Bend Over Bro: The What How Why of Pegging

Woman sits at kitchen table smiling while her naked husband cooks breakfast

What Is Pegging?

Although “pegging” itself has been around for probably as long as sex has been, the term itself is relatively new. Coined by sexpert Dan Savage in 2001 after an online search to find a suitable term, pegging is the practice of men being penetrated anally by a woman wearing a strap on. 

So, why does it even need a specific term? Doesn't “anal” cut it?

Pegging Doesn't Make You Gay!

Well yeah it should, but in this crazy world of ours, men having anal sex is often equated with homosexuality, and straight men have, for the most part, spent their entire lives avoiding being called the G word, and therefore often avoid having any anal contact at all. There's also a common thought that it's an act of “submission” and, while that is true in some cases, it's no more or less submissive than any other form of penetrative sex. It's all down to personal preferences and desires.

These excuses not to try are sad and irksome for a few reasons, the first being that it shouldn't actually matter one little bit if you are gay, or someone thinks you're gay, or if you are or aren't submissive or whatever! It's so irrelevant in the great scheme of things! And the second reason this fear of anal is sad and irksome is because, for the majority of men, it actually feels good. Not just good. It feels mind-blowingly amazing!

This is all to do with the way the male body is made up, and that little ball of pleasure that sits just underneath the wall of the anal cavity called the prostate. Yes, that little ball that can cause a lot of angst and fear in the male population (prostate cancer is one of the biggest killers of men today) can also be a source of great pleasure and ground-shaking orgasms.

How Do I Bring It Up?

Being open and honest is an important part of any relationship, and is the key to having the best sex life you can. If you don't know what your partner wants and they don't know what you want, then at least one of you, if not both, are going to be missing out on some great experiences. In fact in Adult Match Maker's "Under the Covers" survey 38% of Aussie men and 34% of Aussie women said that strap-on sex was one of their sexual fantasies.

There are a few ways to broach the subject. Watching porn or reading erotica together with pegging in it is a good way to bring it up in conversation. Visit an adult shop together and check out the strap on and anal toy range. Just being in there and having the items in front of you is a great way to start talking about it. In fact, having regular conversations about sex and pleasure is just good sense anyway. Not only does it keep you both open and comfortable about sex, it is also a great space to be able to broach new ideas and fantasies and generally be in tune with your partner's desires. Or you could always send them the link to this article and ask them what they think.

Take It Slowly

The anal cavity, as we all know, is very very tight. It can stretch, yes, but nowhere near as easily as a vagina can stretch. It's made out of completely different stuff. This also means that, unlike a vagina, there is no natural lubrication there and that can make it even harder to penetrate, so you really do need to use a lot of lube (like heaps), and go nice and slowly with something small, and slim to start. A finger or a mini butt plug is perfect for getting yourself used to it. If you're using toys make sure that they have a flared base. The anal cavity is notorious for sucking things up irretrievably, and that's a trip to the emergency room you really don't want to make. Another way the anus is different to the vagina is it is completely safe to douche which can be a good way to ease your mind of any messes that may occur.

Harnesses, Dildos and Strapless Strap-Ons

When moving to the act of actual pegging the advice is essentially the same. Start small and slim and work your way up. You can buy harnesses that come with dildos, or you can buy them separately, and almost all of them use the same sort of O-ring attachment systems, so it can be easy to buy a harness and pick and mix your toys. It really is a good idea to spend a bit of money rather than go the cheap route as the better the quality, the far more use and comfort you'll get. The harnesses themselves come in a few different styles and sizes (almost always adjustable so you can fit it to your exact size), and some are nicer to wear than others. The thicker the straps, usually the more comfortable, but everyone has different likes. A lot of harnesses come with small bullet vibrators that slip into a pocket on the inside for the wearer's pleasure, and there's all sorts of other fun toys she could insert while strapped in. Speaking of insertion, strapless strap-ons can be great. They are a sort of double ended “L”shaped dildo. The shorter end is inserted into the vagina and the long end protrudes out. I'll be honest and say they can be a bit tricky to use and get used to, and they really do give your kegels a good workout holding on, but they can also create a really intimate experience as you're skin to skin, with no harness barrier between you. My best advice is to actually go into an adult shop and talk to the staff about what you're after. They will be able to direct you to the best products for your needs.

Comfort is Key

As well as starting off small and slow, you can buy lubricants and creams with relaxing agents in them too. This helps the sphincter muscles to loosen a bit, making penetration easier and more comfortable. I do not recommend the numbing creams that some companies sell. This is for a couple of reasons. The main one being that the skin of the anus is very very thin and very easily torn. This can cause a lot of damage and pain and discomfort, and numbing the area means you won't be able to feel anything going wrong, which can lead to all sorts of issues. The other reason I don't recommend it is if you can't really feel it, you can't really enjoy it, so what's the point?

Although every body is slightly different, the prostate is usually a few inches inside the anal cavity (about to the length of your second knuckle) and just outside the front wall (towards the belly button). It feels sort of round and firm and definitely different to the rest of the anal wall and, when pushed against, or rubbed, or massaged can feel “utterly amazing... hard to describe in words” according one friend.

Prostate, Perineum and Penis, Oh My!

These three P's are the key to giving your man the most amazing, intense, toe-curling orgasms he's ever experienced in his life. Stroking touching and teasing these areas while stimulating his prostate is pretty much guaranteed to blow his socks off. Let him guide you with his movements and noises as to what combinations work best for him and learn together what the best movements and actions are.

Constant communication is key, so check in with your partner if you're the one fucking, and if you're the one being fucked let your partner know how great (or not so) it is so they know how better to please you.

So relax, guys. It's not only perfectly normal no matter what sexuality you identify with, it's also so fricken good you'll probably be cross with yourself that you didn't start earlier!

Enjoy the ride, boys... Literally!

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Comments (144)

  • Presidian7250
    Its the most amazing sensation/s, and sadly not a lot of ladies will indulge... but very worthy of trying if you havent.
  • Skipmary
    can anyone tell me if its as sensoul if you have had your prostate removed like I have {skip marys partner}
  • DrFeelGood1
    Wow! Does sound fantastic and never tried and still a virgin.
    Definitely give it a try if offered to me.
  • SeriouslyBi
    Pegging is how I discovered I was bisexual.
    Not all woman are open minded enough to peg and once I discovered being anal penetrated would provide toe curling orgasms, I wanted more of them.
    So it didn't take that long for me to get over my homophobic social conditioning and see the practicality of have a guy fuck me instead. Way more willing participants and not as hard to find ;-)
    Im not attracted to men, I dont walk down the street and see a guy and think I want to be fucked by him. But if I see a guy naked, then those thoughts do come about as I see the practical way of getting a mind blowing orgasm.
    Anyway, great article as once you find how awesome an orgasm is while having your prostrate simulated, you never look back ;-)
  • Matchless650
    May I share a funny and true story?
    A married couple, friends of mine, were going to try anal sex
    for the 1st time. Now the guy had a job where his shoes had to be polished everyday so he kept the boot polish on the bedside table.
    During the wee hours of the morning he aroused his wife, reached over for the Lubricant and applied it to his penis.
    Although it didnt go to plan they had fun till daylight, when
    they discovered the sheets were not only black, his penis was black, her bottom was black & a tad sore!
    They laughed about it & told their immediate friends their funny story, and yes he had run out of boot polish so couldn't shine his shoes!!!
  • TSLover469
    And that is where Trans can provide the best of both worlds.
  • EvaLuna77
    The homophobic putdowns of this practice are illogical and stupid.
    Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, but... PEGGING IS ONLY GAY IF YOU WANT A MAN TO DO IT!
    It's not gay for a man to enjoy anal play or penetration FROM A WOMAN.
  • Roblea
    I wasn't sure about this when my wonderful man first asked but I seriously enjoy watching him when I do this to him.......... He is seriously straight........ But he enjoys this part of our great sex life and so do I.
  • ltonmature1
    It is dynamite for sensations, sub role play and she knows if i take her "cock" that she can enjoy my cock in her as well. Swings and rounabouts.
    Makes for fun play and yes a great alternative when a resl cock isn't available.
  • BabygrlAphrodit
    I love pegging men!!!! It's incredible. Watching them is a sight to see! Fingering whilst sucking cock is one of my fave things to do to a man!
    Those of you closed minded, one track thinking people who think doing this is gay, you seriously have no idea what you are talking about and should've even be on this site in the first place let alone commenting on something you have no idea about.
    • BFmeplease
      wow that is hot.. i feel like moving up your way just to go out on a date
    • OCDevious
      Ever since discovering prostate massage and the insanely intense orgasms that come with it, I have been very interested in pegging with a woman :-)
    • Savannah2018
      Not close minded, fingering is one think, penetration is another. Wouldn’t do it and haven’t. Not interested in seeing a man receive that one bit :)
  • mysteriousbbw
    Yes..we include it maybe once a month or so... sometimes 3 times in a row then not again for months..
    He loves it even though he hasn't cum this way but agrees the feeling of fullness us awesome.
    I like it as it's something we both can relate to and I have big penis envy..
    It did take me a while and patient help from him to fuck him enthusiastically...the lack of direct feedback means sometimes my cock ahas fallen out and I don't realise...cos I'm looking at is's a lovely bonding experience
  • BuffandMuff
    We have dabbled but will be giving this a good go tonight....can't wait to hear my man moan!
  • Wantmorethanus2
    I have tried it with a couple of men over the years.
    I found it to be a turn on. As a lot of men like to have anal with a woman. Why can't a woman do it to a man!!
    The men actually told me it was the most intense orgasm they have ever experienced. By having their arse fucked and their cock sucked at the same time. I hope my partner allows me to do it again.
    • lavice666
      " it was the most intense orgasm they have ever experienced. By having their arse fucked and their cock sucked at the same time" - exactly!
      It's insanely intense, to where I had ringing in my ears from the rush of blood and endorphins that came with the orgasm.
    • Hotbod4
      You can peg me when ever you want. I'm really keen to give it a go big time.
  • senecaII
    Pegging is just another name for being a closet gay.
    • Tmsgo82
      Hi im a straight hetro Male and i think u need to Snap out of it ''senaca'' i have never been aroused by another Male yet i have been PEGGED multiple times by my Misses and the ex misses and i gotta say ''''IT IS THE MOST INTENSE FEELING IVE EVER FELT''''
