I receive more complaints about partnered men than I do swingle men. A swingle male knows that if he is called out on any poor behaviour he will never get an invite again (well not to any of my events anyway). I provide special allowances for swingle ladies too so they are not so intimidated walking into a place that is unfamiliar.
    Kimmi's does not vett/screen couples the guestlist organically comes together (no pun intended). In my experience, a clean, well-organised environment with clear boundaries is the key to a reputable event for people to truly relax.
    Each party host/hostess (in all states) need to be respected, even if the parties are not suited to your liking. The time and dedication to holding space for people to explore their sexuality is not as easy as it may appear so before you poo-poo on how you could do it better, unless you are 'actually' hosting your own events (and consistently and to people you don't know) - then please be appreciative and attend each event with an open heart and open mind.
  • Darkstud
    Swinging can be every bit as invigorating, exciting and fulfilling as you can ever imagine.
    The lifestyle of the swingers isn’t a piece of cake. Sometimes it is complex and complicated with lots of insecurities and uncertainties.
    For me courtesy is the key to ease up. Behave with people just like you would like them to behave towards you. Be sensible, thoughtful and understanding.
    The whole idea is to have fun and enjoy our time there, so I participate in activities that make me feel comfortable. I don’t let anyone pressurize me to do something I don’t like.
    I approach every activity with an open mind and positive attitude. When appropriate, I act out my fantasies and enjoy myself.
  • SEQsParties
    As with all party and club organisers, we have our rules - no means no, ask before you touch, wear a condom, moderate alcohol for example.
    The best advice I can give newbies is take the rules literally. Don't treat them as just a "guideline". Organisers and most gentlemen at parties are very protective of the ladies. Guys who are pushy or touch where they shouldn't soon become pariahs and are are easily replaced.
    The other thing with photos, be honest. I point out to those with dodgy photos that they expect me to trust them physically in my own, or other hosts' homes. So if you are dishonest with your photo say goodbye.
    At our parties, nice guys get to come back again and again
  • Friend4life56
    Not relevant for me but it's good to read and reinforce what I already thought I knew. Thankyou
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The content posted on this blog is intended for informational purposes only and the opinions or views within each article are not intended to replace professional advice. If you require professional relationship or sexual health advice you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist.