7 Things Women with Big Boobs are Sick of Hearing

Close up of a woman with large breasts wearing a low cut yellow party dress

Being a woman with big boobs myself I can say I both love and hate them at the same time. This isn’t any kind of body-image thing either, it’s purely practical and sometimes they can just be super shit. Like sure they look good in a corset, and they are soft and lovely to touch and they give my silhouette an awesome shape… But then they get sweaty and itchy in the heat and they make t-shirt designs look dumb and stretched and I seriously couldn’t tell you the last time I rested comfortably on my belly… And, probably the biggest peeve I have about them, is how much everyone wants to have some kind of opinion on them like it’s their business to discuss my body and it’s my duty to have to listen to it and answer their dumb questions.

Here’s a big heads up, it’s not, and I don’t and neither does anyone else with big boobs.

Here are the top seven things I, and other busty women, hate hearing… So just stop it.

1. Are they real?

Look, unless you are my doctor and I am suffering from something which the answer to that question is pertinent to save my life… Just don’t. Why is it any of your business? Why does it even matter? Why do you want to know?  Although, I should admit, if you’re the sort of superficial person that cares about those sort of things then it’s good I find out earlier in the piece before I let you touch me in any intimate way. But seriously, keep that question out of your mouth. It’s rude and invasive and, again, none of your business.

2. What Size Are They?

Are you a bra salesperson? Are you fitting me for a suit? No? Then it’s none of your business. Most guys I know who ask that question have no idea what they’re even asking anyway. I once told a guy I was a “size P8 4” and his eyes lit up like Christmas as if what I’d said wasn’t actual fucking gibberish. Seriously, dudes. I understand everyone has preferences etc (and here at AMM we have options to add details like that in our personal profiles) but apart from very specific circumstances like that, its just not your place to ask those sorts of things.

3. Gee, Aren’t They Uncomfortable?

Well actually, mate, yes. They are. In 40 Degree heat, with sweat pimples underneath them and the weight of them pushing down on your shoulders til your back aches and your knees hurt, and that painful jolting pull when you walk a bit faster or god forbid try and run, and then let’s also not forget the personal discomfort I am feeling because you’ve asked me a question about my breasts when you have no right to because they are my breasts not yours and not a topic for conversation unless I bring them up myself so just shut up… Breathe… Yes. Yes they are.

4. Bet She’s “Up For It”

Ah yes… The old high school mentality that if a girl has boobs she must be a slut and she must love them being grabbed and manhandled roughly. Like okay, I can understand uninformed teenagers with bad sex education and school-yard whispers thinking this sort of shit, but that some grown men and women seem to think that body shape and the size of the lumps of fat and tissue on a woman’s chest have some kind of correlation to how horny or “promiscuous” she is or how she wants them played with… It boggles my mind. Every single boob is as unique and the person who owns them and just because they’re big doesn’t mean they enjoy being kneaded like bakers dough. Really the only way you’re going to know how she likes to be touched is by asking (No, not on the bus, dude). The thing about big boobs is, yep, they’re big. So they and their cleavage often feature quite heavily in our outfits, but that’s just, you know, physics and volume and stuff… It’s actually got nothing to do with our libidos or what we enjoy sexually.

5. I Wish Mine Were That Big/ You Got My Share!

No, stop it. You probably don’t wish yours were that big because if they were you would wish they were smaller…. the grass is always greener… And please stop with the bullshit pseudo guilt trip over something I have no control over like the size of my boobs! Seriously. Stop wishing for something you haven’t got, and stop (even if jokingly) blaming the women who do! This goes for all things too - I wish I was as tall as you, I wish my hair was curly/straight/coloured like yours, I wish I had your…. No. Stop. Please stop comparing yourself to other women by pointing out what you think you lack. You do not lack. You are excellent the way you are. You really, really are…. And, if you do ever decide to change your shape (or your hair or anything) do it for you and you only, not for someone else or what you think someone else might like.

6. My Eyes Are Up Here

Seriously, we can see you looking. You think you’re being subtle and discreet… You’re not. We see it. We notice it. We feel it… And a lot of us fucking hate it. Part of the problem is this weird societal idea that boobs are purely for sex and the enjoyment of others in a sexy way and therefore any time a boob is anywhere on the radar people turn into mindless weirdos with no self control… But here’s the thing… Control it. It’s gross and sleazy to stare and can even be a form of harassment, especially if asked to stop and you don’t. 

Also, just a reminder in case you weren’t aware, the main purpose of breasts is for the nourishment of babies and not for your grabby hands and staring eyes so have a little bit of respect and stop treating them, and women, like they’re some sort of personal fun-bag for you to enjoy. They’re not. They’re attached to a human and you’re just being gross.

7. Can I Touch Them?

What? No. Fuck off! I don’t care if you’re male or female or non-binary (and I have been asked this by all different people and ages and genders) no you cannot. Like sure, being asked “can I touch them” when we’re together in an intimate setting is a lot different… That’s called informed consent and I expect it every time I am intimate with someone (and you should too), but I’m talking about being asked in random places by random people. I’ve been asked in shops, in clubs, at parties, and it is always inappropriate and always rude. Yes, it’s definitely not as bad as someone just grabbing them without asking, and that’s happened too many times to count, but it’s still not a question to ask someone. Seriously. Just don’t.

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Comments (88)

  • Robert111963


    More than a month ago

    I love them

  • Bigpappa073


    More than a month ago

    If you hate people sharing at them.. don't have them on display so much.. If I walked around town with my cock half hanging out I can't blame people for looking

  • Jessyj


    More than a month ago

    Thank you for such a great article Eva.

    My boobs are not massive by any means. More than a handful...as I’ve been told! The thing is...I just happened to grow them like that! So grateful for what I have. Each to their own I say...everyone has their ‘thing!’ And it would appear that boobs are some guys’ thing!

    Hugs and happiness

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Wow, Never heard truer words.
    Thank You Eva, for saying what we all have been thinking for years.

    It's the worst to put real energy and effort into getting ready, for yourself and Other half and to have it shot down with a smart arse comment...
    There's No, jekyll and hyde moment, truly there's a time and place for everything, Or as My Parents would kindly remind you, if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything! Unless your opinion is asked for.

    Just cause My Breast are on my profile, really "Ladies4Lust" ?
    Ooh Please, don't think The Worst before you get to know anyone.

    Well, just to put it out there, the reason why my Breast are up for View! Is a 2 part answer

    1. We've had a profile for quite a few years and it's been proven that without some sort of picture on your profile you don't get reply's. Sad to say. On another note I make sure to read all profiles and NOT just look at pictures, the information is there for a reason.
    2. It's the only part of My body that NO-ONE can easy identify, in other words, only the people that have been with Me, know them... oh and don't try and say we all know them Now!!! "Key word" identify.

    • KatAda60

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I agree. I have had men saying they have read my profile but all they have done is look at my girls as i call them. They wouldn't know the first thing i put in my profile.

  • 5.Cougars


    More than a month ago

    Eva thank you
    thank you for explaining candidly the constant struggle us women with larger breasts endure everyday.

    I too have been ridiculed for clothes (when its so damn hard to get tops that fit you properly without gaping in the front or being so tight because lycra is about the only thing that actually fits properly without having to resort to a mumu)

    thank you for explaining the constant pain thats experienced all over our bodies (yes i dont run) IT HURTS
    thank you for explaining that while some women are comfortable being groped by eyes or wandering hands most of us simply dont appreciate it, yes the grass is definitely greener. I would love smaller breasts but I would have to endure sensation loss and significant scars to achieve that. its not an option. So I have embraced mine, but I dont need the reminders. I used to love sleeping on my belly but thats a thing of the past now,

    oh and one last thing guys its not sexy to tell a woman that you dont know that has big breasts how much you want to "tit fuck" and cum all over them... no really.. not all women want to hear that. have some manners.

  • fun4fun234


    More than a month ago

    wow, such a harsh attitude to objects of such beauty and function!

    i find beauty in most shapes and sizes and really enjoy drinking in the physical visual splendour of a woman, like viewing fine art.

    its saddening to hear you don't seem to appreaciate that people are admiring you and your beauty.

    still, everyone to their own opinion beautiful.

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      Admiration and Unwanted attention are two very separate things.
      It's really not hard to distinguish the two.

      To everyone commenting that us women need to "get over it" the best thing about your comments is it has given us women a great insight into who not to connect with.

      So cheers for the public service.

    • Leolady727

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      So TRUE, Eva - the blogs are a great resource for making up a "never to be fucked" list :-)

    • fun4fun234

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      thank you for the public service you have provided Eva, equally we all now have a list of people with your viewpoint.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Not long after my partner and I started dating, she confided to me that one of the reasons she was comfortable in my presence is because I didn't spend all day staring at her cleavage.

    A point to note there is that she's always been a very classy dresser, and true to herself - not the type to wear deliberately revealing clothing, then castigate those that would focus on that.

    In contrast, many of our male work colleagues at the time couldn't stop themselves. Her oft - repeated phrase to them was "if you want to talk to me, look me in the eyes. They're up here on my head, not on my chest". The embarrassment on the wannabe alpha male's faces was a sight to see.

  • triXXXi66


    More than a month ago

    I found some advertising in a 30 yr old issue of the once popular PEOPLE magazine. It was spruiking 2 magazines entitled "BIG ONES" and "BIG ONES 2- BRA BUSTERS". Seems in 1987, tits weren't as huge as they are now days. The prevalence of body image, not to mention plastic surgery has made boobs even bigger now I reckon.
    What I got a great laugh out of, was some of the names they came up with
    Now the irony of the advertising is that on the same page was a 1/4 page advert for the Catholic Faith and a picture of the pope! Seriously!
    So back to the BOOBS.
    I get told all the time my tits are amazing and asked how big they are, the thing that irks me is that I don't really think they are BIG...so I guess size is just relative to what you are either used to or what you have experienced before...and they are not really big in the context of the rest of my body....just well rounded and suiting my height/weight ratio.

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      One of my first ever jobs was a personal column in People Magazine and the terms were some of the funniest things.
      I learnt so many slang words for our 'bits' working there. I've never heard as many since, and doubt I ever will. Haha.

    • Mike01974

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      You are amazing. Ive slways adored busty woman. . Score and Vmag.. . And slways respect
      Its disappointing at times when bustiest woman in a club rejectts. . ..
      But the thin beautiful will take me.
      But thank you for this article .
      I came acroos ir ptofile.. wow
      Xx. Care to chat.

  • Slimshaddy


    More than a month ago


  • Remote69


    More than a month ago

    You forgot about #8 Did you grow on them . And for all the women out there that are proud of there chest and love dressing to thrill no mater what size you are GOOD on ya .........

  • 6ftallguy


    More than a month ago

    Hey guys! Chill out over there! Let’s not get carried away with the monologue! Taking pot shots at each other & name calling is destroying the conversation & we’re losing sight of the topic at hand!!!! All Eva was trying to convey was show a little empathy regarding the person behind the “Big Boobs”. Needless to say all the ladies are saying is treat them as people first! I agree with Nightrod67 here. Come on guys! Let’s show a little solidarity here!!

    • Nightrod67


      More than a month ago

      Thanks for your support and comments 6ftallguy well said, an intelligent guy with empathy foresight and understanding of the situation and others, how bloody refreshing.
      All the best Nightrod67

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago



      Great comment

  • Zamboon


    More than a month ago

    Ladies with large breasts- you have my sympathy, neck and back aches are common and unfortunately gravity is not kind as you age. While I’ve often looked at huge breasts I’m not that turned on by them although I’ve been lucky enough to fondle some in the past. Are they boobs, breasts or tits? I’ve always called them breasts out of courtesy but I’ve heard ladies refer to their own tits.
    The slut thing I think comes from the cleavage and Ill fitting / designed tops that are available and of course people are just too ready to label you.
    My wish is that you are comfortable in your own skin and I hope that your breasts and nipples are sensitive- remember to tell those cave men out there how you like to have them treated ....
    Enjoy your bodies

  • Bustymilf24


    More than a month ago

    I love having big boobs and love it when men have a perve. Mine are sensitive and need extra attention :)

    • Nightrod67


      More than a month ago

      Well sensitive is a great thing and need to be treated appropriately and well the extra attention well that just extra fun to be had right there.

  • Nightrod67


    More than a month ago

    Empathy and understanding peoples,until you have lived with it and experienced it every day of your life defensive isn’t the word of choice.
    It’s a word of ignorance but ignorance is bliss.
    Hot04u you state 100% mate I’m right, then strangle go on to say I’m needing to grow a set, (which I have a huge set actually) could write and article on them. Hahaha
    You then proceed to say I’m saying what I’m saying to elevate myself to get a bit as you call it and I’m a left wing feminist, it’s a complete contradiction to your “100% mate,your right” your hypocrisy is farcical and I’m not needing to look good in front of women whatsoever, I simply have a sister in law with these problems.
    Who would be a columnist and write like Eva has from a personal perspective and has lived it, just to ridiculed for it.
    I have a disability, which has had a profound affect on my life in a multitude of ways and have had to live with chronic pain, but be fucked if I would write an article about it as I would be perceived as “DEFENSIVE” apparently I need to grow a set, how about some of you grow a brain.

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      It's sometimes the funniest thing seeing how defensive and angry people get by being told "we're not really into that, please don't"
      It's also rather frustrating at the same time.

      Thanks for your comment! It's definitely been noticed

  • Mindfood2


    More than a month ago

    What an interesting topic....Thank you..
    I always thought about getting breast enalargement...at an early stage of my life
    Im a tiny woman and as it wont look right for my height..im 12B..bra size
    In saying that..I praised woman with big breast as I thinck they look.. Stunning..
    I am happy for what I got ..and as long as woman look after themselves the only
    Gift you can have in life is.. Good Health...

  • Massageman70


    More than a month ago

    I love huge boobs and I try as hard as I can not to stair at big or huge boobs.
    I get all you points. My nipples get hard and sore when I’m working in the heat too
    Busty lady’s rock.

  • Icycupcake11


    More than a month ago

    I’ve never really had any inappropriate comments even though I have big boobs. The boys love them though so being a fairly plain girl, it gives me an edge haha

  • PurpleLase


    More than a month ago

    Have the same problem, my bra straps too tight , around the shoulders, having lost some weight , feels better, buying a nice sexy bra , that fits right is the best .

  • jambon007


    More than a month ago

    If it's such a problem do something about it

  • Playful149


    More than a month ago

    Well said Eva, I am a male and as beautiful as they are you should be shown more respect as your eyes are in your head not on your chest and the discomfort they bring you would not be friendly.

  • LetsLaugh64


    More than a month ago

    I'm telling the next guy that I'm size P84 lol...thanks Eva, love it

  • xFunlovingx


    More than a month ago

    I am a size 12 now with huge breasts. For most of my life I was a size 8 with huge breasts. I have been mooed at while walking down the street. I have been called a slut by complete strangers. I have had men in intimate moments (who proclaim to be lovers of huge boobs) tell new that they are too big.
    My arms go numb and so do my fingers as the weight of my breasts in my bra are affecting the nerves in my shoulders.
    I tried to get a breast reduction but was denied as large breasts is not seen as a medical problem. I don't have $12,000 for surgery. I was also told by a surgeon that breasts can grow back after one year of surgery. So sick of people telling me to get a breast reduction when they know nothing about it. They say it to me like they would tell me to get a cup of coffee.
    I love men who are true breast worshippers.... but they are too far and few between.
    Men only want to meet me because of the size of my breasts...I have never mattered as a person. It is soul destroying.

