If I’m Poly am I Kinky?
Q: Recently I’ve discovered I strongly identify as poly, and as I’ve started discussing this with friends and online people there seems to be an assumption that this means I’m kinky. I’ve never had any interest in spanking or bondage and things. I just fall in love with several people. So do I have to be kinky if I’m poly?
Thanks for an interesting question, and one that’s not uncommon.
The very quick and initial answer is ‘It depends how you define “kink”.’ On it’s very basic level, a kink is simply a bend against the norm - it’s not ‘straight’. So I’d say that anything non-mainstream can be considered ‘kinky’ - including a sexually ‘vanilla’ poly dynamic.
The more specific definition of ‘kink’ as it relates to fetishism is a far more loaded definition that still carries some stigma and misunderstanding. It’s not that surprising to hear people are making this assumption. And it’s also unsurprising that some people in non-traditional relationships reject the kink nomenclature, refusing to let their lifestyle be fetishised.
In terms of active sexual kink, a poly relationship makes no more demands on this than a mono relationship - and again, it’s a social assumption that because you like some things - like having more than one partner - you must like other things - like spanking orgies with all your partners. Simply admitting to some form of alternative lifestyle is enough for some people to feel permitted to ask overly personal questions - like, if you’re happy to admit being poly, you’ll be happy to share intimate details of what that means to you. Again, social assumptions. It’s entirely your call how much personal information you share with others in your attempts to ‘educate’ them, but always keep in mind you owe no further explanation than a person in a traditional relationship. In context of longer-term acceptance and understanding of relationships other than heteronormative monogamy, it really can be a case of ‘show, don’t tell’. Live authentic to yourself and set a great example.
This is YOUR relationship, and ultimately you and your partners define the varying aspects, dynamics, and activities as you will. There are SO many words in the world; I have every confidence you and yours can find the perfect descriptors for your situation.
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