Can I make my dick bigger?
Q: I keep seeing ads and products in sex shops etc that say you can make your dick bigger. Do these things actually work? How? And are they worth it?
Ah yes... The good ol’ marketing ploy of body shaming and telling you you’re not perfect, all with a view to (surprise surprise) sell you something. With women it’s usually about how skinny you aren’t and how much prettier you could be, and for men it’s all about how big your dick should be and how powerful a man you are.
Firstly I want to say, to beg, plead, and beseech you to not let it get to you. To any of you reading this.
No one looks like a picture in a magazine. No one. Even the model whose photo it is doesn’t look like that in real life. They’ve been photshopped and airbrushed to within an inch of their reality, and the same goes for every single thing you see that is designed to make you spend money.
No one has the perfect body, or the perfect penis. There is no perfect size or shape, because every single person is different and likes and enjoys different things.
But you have asked a specific question, and so I will reply to that as best I can.
Do they work? Yes and no.
The most common dick grow products are pumps and creams. These both work differently but the results etc are often quite similar.
Pumps work by creating a vacuum and drawing blood into the area. Erections work by having blood pumped into the penis and causing it to grow, so creating a vacuum and pumping even more blood into it will definitely have a larger result than a regular erection. Most pumps come with cock-rings to slip around the base which, in turn, keeps the blood in the penis longer and therefore bigger for the period it is hard.
This, however, is not permanent. As soon as your erection goes down you’ll go back to being your regular size. If you use it frequently you can sort of “train” your penis to taking in that much blood in every erection, but it’s sort of a chicken and egg thing. It won’t last if you don’t keep using the pump, and too much use of a pump can end up putting too much pressure on, and eventually bursting, the delicate blood vessels in your penis, and that can be super painful!
The creams also work by drawing blood into the area, which can absolutely create a larger, thicker penis… However the feedback I get from these is mixed. Many guys have said yes, it definitely made it bigger, but it ALSO made it really sensitive and therefore unable to last as long in the bedroom, so it was a bit of a toss up as to what was more important to them… Most of them gave up the cream.
Apart from surgery (and I really don’t recommend that) there is one device I have come across that claims to give permanent growth up to a few inches. It’s a pretty crazy thing, though, and kind of looks a bit like a torture device. The best way to describe it is to compare it to those leg braces that some young women in Japan use to lengthen their legs (another completely unnecessary procedure to try and make people into something they aren’t). Basically it’s a clamp/vice that you wear on your penis (like for days) and you slowly twist the knobs to stretch the penis. It looks heavy and cumbersome and rather uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time, but, like I said, the research and testimonials do say it works.
As a woman who has had a lot of fun with a lot of penises over the years I really really need to reiterate that size is mostly irrelevant. What counts is how you use it, and every other single thing that comes attached to it… Meaning the man himself.
Don’t get so hung up on size. Become an awesome man, and, for the right person, your penis will be perfect.
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