How Ejaculating Can Save Your Life!

Splash of milk to mimic ejaculation

Improves Your Mood

Yes, getting laid or having an orgasm can make you happy and feel good, but it is actually deeper than just the feel-good afterglow of an orgasm. When you ejaculate your body releases a bunch of different chemicals, two of which are oxytocin and dopamine. These feel-good chemicals can actually change and improve your mood on a brain level, and several studies have shown that brain scans of males coming are very similar to the brain scans of people having excellent drug trips like on heroin or ecstasy.

Helps with Fertility

If you’re trying to conceive with a partner one of the best ways to keep your sperm healthy, happy, and fast is to exercise it! The more you come, the more sperm you produce, and the more sperm you produce the more chances you have of reaching the ovum. Keeping the area free from restrictive underwear is a good idea too. Boxers bring babies!

Have Better Sleep

Speaking of chemicals released after orgasm, three of them: oxytocin, nasopressin, and prolactin are all naturally produced relaxants and can act like a sedative helping your body relax and recover and drift off into a perfect sleep. So don’t stress if he falls asleep straight afterwards. It’s not a reflection on you… It’s just like he’s taken a sleeping tablet.

Heart Health

Having sex or masturbating, and the ensuing orgasm can be a fantastic cardio workout for guys. The increased heart rate helps circulate oxygen and red blood cells throughout the body and can improve heart and lung function. Studies have shown that men who masturbate and ejaculate frequently are at less risk of heart attack or stroke than those who don’t.

Cancer Prevention

This is the big one. Prostate cancer is one of the biggest killers of men, taking around the same number of victims as breast cancer takes of women. It is a deadly, awful disease that, even if you survive, can have lasting repercussions on your sex life and ability to perform. Regular ejaculation has been proven to not only help strengthen the prostate, it has also been shown to help clear out toxins and cancer causing cells, and improve the overall health and function of your reproductive system.
So don’t be worried that you’re tugging too much! If anyone has anything to say about it just tell them you’re saving your own life, and that you probably deserve a medal or something.

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