      I tell my misses that she can do anything she wants to me as long as its safe and clean and i intern expect the same. COMMUNICATION is all u need and rule of thumb DONT JUDGE IT UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE IT ATLEAST 3 TIMES
    • senecaII
      Mate, there is nothing wrong with being gay. What you get up to in the bedroom is your business.
    • AMM.Editor
      Watched a great video from a sex therapist yesterday entitled "your anus doesn't have a sexual orientation". It's not about being gay, it feels good. Go google prostate orgasm and tell me you don't want to achieve that!
    • senecaII
      Yeah well if you like it, I'm not judging you on your sexual orientation. I say again, there is nothing wrong if you are gay. That's your lot and I respect that.
    • sherlock58
      You are so far wrong with your comment matey, if you want to be gay then be it, but if you look into it more or even ask your doctor like we did, the male G-Spot is in his arse. that's why most males like being fingered during sex with another female. This don't make you GAY.
    • Roblea
      Sorry bab you r closed minded. I am as strate as it comes. You obviously not had your g spot touched . and yes it might be in my arse so what . my wife loves it and I well bab you will never no . so get on your horse and go .
    • meandutime
      so what if it is? does it really matter ?
  • Saucysiren69
    This is something I would love to try. Just reading the article got me all hot and bothered...
  • DeerPool1978
  • triXXXi66
    The feeling a woman gets when pegging a man must be equal to the feeling he has...except for me its so horny and makes me feel empowered.
  • bellarh
    Anal sex?Anal is for one thing SHIT to come out why would any guy want something shoved up his ASS .
  • currypuff
    I just luv being pegged.
    Whoops, sitting on my selfie stick again......ooooh!
  • BiMelbNaturist
    guys try pegging, it definitely worth it, then once you are comfortable with it try the real thing.
  • Fellator2145
    It is something that I would like to experience.
  • KindaDiffrent
    It's the best!! If you don't ask, you don't get
  • MickBarbi1971
    We had to change our profile picture from my wife wearing her/my favorite strap-on back to this pic because once we did got slammed with emails from guys! Jezz so many guys want to try this but seem to scared to ask for it from their own partners. All we can say is MAN UP and tell your partner what you want in bed.
  • sean3431
  • 1thatlikesthat
    theres a few men i know that should be pegged immediately.
    Just because you like a dildo in the ass doesn't mean you are any less of a man.
  • dmncs4007
    Haven't had the strap-on, yet, but have had the butt plug and the sensations from that were amazing. I had a great partner at one stage where she and I both wore our butt plugs and shagged each other into oblivion for a night. Am yet to find another girl like her, oh well one day I will, I hope.
  • 2Dropbearsinbed
    i am very curious about the whole thing.
    I have used toys by hand in playtime but am scared to ask for more.
  • Joeee01
    very interesting , hard to find a woman like this who values a mans butt :P !
  • XDressinKink
    best feeling one can have
    • MickBarbi1971
      An even better feeling is eating pussy while being ass fucked but a hot minx with a strap-on. I'll change our profile pic to match this comment lol. Pegging is wonderful
  • daveydave5
    Where do i meet such a woman x
  • areluctantsub
    I've had a number of girls I've been with do it to me & each time they have been amazed as to how much they enjoyed it. The power of someone giving themselves to you is a real turn on. If you've never done it I highly recommend. Finding a woman by saying "Hey, want to fuck me in the arse with a strapon?" is the quickest way of them running the opposite direction. It's a shame but that's just how it goes.
    You might not be able to feel the strapon cock, but if you get a good harness, with practice you'll be able to orgasm as well. If you never get to O, use the dominance of the situation to grab the guy by the hair and use his face & tongue to get you off instead. ;)
    BTW just a little side note, guys that are penetrated understand more of what it's like to receive so it allows them to become better givers which in turn better lovers. Just my 2 cents worth.
    • Privateer76
      guys that are penetrated understand more of what it's like to receive so it allows them to become better givers which in turn better lovers
      That's just an opinion my man.
      As my gay mate said to me once - "You don't have to be a horse to judge a horse show".
    • areluctantsub
      A horse would give a more informed opinion on other horses if it could talk. :) You may call it an opinion & it is your right to do so. Not sure why you felt the need to tell me this but thanks? :)
    • Privateer76
      It's called "refutation".
      Look it up.
  • MsNikstar
    Ms Nik and I LOOOVE pegging...
    I love taking it and she loves giving it. Often in our group plays Ms Nik dissappears briefly only to make a grand entrence wearing her beloved strap on, looking to take on all cummers..... men and women. She gets incredibly turned on by the feeling of being the giver.
    Until.... we left our beloved harness along with a bag of other assorted toys in a bag in a hotel room in Sydney!!! NOOOOOOOOO............