    • Alexis2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I know people that have had a reduction and that wasn’t the case. Get another opinion.

      Secondly love yourself enough to not accept that kind of BS in your life :)

      Sometimes you get back what you put out, I don’t mean your breasts it could be a vibe thing.

      Not all men are like that lastly :)

    • 6ftallguy


      More than a month ago

      Dear xfunlovingx ! So sorry to hear of your personal experiences! As a man, I find it more than a bit demoralising to realise that a fellow male has treated you that way & in such a moment of vulnerability! I can only hope that there are some good men out there who appreciate & treat you the way you deserve to be treated! I find it a huge indictment on my gender that we lack the connection to our emotions at such intimate moments that we resort to such insensitive & demoralising comments!!!! You deserve better & are worth far more than that! Best wishes!!!!

    • Nightrod67


      More than a month ago

      Wow xFunlovingx what an amazing thing to put out in a open forum like this,an article like this from Eva invokes strong women like yourself to write and share these informative and insightful real life living situations.
      I think the men should be worshipping the woman first, who own the breasts and then the breasts themselves and what is connected to them both mentally and physically.
      Good on you for expressing yourself in this comment. :-)

    • Nightrod67


      More than a month ago

      Well said 6ftallguy. Thumbs up from me. Your an insightful individual indeed.

    • xFunlovingx


      More than a month ago

      Wow Alexis and I guess you think that being raped is a "vibe thing"? You're disgusting and what's wrong with the world.

    • marty000

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      And I have trouble finding breasts to worship.

    • allinmymind


      More than a month ago

      Hi xFunlovingx.

      I find my boobs do get mixed up with my arms, I found the bra that swooshes them together by Fayreform was a help with that, as are all their bras and a good fitter for other problems.

      As for other comments no boobs are like other things, sometimes losing weight only accentuates them if you have naturally big boobs.

      Trinny and Susannah have been a great help to me. One thing that helps is having scooped necks not low rather than high necked clothes. Look at high necks on big boobs and you will see the problem, like the one in the voice, one of the winners (US Voice this year).

    • Alexis2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      xFunLovingx, get a clue honestly :(

      Rape isn’t close to anything to do with this.

      You are an imbicile :)

    • xFunlovingx


      More than a month ago

      Alexis is a prime example. The abuse I speak of comes from women....not men. Men in public are so much better behaved than women. All you have done in this entire post Alexis is put down women with natural large breasts. Maybe you should do something about your small tits and get implants.

    • Alexis2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Abuse ?

      You are clearly ‘ deluded ‘, maybe you should have a hard look st yourself before you judge anyone else :(

      Secondly more than happy with my so called ‘ small tits ‘ so no need to enhance them :)

      Just because I said something about the fact that I’m glad I don’t have huge breasts, I’m the enemy :)))))

      Pathetic :)

  • Nightrod67


    More than a month ago

    Thanks MzSensual, I think it’s a very individual and personal thing for women, I know my sister in law struggles with constant pain and is considering a reduction,with that comes surgical complications ,which adds to the dynamics of the stress the woman have to endure on a daily basis.

  • Kizza73


    More than a month ago

    I just saw the words ..."BIG B@@B's!" and decided to come here :)

  • 6ftallguy


    More than a month ago

    Hi Eva! You certainly drive a compelling conversation. Personal space....boundaries & societal beliefs are all found wanting here!! My gut feeling here is that guys..men actually struggle to know what to say & do in a given moment. Words aren’t exactly our first language, girls....surely you must have some insight here! Don’t get me wrong here! I’m not at all attempting to justify this sort of behaviour OKAY! It’s not acceptable in any setting. That said I know we men struggle expressing ourselves at the best of times, but that gets infinitely more difficult especially when dealing with our feeling...emotions....desires ...etc! Yes we do posess these qualities but really struggle to know what to say or how to say it! Now throw a huge turn on...spanner into the mix “Boobs”. We become transfixed...starring(sic) like a deer in the headlights! Now I know I’ve been guilty of this in the past but I try mighty hard not to do it as I’m trying to be respectful. Looking at the behaviour I can’t help but say GUYS just give her a compliment! Tell her she looks nice! Notice all the effort she went to to get ready for her big night out! You’d be surprised what a nice compliment will do for her and.......you!

    • Alexis2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      This is gold :)

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      ditto those comments

    • allinmymind


      More than a month ago

      I have G cups, for ages they were Fs and I hadn't a lot of weight on at the time so that is my natural size. I am 54 and never really noticed someone looking at my boobs. So many of the other points I can't relate to.

  • Squirtmaker21


    More than a month ago

    Plenty, but not all of woman with big boobs automatically think all guys love big boobs and consider them their best asset. So they flaunt them! Unfortunately with big boobs, often comes big everything else.
    It is not about size, its about shape.

    • friskypuz

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Not always the case..

    • Alexis2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I think he’s pretty spot really.

    • LetsLaugh64

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      "unfortunately with big boobs often comes big everything else".

      My my...

    • MzSensual


      More than a month ago

      Big everything else ... lol Keep researching Einstein!

    • Squirtmaker21


      More than a month ago

      Each to their own. I am a bum and leg lover, so boobs are neither here nor there for me.. If its a nice set great! If they are ordinary it does not bother me if i like their bum.
      So when ive seen girls flaunting their boobs at me and are surprised when i don't react, i think its funny.
      I am also amazed at how some guys can drool over boobs regardless.
      I was never breast fed, maybe thats got something to do with it. haha

    • allinmymind


      More than a month ago

      Before my cam habit I never flaunted them, it wasn't who I was. I still don't like exposing them in my day to day life.

  • friskypuz


    More than a month ago

    The worse is in summer ,take the bra off for comfort and look out sweaty heat rash...

    But they are fun for a good titty fuck and fun when its sexy time .

  • Adelkinkcple


    More than a month ago

    While I empathize with any woman who gets unwanted attention purely as a result of the size of their boobs It amazes me when the self same people use provocative pics of their breasts in profile and gallery pics to attract attention to themselves. ? Surely this only serves to perpetuate the problems referred to in the article. Myself I believe that no woman should be made feel uncomfortable about any part of her anatomy but at the same time I think it is obvious that any blue blooded male who views an attractive female is going to take a look and sometimes a second look, its all part of the mating game isn't it?

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    My wife has big boobs and she loves them and love to flaunt.
    Her favourite is tit bondage she absolutely loves it and I have to admit so do I it’s great fun and very hot.

  • Catdog181


    More than a month ago

    Male responding to the article and comments
    Not having suffered from such sort of scrutiny myself, I can but try and empathise with your experiences
    No one should have to endure all those insensitive comments and questions
    Let's hope this article can help modify the behaviour of some of those who are open to change and growth

  • Adel12


    More than a month ago

    I don't assume any woman is a slut , large or small boobs, I have never and never would grope or ask someone to randomly feel their boobs, l do look but also look at women with small boobs and all sized boobs they all can be attractive size isn't the thing it's portrayed to be, I think there is a difference between an admiring glance and somone sleazing over someone, I think women with large boobs should ignore the hype and stupid comments and be proud of their bodies as we all should be

  • Lookforlover71


    More than a month ago

    Great article, I agree with all of it. the first questions I always get are...what size are they and if chatting online, can I get a pic? There is so much more to us girls than our boobs.....

    • Adel12

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Yes obviously there is more to a woman than boobs , much more , however they are beautiful so be proud !

    • allinmymind


      More than a month ago

      It depends on the person. Maybe it is possible there are people where the boobs are one of their better assets.

