5 Reasons why we love a quickie
"Quickies are the Big Macs of the sex world. They are pure, guilty pleasure," says Joan Elizabeth Lloyd, author of Now and Forever: Let's Make Love.
A quickie can be every bit as satisfying as a slow, languid love making session - and sometimes even more so. There's something about sneaking away from a party and getting down to business or grabbing your partner when he's already dressed for work and throwing him on the bed. Quickies can be amazingly hot! There can be a lot of excitement and arousal and sometimes the orgasm doesn't seem as important, it's all about the journey rather than the destination (for those of you who have read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance").
There's a time and a place for quickies - well actually any time and anywhere as long as you're not going to be arrested and as long as all of your sexual encounters are not wham bam. Here are the 5 reasons why we love them.
1. You can leave your hat on
It's the urgency which gives quickies their appeal. Sex is generally about getting naked but when you're talking about quickies there isn't always time to waste those precious minutes. Part of the thrill of a quickie is spontaneity and nothing says spontaneous more than not stopping to get your gear off. And there's nothing sexier than sliding clothes aside just enough to expose the bodily bits you want to play with.
2. Location, location, location
Quickies in the bedroom don't quite have the same allure as a quickie up against a wall, in the shower, on the kitchen bench or even in a more public location. It's often the thought of getting caught which ups the excitement ante. But really as long as it's relatively private and you're not going to be interrupted for 5 mins there's really nowhere a quickie can't be indulged in.
3. The after glow rocks!
You'll boost your mood, feel energised, reduce your stress levels and the flash backs will continue throughout the day and the night. Encore anyone? And the next time you hook up or practice some self love you'll have those images in your head ready and raring to get you in the mood.
4. Orgasms are not the main objective
Well it would be nice if an orgasm happened every time but 5 mins doesn't give you enough time for heaps of foreplay and oral sex to make any guarantees. And a quickie doesn't even have to be about penetrative sex - a quick blow job in the shower or some mutual masturbation can be loads of fun. So think about pleasure rather than orgasms, adjust your expectations, pick a position that works for both of you (but with plenty of clitoral or g-spot stimulation for her) and enjoy!
5. There's no time to feel self-conscious
The whole point of a quickie is you usually don't know when it's going to happen and given that most of your clothes are staying on there's no need to feel self-conscious about grooming, or lack of grooming. We guarantee your lover is so focussed on the task at hand there's no time to focus on the smaller details.
We're definitely not suggesting you forgo your candlelit date nights followed by slow, sensual sex for a series of wham bam moments but a well orchestrated quickie can do wonders for your sexual repertoire.
Yep, we love stepping out of our usual routine and indulging in a down'n'dirty quickie. So c'mon - your turn to share - where, when and who did you enjoy a mind blowing quickie with.
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