    It wasn't until we got home to Melbourne that we discovered this, devistated.
    So, we're slowly rebuilding our collection but have yet to aquire a new harness, we have our fingers crossed Eva and AMM....
    Stay beautiful all....
    T&N x
    • MickBarbi1971
      You should have called the hotel and asked for them back. I would have lol. It's not like anyone else is going to want them...Side not: The Ms in your profile is Smok'n' Hot! She could Peg me any day
      Michael xoxoxoxoxo
    • Leolady727
      Hmmm, maybe I should do that for the "toy" I'm sure I left in Thailand :-)
    • tomskippy
      WOW, Were you too ashamed to ring that Motel & ask for them back, maybe the room cleaners had some fun with them when they found them lol.
  • MickBarbi1971
    We do it and both love it.
    I leave him in a state of ecstasy shaking on the floor uncontrollably when I pump his nice little ass
    He even has his own profile on amm specifically for this where he is looking for ladies that would like to do this but cant find a guy who will let them.
    That user name is PeggingGuy so if you are a lady that wants to try this then by all means wink at us or him and we will get back to you, Yes he has permission to play alone & We tell each other everything
    We can also host or come to you. His ultimate Pegging Fantasy is to be pegged while eating pussy or have 2 ladies take turns on him.
    So if you are interested in this come say hi
    Let the Pegging Begin :) or END.... Pun intended
    B & M
  • Deleteingmy001
    "These excuses not to try are sad and irksome for a few reasons, the first being that it shouldn't actually matter one little bit if you are gay, or someone thinks you're gay" now straight people are being discriminated for not trying to be gay. What a fucked up world we live in...
    • Privateer76
      Yes - what a time to be alive.
      Never fear, the Gaystapo are already beginning to overreach. There will be a pushback in the opposite direction. They won't be pleased but c'est la vie.
    • Leolady727
    • Privateer76
      Yes - like the Gestapo but with rainbow flags,not swastikas.
      Join our "progressive" movement to fundamentally change the world's greatest civilization, or else you're a bigot.
      Love Wins! What shall we push for next - polygamous marriage? Sure. Marry your Beagle? Why not! Paedophiles are just "born that way"? Yes.
      Look up the Overton Window and you'll see what I mean.
    • DeliciousEva
      Homophobic AND misogynistic.
      You're the whole package.
      Get many dates?
      Best thing about the comments section is being able to weed out the "nope never evers"... So I guess we should thank you for your service.
    • Privateer76
      Homophobic AND misogynistic.
      You're the whole package.
      Thanks for providing incontrovertible proof for the other bloggers/lurkers that the Gaystapo is indeed real.
      Thanks for playing,Eva.
  • Ryan183
    I'll be the one doing the anal thankyou lol
  • Happydravya
    Love being pegged. I have done it a few times now and am definitely eager for more.
    Totally agree with an enema being necessary beforehand, both for cleanliness and to free up space.
  • Fittlad
    I'm open and willing to try, Hopefully
  • horneeDevil26
    any guys that have wondered but are scared because its 'taboo' or whatever.. you should definitely try it. You get some mind blowing orgasms.. i just struggle to find a decent plus size harness to fight my bigger busted partner. and the strapless ones are tough as a protruding stomach also makes it hard for her to use.
    • Titianslady
      Look at Doc Johnson, I got their plus size with a back support it will take even their 12" dildo you just have to have enough strength to lift it
      But the harness is great. Made out of webbing with padded back support and pull ties either side. So quick to get on and
  • tr3nt88
    Mmmm always wanted to try this :)
  • sexyfunmale
    Sounds very exciting to me. I'm open to some mutual pegging if any Sydney girls like to play.
    • Privateer76
      Errr...wouldn't you rather do her with yourself? Strange, but anal sex with a girl using a strap-on cock does precisely nothing for me, as a man.
  • JustR8ted
    Each to there own but the thought of being pegged,myself,does nothing for me.
    The only begrudgingly object i've had in my rectum,was from my addiction days,where i had to smuggle contraband into jail,end of story.Anyhow,perhaps it's more to the fact,that i prefer to please others,other than,someone pleasing myself.Again,each to there own.I do love rimming a female though and giving anal,if that is,what she wants.
  • Sweetangelic3
    I have been one that has always enjoyed playing with a mans prostate while worshipping his cock. I have owned regular sized strap-ons for a couple of years and a few men have trusted me to peg them. The pleasure of watching his enjoyment is awesome...
    Recently though have progressed to bigger toys and really learning more about the giving of pleasure. The sound of his moans as you slide into him is addictive (as is the look and feel). .
    Lol i am told that when you use anal grease to start with and put it around under the knob of the toy it gets in better, and when you think you have used enough lube add more...
  • Leolady727