    • Alexis2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Some women are blessed with ‘ amazing breasts ‘, half their luck :)

      Most larger breasts I’ve seen on here aren’t like that.

      Much more to any woman than her ‘ breasts ‘ but if that’s what they think is their ‘ best ‘ asset, that’s ok :)

  • Alexis2973


    More than a month ago

    Thrilled I don’t have enormous breasts and if I did I’d probably get a reduction. Not one woman I know with larger breasts likes them :(

    We get what we get and you’ve got to embrace whatever that is :)

    • MzSensual


      More than a month ago

      You don't know me, but I love mine. I'm very attached to them :)

    • allinmymind


      More than a month ago

      I like mine, and women aren't into them as a whole, aka big boobs.

    • LetsLaugh64

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I love mine too... And although the attention they get sometimes feels creepy, they give me a lot of pleasure...i never think about a reduction.

  • cowgaluvoldrmen


    More than a month ago

    Great article
    So true !
    Don’t forget if your a country gal ! There’s always hay that fallen in the bra
    Some days I take my bra off and wonder where most of the crap comes from ! Not to forget how hard it’s to buy bras ! Nice ones let alone comfortable, and the sore neck !

    • Icycupcake11


      More than a month ago

      A-C cup bras - sexy fabric
      D+ bras - curtain fabric haha

    • StraightSwap4u


      More than a month ago

      Not to mention sawdust on firewood-chopping days! LOL

  • KinkyGirl101


    More than a month ago

    How wonderful that the boys have stepped in to mansplain that we're being defensive.

    • Leolady727

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      How true - still it helps sort out the sheep from the goats. My ":never to be fucked under ANY circumstances" list grows with each blog ;-)

    • hot04u

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Fuck off an get a grip woman, you sound like a bitter man hater. I suspect i'm right considering you used the offence word "Mansplain", owait it can't be offensive because your a woman saying it right? Let me guess, you have a hairy box and don't shave under your arm pits?

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      The comments made on the articles are SO much more insightful than reading a profile. Every woman loves having stuff explained to her and being told to fuck off is also high on our agenda.

    • Alexis2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      It did sound rather negative :(

    • Leolady727

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Kinkygirl - you are SPOT ON :-)

    • Austphil

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      There are some women who obviously troll this site hunting for any comment posted by a man so they can post their nasty little blogs. These women who obviously have a chip on their shoulder seem to think being female gives them the right to insult any man who is not a feminist. Comments from women like
      "never to be fucked under ANY circumstances" and "Mansplaining"go unquestioned, while men are abused for their opinion. Thank god I am not one of those poor desperados, who have to put up with a woman who thinks a vagina gives her the right to be abusive. I think I will start my own list of "never to be fucked under any circumstances"

  • Brightonside


    More than a month ago

    Yeah, I agree with Lance. Have never assumed that because a girl has big boob's she's a slut.

    • allinmymind


      More than a month ago

      Maybe they think we have all had plastic surgery lol

  • Lancelot2013


    More than a month ago

    Article comes across from a very defensive point of view.... cheer up sugar tits !! (jk)

    • Nightrod67


      More than a month ago

      Article comes across, as a realest view I would have said.
      If one has the insight and intelligence to see it from someones else’s perspective who has lived and is living with what’s within the article,one wouldn’t post such a foolish and insensitive comment.
      Well done Eva great insight for someone without these issues,thankfully.

    • MzSensual


      More than a month ago

      Well said, Nightrod.

    • allinmymind


      More than a month ago

      Nightrod it doesn't for me and I am a woman.

    • hot04u

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      100% mate, your right. But i need to let you know, because your a guy please don't let facts get in the way of our female friends having a massive sook/whinge you will get called names but its ok because your a male and deserve it. haha
      Nightrod needs to grow a set plain and simple, see some of these guys will try and "look good" in front a woman because they think it will elevate them above others when its comes getting a bit. haha that or they are just left wing feminist sympathisers.

    • Alexis2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      It’s defensive and I’m a woman as well :)

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