If the van's a rockin’ don't come knockin’

Couple's clasped hands against a steamy car window as they have car sex

Who remembers the infamous “shaggin’ wagon” and the phrase “If the van’s a rockin’ don’t come knockin”? Even if you haven’t done it in the back of a Holden Sandman we’re guessing there are very few Aussies who haven’t been “parking”. It’s practically an Australian rite of passage. 

And don’t forget Meat Loaf’s “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” was the anthem for a generation of horny teenagers.  When I was 18 squishiness and flexibility wasn’t an issue as raging hormones pretty much determined my sexual impulses. Keeping in mind that it’s probably illegal in every state of Australia, the appeal is obvious. You’re horny, you still live with your parents, or you’re sneaking around behind your partner’s back – a car provides a serviceable, if not small, space to indulge in some PV action. And of course there’s always the chance you’ll get busted. But that’s part of the appeal. Or is that just me?

The University of South Dakota polled 195 male & 511 female university students with a series of 26 questions and found that 61% of men and 58% of women reported engaging in some form of sexual contact in a parked car. Ironically the research came about because psychologist Dr. Cindy Struckman-Johnson PhD is a sex researcher who also studies traffic safety and after a study about texting while driving literally took a detour all roads led to this study. 

We conducted our own poll of Adult Match Maker members and 81% told us that sex in a parked car is still a popular pass time.  Now we’re not talking about dogging, we’re talking about having sex in your car because a. You have no other options or b. The idea of sex in your car turns you on.

Previous studies found that sex in parked cars began to decline in the 1970s because of “rising gas prices, the shrinking size of cars, the closing of drive-in theatres, an increase in anti-parking regulations, and advancing urban sprawl," the study's authors wrote. But the research team discovered that sex in a parked car remains a “fundamental coming-of-age phenomenon” today. 

Survey respondents reported having sex in a car for the first time around age 17 and 14% even lost their virginity while on four wheels. 48% of respondents only lasted 15 minutes (impressive for 17 year olds) and 5.5% managed to have sex for more than an hour (we’re a bit sceptical about that stat too). The back seat was the most popular location for 63% of respondents and 86% of men reported having an orgasm versus 48% of women. And less than 10% of respondents got caught! 

In a press release Struckman-Johnson said that parked-car sex is still “a behaviour that’s tied to serious dating, which some people think is dying out.” Despite Millennials being portrayed as a “hookup generation” 57% of respondents reported that their 4 on the floor antics were with a serious romantic partner.

“Sex and cars have gone together since the car was invented. I don't think society realizes how important the car is," Struckman-Johnson said. "I think [parked-car sex] was judged to be irrelevant, like an old-fashioned behaviour. But really the car is a refuge for young people ... who want to engage in a serious, romantic sexual interlude. I think we've underestimated its importance."

So now it’s time to get your input for our Australian poll and we can’t wait to see if you agree with results.


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Comments (26)

  • DDdelite
    I've had sex a handful of times in cars - sometimes out of necessity, sometimes for the sheer danger of it lol.
    One incident sticks in my mind. About 20 years ago a boyfriend and I were busted down at clovelly baths in Sydney. We were hot and horny having a great time. Just as I was about to climax.................
    We hear a knock on the window, followed by a flashlight shining through the window and a cop asking us to get dressed and move on quick smart lol.
  • daveydave5
    I have a scooby doo van with a double bed whos keen to christen it with me lol
  • andy0071
    Love yo find some ppl and dogging places
  • **Lee311**
    had my first 3some in the back of a Holden ute.... lol
  • Fallenangels574
    Started in my early days in a Volkswagen. Drive ins were our favourite place but found lots of other parking spots. Oh to be as flexible again. many enjoyable times.
  • Darkstud
    Its a great experience and people who have done it earlier will vouch for it. Love it and won't ever say NO to "parking"
  • Asa.Is.Back
    Until I played with a particular couple (the one from my stories), playing in cars was fun, but cramped. Difficult, & limited. But....once I got my new car (a Subaru Liberty sedan), that changed.....so spacious in the back! That & the amazing couple, made it a thing I want to do over & over again!! Mmmmm
    I'm presently working on the story about my car play with this couple, so hope all enjoy....
  • damon.diggler
    Last time I had sex in a car was about 23 years ago and I was getting a BJ while I was driving along a freeway. I even slowed down to 80 so she could get her reward before we got to the traffic lights at the end of the freeway. Had a few good grope sessions in Taxi's since then though. I do need to get the wagon steamed up again though
  • Chickman82
    Memories, from shitty ford laser to wb stato, wagons sedan's utes, it's always fun, cause u choose ur destination, and ur four wheels gets u there
  • missSupergal
    Had a 3some in a caravan. It was awesome. Loved the idea being in a confined space to place. means you have to be always together. Bring it on!!
  • colinrocky
    Didn't have a car back then only a ute that served the purpose with a mattress in the back.
  • IzzyPet
    Memories are beautiful things - as so were the experiences and knowledge gained in a car - that had nothing at all (as my mother thought), of going for a nice drive. Unless it was into the bush behind the Sailing Club or high on a hill at a lookout over the city. Both at night was where we went and taught each other, what sex was all about. Oh to have youth on ones side again ! But still the same mantra rings true - anyplace, any time ! (Over the bonnet of a new Commodore, one sunny day recently - beside the Hume Highway at 10:30am in full view of all passing traffic ) ! Just could not wait when He said NOW. So i guess the Hormones are still alive and kicking .. just a tad slower these days !
  • willinghelper
    Lost my virginity in a car....
  • allinmymind
    From my experiences the expectations of what other girls some guys have known leads to situations where the girl comes away less than happy, even if they enjoyed it. Each person is different, and many don't think too much about what was said and what was meant.
  • 15gordon
    It was amazing what you could do in a Morris Minor!
    I had a friend who had a removable gear stick in his VW. Apparently it would get in the way ...........
    On a related subject. I have a theory that men who drove right hand drive cars and are themselves right handed prefer to sleep on the right side of the bed ......... a sort of positioning habit?
  • anycombination
    Myself and my mate could not afford a sand man we had a FB Holden panel van But we did have fun using the back either with just our own partners one at a time or 2 couples at the driving . was probably what got me into swinging lol 1977 what a good year .
  • allinmymind
    I must have missed my rite of passage, didn't go there until I was 50. Some of us get better with age. And that was a front seat thing. Are we supposed to feel bad or abnormal?
  • Mia007
    Very very nice and yummy wouldnt change it at all
  • sydneystorm
    I was about 40yrs old when I first did it in a car. Never appealed to me when I was younger but lately the idea is turning me on. I'll have to find a play partner to indulge in this. Also I Love the idea of meeting a stranger in a bar then going back to the car.
  • oneninetynine7
    We still go parking and we're in our 40s! For no other reason than it turns us both on. I wear a skirt to make access easy, i bend over and ... yeah you get the picture.
  • Melody2973
    Some ' fond ' memories that's for sure ;)),
  • trusted8
    It was an important part of my "growing up" while learning and experimenting with sex, either for the reason of not having a place to take my participating partner too, other than the back seat of my car or because the moment was now as our hormones were at their peak and we couldn't resist the temptation any longer....
    The thought of getting caught wasn't really an issue, as our desires were so overwhelming, causing us to fulfil the need of sexual pleasure. In saying that, I remember getting the "thumbs up" from some passers by after a session with my girlfriend during a lunchtime bang in the front seat of my Monaro.
    Mmmm "I'm such a naughty boy".
  • Leolady727
    Experienced my first real orgasm in the back seat of a car and still get horny in the back seat. Not quite as flexible as I used to be, though ;-)
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