    I find anal very enjoyable and am not surprised that it can be enjoyable for men, as well. However, I have never had a partner who was willing to give it a try.
  • orangeman555
    I enjoy being pegged. Not interested in a man having anal sex with me but with a woman I really enjoy it. Much of the pleasure for me is the enjoyment the woman gets as well as the slapping into my butt. Internally I do not get much stimulation at all. I most enjoy it when the woman lifts my legs and I can look into her eyes as she takes me.
    I once was anally stimulated by a special vibrating toy. the woman was quite experienced at giving men anal sex. I orgasmed very strongly but did not ejeculate. It was amazing. I could not believe it when I looked down and saw I was dry after an explosive orgasm. She proceeded to masturbate me and I came a bucketload and it was equally as strong. One very memorable experience
  • roleplay62
    This is one of the most trusting things you can do as a couple and watching the smile on my friends as they peg me is nearly as stimulating as being pegged itself
  • Justme19687
    I had the pleasure to have that experience and it was amazing :-)
  • Milana09
    I've tried this with an adventurous takes trust and a good sense of humour in equal measure. I had to practice a bit to get the hang of thrusting, wrecking a few rock melons along the way..but in the end (!) we had a lot of fun..and it didn't turn him gay :)
    • JR1957
      I couldnt agree more...trial & effort and the results can be mind blowing well, for me as a guy anyway....and, no, it didnt turn me gay either!
  • funlover521
    Yes I must admit I love it too. And it is addictive. Shame there are two few women that like to do it to men. So sad.
  • sydneystorm
    Nothing like being spit roasted by 2 women ! Love it :)
    By the way.... I always thought pegging was when you put clothes pegs all over the body! I think the term pegging should be changed when it applies to strap ons. Silly term.
  • guy2peg7250
    It is the best orgasm I have had... Fun, sexy, and role reversal...I love it. Shame most are scared or assume one is bi or gay..WRONG
    • Melody2973
      I'm not scared, nor do I assume one is bi if they dig it :)), don't assume all women think that. It's just not something that turns me on nor would it. I'm aware men are aroused in that area though :)
    Love being pegged! Only thing tricky about it is finding suitable playmates lol.
  • littlehottie22
    when done properly truly can be one of the best sexual experiences for both the guys and the girl, just takes time and practice. But then to each their own
    • shagus5
      couldn' agree more with you, its not for everyone, but if done properly can be an incredible experience.
    • CuriousGentAB
      Agree with both of you, littlehottie22 and shagus5. If they're really into each other, not just anally but as people, the anticipation, knowing they both love it...
  • pebbleb
    Only one thing once you have been analy penertrated you will need it for ever it is highly addictive whether its a girl with strapon on a guy
  • mickyincasino
    any girls want to do it to me i love it
  • bi4bi6969
    I love giving .... The pleasure on the guys face is more than enough to please me. Not everyone's cuppa tea but don't knock it till you try it. My strap on cost me nearly $300 bucks. Definatly go for quality. Although I do believe that if a man wants regular anal play he should go buy his own that he would like used on him.
  • trusted8
    I guess the key words here are "Everyone is different" and what works for one may not be great for another. No different to some females who may not necessarily enjoy all forms of sex (let alone be able to climax). I'm not professing to be an expert by any means, but in saying that, I have had some partners who have made to whole experience so fantastically enjoyable, just using their finger and others that want to punish you by shoving a dildo in bigger than your manhole is without any persuasion or build up....Slow and easy is the key. We are here to enjoy the moment, not be turned off.
    • LadyDragon
      Go you! Will be pleased to accommodate you... and by the sound of it - you me!
    • CuriousGentAB
      Agree trusted8. No pressure on the partner if they're not interested or turned off. They should enjoy themselves as much as yourself. Mental attraction. Had one who was amazing to be with as great friends, made life & chats amazing, sex out of this world, even when just vanilla sex. Thoroughly enjoyed being with her, including receiving anal
  • kissm3kwik
    Ladies, I am straight but I'd be happy to be your test subject :)
  • andy0071
    I let my gf finger me and wow it's the best thing ever now I'm wanting to try a strap on just have to get one
  • Melody2973
    Not interested in doing that to anyone, I understand men dig it but not my cup of tea :))
  • 50shadesoffun66
    Wow I have never tried it ,but it sounds like fun. Are there any female volunteers to show me what it's all about DD
    If it feels good , DO IT.
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The content posted on this blog is intended for informational purposes only and the opinions or views within each article are not intended to replace professional advice. If you require professional relationship or sexual health advice you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist.