What guys think will happen when they send a Dick Pic

Attractive woman wearing lingerie looking seductive

Fess up guys!  Have you ever sent a dick pic or taken a pic of your dick? Hmmm well you're on Adult Match Maker so we think most of you probably have.

You meet a hot girl or you're friends with someone you'd like to get naked with or perhaps you spotted a friend of a friend on Facebook who looked kinda cute (it happens!).  You get her number - bingo! It gives you the perfect opportunity to impress her with your quick wit in few suggestive sexts.  Nah, just send her a dick pic.

What do you think is going to happen?

Check out this video from BuzzFeed and find out the answer to this age old question.

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Comments (190)

  • HBHorn
    Maybe you should write an article about what women think when they post a vag pic. Usually, except in a moment of passion, it's not the prettiest thing about a woman
  • justforfun558
    I think sending a dick pic is ok if you are just after casual sex and the woman knows it. I mean, then you are both in it for the same thing. But too many men send pics like this just too freely, and they think they are God's gift to women, and surprise, surprise, most of them are really nothing special. I think men think they have something that nobody else has, and theirs is better than anyone elses. Sometimes I just laugh.
  • brisbi16
    I agree with Gen.Guy. This a generalisation. There are plenty of women out there who actually ask for them. I've been asked many times but I rarely send them.
  • Gen.Guy
    I think its a bit general...I wouldnt send or have a dick pick.
    Also, females are hypocrites if the have tit pics....and somehow thats ok?
    • sexyfuntimes73
      I disagree, so what if a women has tit pics?
      She's not showing her Vagina is she?
      Most men they we have came across have mostly dick pics. As if we don't already know men have a dick.
  • tastetester61
    Why do we limit this topic to dicks? The thing I'm sick of seeing as the main profile pic is an obese pair of tits. Yes I'm sure some love them, for me it's the best way to make me run.
  • jenoo1
    Some chicks like dick pics and some don't. You must use your discretion and judgement to understand what she likes, and when she likes it. That's the key to opening her door guys.
    Another tip, if you're stroking it whilst trying to decide what she likes, chances are you'll be wrong. Remember when you're revved up and stroking it, she's two hours of foreplay away from the mood you're in right now.
    PS from the guys point of view, we spend our lives hiding our cocks (aka second brain) and just want to be able to have them appreciated once in a while. We sure appreciate the female body so why not reciprocate?
  • spqrty
    If you were to meet a woman for the first time, would you like her to shake you hand, or your cock? Think about this simple analogy when you introduce yourself to her online. Believe me, the first thing she wants to know about you is NOT whether you are cut or uncut. And don't be so vain that you think you'll be able to mesmerize her with your 'awesome tool', making her instantly submissive and orgasmic. Get over your porn-conditioning and get real guys!
  • Allyoops
    I'm sure this is a sex site. Isn't it ?
    Last time I looked it certainly wasn't a relationship that every participant was chasing on here.
    So if it's sex you're after, you would naturally advertise what you consider to be your asset in order to get the gig. A moment of pleasure ! And if it's a particular part of the other persons anatomy that may make it more pleasurable for you wether it be size or colour or how good it looks then why not show it ?
    For those that may get offended by seeing a guys dick then they're probably the same ones who have a ridiculous profile that has so many fences up and reads like an ad for a job opening and then wonder why they can't find Mr Right.
    I'd hate to see how prudy these ppl are in bed. Why bother being on here if you want to get offended by the very thing you're chasing. If a particular pic is not for you then there is a magic response - " NO THANKS "
    I think rather than judging by a pic only is full of yourself as ppl on here are putting themselves out there in order to have their right to a go. It's the conversation to be had online which is more important and allows you to start to determine if you may click SEXUALLY speaking or not. The pics help to complete the booking of a gig.
    Those that take offence with dick pics - relax , it's not about wether he will be good to your children or a great provider. It's SEX then goodbye and hopefully see you again soon when the need arises. xx
  • allisonxxx
    I like how you the banner picture, showing up on the front page of this site, includes the play button. Screenshotted that from the video I'm guessing?
  • Covjag62
    Love LeoLadys 727 reactions and I agree with her . I never send dick pics unless they are reqested,as I hate to see a women disapointed. Humour is the way to a womens heart and dare i say inside her knickers.
  • maddoo
    I think the name of the name or notion of that article is incomplete and for those who they think this is FACEBOOK or any other social media websites they should be reminded that this is AMM, and because its AMM everyone entitle to promote or advertise themselves in the ways they believing it will serve their best interests dick - tits - Ares pictures are expected in here and there are no surprises comes or goes, and to those who disagree with that I say , simply DONT LOOK IF YOU NOT HAPPY and go and watch TOM & JERRY, and leave men parts alone....!
    Wow check out all the comments in regards to cock pics.
    Ive had some great comments and feedback about my pics.some ladies like them others don't .everyone one has different likes and dislikes so far I've had more positive feedback than negative feedback.
    There are some cock pics in there and there are some action and body pics, let you be the judge .
    • Melody2973
      A cock pic is ok, I'm not interested seeing pics with men fucking women unprotected it's just off putting :))
  • Sassyswan
    Lol, it's about sex appeal. It's sexier to see a hard cock in in your jocks than out. Seen one dick, seen them all. Make it look sexy guys.
    • Melody2973
      I disagree :))
      Some are waaaaaay nicer than others :),
    • maddoo
      to the contrary I do agree except with "seen one seen all" this is totally objectionable because even if all dicks look alike they certainly don't work the same, I am not going to go to size shape or colours I rather talk about the owner of the dick himself, the truth are that the dick powered by the man personality not the other aforementioned factors...! , and to melody I say what's the disagreement exactly about ? wait until AMM publish something about girls sending or showing pink vaginas then we will talk to and about yours hahahahaa
  • Mike.vic
    Ladies just appreciate this site for what its for it is, its just another form of window shopping yes some photos maybe not what you are looking for so you can do a number of things skip them to the next photo delete them or send the profile either positive or negative response,
    In the case of a negative response I personally wouldn't waste my time, but then again we all have our own opinions.
  • motorcade
    I enjoy perving on a nice cock pic (and cock cams) but it doesnt't mean I want to meet the guy! Its eye candy, nothing more, nothing less.
  • Honestpolicy
    Some pussies out there are aren't scary they are frightening...as for Dick pics, if you don't like them fine, don't judge a book by it cover!
  • WellhungGuySyd.
    Wow, I never realised the "cock" pic was such a hot topic with AMM members... there sure are some opinionated people on line and since I'm "one of those guys" that has cock pic's in my profile gallery as well as body pic's, I thought I'd share my thoughts.
    As the AMM web site states, "AMM is a adult dating site for finding casual sex....for promiscuous singles and couples looking for casual sexual encounters"...so with this in mind, it's only natural that there will be cock/pussy/sex pic's in some members profiles and messages.
    I find it ironic that some women think that guys who post cock pic's have no other asset/quality to enjoy. However many "cock pic" guys do, they can have good looks, a good body and believe it or not, they can be intelligent with a sense of humour and if they happen to have a nice package as well, I can't see why they can't show it.
    We all have the opportunity of having a good time on this site, however people who ignore profiles/guys like me because of a cock pic in a profile or in a message could be missing out on just what they're looking for... ;-)
  • nibbler69
    As the video says, most ladies are not interested in your dick pics - not on harmony, or tinder or AMM. To spam people with your dick pic is a huge turnoff for most ladies. If that is all you have to say about yourself, then you know where you can stick your pic.
    Likewise, receiving a pussy pic on its own is almost always unexciting. In fact, it is very helpful to get these types of pics cos you then know immediately who to ignore. People who have something better to offer usually begin the encounter on a more mature and interesting level.
    So guys, please continue to send you dick pics, cos it really helps us work out who is the dick.
  • mypalsal69
    The problem is simple ... Men watch too much porn and women do not watch enough !!!
    Go The dick pic I say ... but please remove the underwear and socks at least . I like to see a pretty penis , but not one while taken on the toilet , in the toilet , by the toilet or for the toilet .
    Think about it before you snap that photo and at least make it an attractive pic . For all those that do not like receiving a dick pic via message , email , kik , facebook , phone number etc etc then how about you actually make that point PRIOR to handing out your details .
    It is all to easy to be offended , but it is a lot harder to live and let live and just walk on by . I mean seriously ?? In the scheme of things how bad is it actually ?
  • Sophacles
    Lets face it. some pussies out there are damn scary too. lol
    • Leolady727
      If you're scared of "pussies" (or, let's use the correct term, cunts) perhaps you're on the wrong site. I say I don;t LIKE dick pics, but I'm certainly not scared of a nice penis
    • Fantasywife
      Leolady , he is not scared of pussies , he is scared of " Particular Looking Pussies " There is a difference
  • Leolady727
    I find it sad that some men who have commented obviously look on sex as just another bodily function, akin to eating or, dare I say, defecating. These poor guys will never know the awesome feeling of fucking someone you know well and like (or even love).
    There also seem to be quite a few who have no liking or respect for women - they think every woman is either an object to be fucked or someone who's after their money and possessions - sad!
    • Bnorty4me
      Leolady , firstly can i say , i am well aware of deep and meaningful relationships and consequently the sex / lovemaking that comes with that. I too understand how many women crave that ........but this is an adult sex contact site. ....so if its a deep and meaninful you're looking for , perhaps google and find a more appropriate site for your search.....
      Secondly , to relate mens sex comparisons the way you have shows us how misinformed you really are.......
      There is a place in most womens lives for sex ....just sex , and just like men , its usually hormone driven .....maybe you dont have that ! Maybe its the "wallet pic" that you respond to ........just a thought !!
    • Leolady727
      Thought I would get a bite out of you, you're actually one of the men I was thinking of when writing my post.
      As for me - you couldn't be more wrong, but you'll never get the chance to find out!
    • Bnorty4me
      Leolady , life and who we spend that time with becomes precious as we get older. Sites like this enable us to efficiently eliminate those who arent suitable ...... in the case of those chasing sex , a penis shot wont offend , in the case where the penis shot does offend , you have many other options ....
      Im very amused that you would even think for a moment i might be the slightest perturbed to be denied meeting someone so vocal about how they "put themselves out there for those women who appreciate. The other women are more interested in shopping , hence the need for "his" black .....Amex ;)
  • 1thatlikesthat
    It really depends on whose penis it is. If you know the guy then sending a penis photo really isn't wrong. If its some old overweight man or some young guy who has a different girl every night and more than one on a weekend then its a wrong.
    If a penis photo is being over used and sent instead of a face photo then thats just wrong.
    Penis photos are like boob photos if you have a double GG chest then its quite an awkward photo to be posting and you should probably ask yourself why you are posting it online.
    Boob photos are as nasty as penis photos, they arent assets that anyone should post outside of the bedroom, and sitting in your bedroom, lounge room or own home isn't an excuse to make them public property. It doesnt take a prude to see this either its just bad taste.
    If you have boobs over a B or a C I would suggest making an appointment at a gym before posting them on the internet. clearly large boobs are an issue for a weight problem like a belly on a man is a weighty issue / problem and one should fix that before posting intimate photos of assets that arent as appealing when one gets the whole photo of the whole body eventually either online or in person.
    • Trythishard1
      I want to see GG boobs !!!
    • dessertrose82
      I am offended by your shallow comments.
      This site is clearly called adult match maker. Definition of this, is it's name.....it does not say super model / fitness matchmaker.
      Firsty...I totally get, that if a person inundates another person with body part pics that are not welcomed. It can infact be considered rude or off putting. But thats where we all have the power to speak up and let the person know or just block or delete them from your search lists. ((Hence the name "adult" matchmaker not "teenage" matchmaker))
      Secondly, I dont mind seeing a cock picture on a profile, they are advertising themselves afterall. Each to our own I say.
      But thirdly, If over weight men/women offend you my dear, just because YOU think they're ugly or unattractive...then maybe YOU should go find a 'hook up' at your local GYM. ((If that is in fact why you have a profile on AMM. If not, your totally misinformed and may need to re-address your reasons for joining))
      FINALLY...I am a size 14 GG, natural breasted woman. I have curves i'm PROUD of and scars that define my character. I am beautiful where it counts plus I am not considered over weight nor do I require a gym membership! Also......... for your information, I have had large boobs since I was 11yrs old, and struggled through my last years of primary school because of shallow, closed minded people like you...plus a girlfriend in highschool killed herself because of shallow, hurtful people like you.
      So here is a tip for you my dear, chose your words a bit more carefully, words are very powerful and in the wrong hands, those powerful words can have devastating effects.
    • bubblybrunette5
      Oh plz 1thatlikesthat...hahaha how ridiculous do you sound !!!!
      Just because you have boobs bigger then a C cup it dont mean you should be at the gym...I have had quite large breasts since i was a teenager and I have actually worn size 8-10 pants , so i wouldnt say i was overweight and need to go to the gym..
      As said it is AMM if ya dont like the pics dont look or simply just block them...
    • Playfulthing69
      Oh plz anything over a C cup, are you for real I have DD's and am proud of how they sit and have them as profile pics on occasion and by the way I'm a size 8
  • Leatherloves
    While understanding that some may feel somewhat confronted by a poignant proud portrait of Rigid Member invading their humble e-pages shocking them into confusing the block and wink buttons in their scurry to evade the assault of the biggest diggest swooping down like the attack of the Dialects, and in some certain cases alas I do concede that the scale and framing of the more extreme prick pics seem to take up the whole page if not your entire bedroom or even the entire building whereby I can hear the unhappy onlookers minds screaming, "Run for your lives, it's Priczilla!"
    Butt really my fabulous fetished folks, are we not reacting prematurely to this rise in popular phallic photography?
    And if so, what to do about this growing problem?
    Well we could simply ignore it, as done so often in the bedroom, or possibly confront this pointed peril by standing fast - joined at the hip in an impregnable defensive move designed for one task, to repel this evil erectile at the very crutch of things.
    Or even possibly we should talk about it, get it off your chest and put it where it belongs, no more hiding behind stark corners withering away knocking on deaf ears to no avail at the back door...
    We could even go as far as to acknowledge the long and tactile trunk of the elephant in the room, welcuming it with open arms, mouths and....
    Whatever road you choose to wherever place it takes you, one thing will stay in my mind, Sigmund Frued has a lot to answer for!
  • LaBrie123
    As i read through some posts perhaps some people need to switch to
    e-HARMONY or something less provocative such AMM. We all know what we're here for, pure unadulterated sex! If perhaps some of you are thinking of getting a little more from this site then chances are that ain't gonna happen. Selfworth here on AMM is something that we all may not totally understand here, i guess the type of selfworth for some on here could just mean just fuck the hell out of me thats why we have come here! For some that are looking for alittle more enlightenment then being here isn't for you you and maybe you should try something like your local church gathering . Wow could you imagine dicks out at the local church cake stall? Certainly not the place for it of course but here on AMM well....... we all a deserve abit of fun or satisfaction ever now and then without the that feeling of being judged upon.
    • Leolady727
      Adult Matchmaker advertises it self online as "Australia's largest online adult dating site for singles & couples looking for love or something a little bit naughty!" Nowhere is there any hard and fast rules as to what people can look for. Sure, many members are looking for casual hook-ups but some are looking for relationships, some for friendship (with benefits) etc.
      Just because one does not want to see a dick pic doesn't make one a prude, just someone who (like me) has seen a few, and NONE of them pretty!
      Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus over react much?
    • triXXXi66
      Sounds like leolady should go for a lioness instead of a lion
  • Butterflyangles
    I personal dont like profile picture as penis. My first thought is dick.
    • Leolady727
      I like both - I have absolutely NO problem with a penis, just like to see it in the flesh and not in some random, un-asked-for picture.
  • godown64
    I am not sure whether some ladies on here actually like us blokes much at all let alone want to share intimacy with them. Calm down and relax Don't judge us all on your previous relationships because they have all failed. Try to get a little bit excited about the future and you might attract a nice bloke , as for dick pics, I can't believe that a photo of something that you are looking to possibly suck on and ride could offend you. I have been asked by a few women for this type of photo and I am not shocked that they do. I have found that I have always received one in return. Long live genital photos! I'm glad for the different types of pussies and they are all nice in their own way.
  • Fr33Spirits
    Dick pics - more the merrier for this female!
    For those females who are prudes or too uptight to appreciate a nice dick pic, how about you speak for yourselves and not generalise as "women" or "all women".
  • HornyBBW7
    Good thing about getting sent a dick pic is if its a tiny or ugly one you can get away fast ... Not many men have great dicks, so the smarter thing to do if your actually interested in a girl is get her to have feelings for you first that way she will put up with a dick that isn't so attractive ...
  • Dexter0007
    Melody keep them yummy pussy shots up could eat that all day mmm
  • LUV4FUN69
    It seem's their are a huge amount of men haters on this site. I and every man realises the ratio of men to alleged women is distorted and then you have a good percentage that are fakes. A lot of woman's profiles start of with a list of venomous demands as long as the Latin version of the Magna Carta, straight away on the attack.
    Many alleged women should be grateful for this site, because in the real world a lot wouldn't even get a toe in the door. And before I get attacked by all the pretentious femi-nazii's look in the mirror and be grateful that their is a place where you ca get your venom out because in reality it is the only place you can do it.
    Happy Easter to all the beautiful women and have great day.
    (((( ;
    • Fr33Spirits
      Agree....we are baffled as to why some women are here? Maybe to make themselves feel better, who knows! This couples female loves cock pics - keep them coming. Maybe it's the older women.
    • Leolady727
      Ahh yes, the old male reply - any woman who doesn't think that everything a man does is ok is automatically a man hater. I'm most definitely NOT a man-hater, and have friends who can attest to this but, no, I DON'T like the dick pics - I find them tasteless and unnecessary - nothing wrong with a nice cock, but in person, please - leave something to be discovered.
  • transfusion
    if your dick is your only feature by all means send it but it probably will make me think your a prick theres more to a guy than his dick we like to see the rest first and then maybe the juicy bits
  • LaBrie123
    Nothing wrong with a dick pic i say ... what is it that SOME of you ladies say? Isn't it something on the lines of " If you got it , flaunt it!" ;-)
    • Fr33Spirits
      That's it - equal rights! There's a lot of tit pics out there too!
    • wishtolive
      if u have it flaunt it.....well actually and i am a woman that plays on my own and i do pick and choose....but ....a nice humble gent is what i=i am attracted to....sure the nice cock gets me going but flaunting is NOT a desirable quality in a man......a man that winks or messages me and he boasts about his body or mang=hood is not getting anywhere near me
  • dontbecreepy101
    Oh interesting comments...I personally think that receiving an unexpected dick pic is cheap and a turn off.
  • Talk2me51
    I like masturbating a hard circumcised cock and I like to see what I will me masturbating.
    Really hard ones are a turn on.
  • 9inchofun
    yeah ok. so why is every second message i get from women is to see my dick?
    • iamrunningcat
      Most of them are just palying you up duh! And of course see what you got because most of us women dont like small dick like toothpick. We wont even know if its inside already. Got it? Also, when we get your dick pick, we just laugh on it and most times just send it to our gay friends. So still wanna show off your dick to women ?
    • Melody2973
      Just a heads up not every woman does this :)),
    • Sensual.Ms.K
      Possibly because you make a 9 inch claim....or maybe because you've only had two messages? :p
      Iamrunningcat, you sound like a male.....and just a little cray cray
  • allinmymind
    Pic pics are ok, but pics with another woman's vagina as well is a turn off. One I don't know if he has her permission, apparently he does, two I don't like chicks as partners so I don't wanna know. Also I don't want to end up in one so there is a trust issue. Also in Victoria sharing pics like that is illegal for adults now as well as minors.
  • Lovealone
    Yes thats right ..guys seem to think a picture of there dick is going to make you all hot and horny ..hahaha ..What wanker's ..for god sake grow up and be a f#@king man ...
  • Melody2973
    I don't have a problem with them :)), it's not a ' deal breaker ' if someone sends one :)
    I've got pics of my pussy up, if people want to judge me so be it, I couldn't care less to be honest :)
    Each to their own :)
    • iamrunningcat
      Perhaps you need to learn a bit of self respect. So men can respect you. Putting up you vagina pic for free, think of yourself at least that you got some face value, better think that your vagina is one of the best and it deserves to be put on canvas for gallery shows not just for freebie on websites.
    • Melody2973
      It is :))), very presumptuous of you to assume I don't think I'm worth more :))
      It's a sex site, like I care what people on here think :)
      Judge away, it amuses me no end ;),
    • 1thatlikesthat
      I am sure you care, I think you are inhibiting deeper issues of rejection. Maybe you think that by not caring makes people care more or gives you a boost of an ego where people don't really care about who you really are. As I said you are harnessing bigger issues then not caring as you said because its a sex site. You may want to re-evaluate that logic, only a portion of people here are looking for pure sex some of us are here for other reasons, companionship, not having friends we can talk to about intimate issues. Maybe a correct fitting bra wouldnt go astray theres an article in the smh today about whether women should go braless or not. Correct fitting bras are a basic woman issue i.e. incorrect fitting bras give you a posture problem and make marks on your body they also don't harness your boobs like they should. Half cups are terrible looks on large bosoms.
    • Melody2973
      Geez, clearly you have nothing better to do than put someone down. The bra fits and my breasts are not that large believe me :)) It's a sex site and if you are searching for more I'd say you are going to be disappointed in the long run :)
  • triXXXi66
    I am another of the supposedly rare women that like dick pix! It doesnt necessarily have to be the profile pic, as i will never have a pussy pic for our profile shot ! But at least one or two shots in your gallery lets the other parties interested know that you are not a prude or shy and that you have some confidence! It also lets us see if you have what it takes... Not necessarily length or girth but that it is nice looking and either cut or uncut. Not to blokes: - it doesnt always have to be a raging hardon pic... Cocks in all degrees of arousal are great! ROCK THE COCK PIX i say..... Giggle....
    • iamrunningcat
      Maybe better let the user to find out. A bit of mystery will do you good. Men will lose interest if seen already. What is more to see whne they already had. Taste it? But then what, discard like a dirty rug after that.
    • Melody2973
      Maybe your talking about yourself, you have to back it up with more than just a nice pussy :)),
      If I want to show mine I bloodly well will and negative nellies like you can get knotted :))
    • CreativeBluEyes
      I agree with pro dick shots, as long as you have other profile pics whats the problem, the dick isnt a mystery or surprise, it shouldn't be off putting its only one of the bodys organs, i have a pigeon chest, which is embarrassing but I show that to because i like a woman to know what she is getting into, , if you cant look at a cock or vagina without being offended then what are you doing on dating sites like this go to eharmony or some prudish sight , where people still think there in the 1950's, its only a dick shot as a point of reference, i know woman like a big dick so i send my dick shot sometimes to show i am well endowed and they will be happy, cause anyone who says size doesn't mater has a small dick or doesn't fuck very often and is a prude, i dick shot is offending but American taking over countries on the news is not, i find reality TV offending so i dont watch it , maybe those that find them offending this is the wrong sight for you, most people dont have imaginations these days due to too much TV , so better just to show them the size on this sight anyway, i normally ask if a woman wants one , but still its up to an individual and on a site like this you should expect it anyway, its mainly about sex or they would not promote swinging parties!!
    • triXXXi66
      Hey melody,i am not a negative nellie... If you read my message proper you would see that i said i wont have a pussy shot for a profile shot... I do have some in our gallery... You do as you please... I wasnt slagging you off so dont slag me off... Thank you!
    • Melody2973
      I read it :))
      Wasn't ' slagging ' anyone :), stating a fact that some people are negative about certain pics :)
      I will do as like :)
  • Dalmation1968
    Women... what do you think will happen when guys see a cleavage pic without a head or body.
  • Maccattack44
    Just don't do it unless the lady asks, and don't forget, once it's out there it's no longer yours & she can post it anywhere she please (girls take note because it applies to you too). There are do not date websites & dumped websites where the poster can write whatever they please & that could include your bits.
    Frankly, send me a dick~pick & it's all over for me, I'm a classy tactile woman who wants to put hands on & unwrap those goodies for myself. If there's nothing left to discover then I might as well surf porn. Please her mind & the body will follow ~ works a charm xx
    • Leolady727
      I agree with you 100%, especially about wanting to unwrap the goodies - well said :-)
    • Sensual.Ms.K
      Really? Wow...last thing I want to see is a fugly cock! I want to make sure it's handsome :)
      But that's me....I love cock....unlike some bitter ladies here.
    • Melody2973
      Agreed :))
      I like to see it as well :),
    • sexydresser
      For the sake of clarity, I just want to point out that while Maccattack44 raises an critical point in regards to copyright, her statement regarding the ability to republish works (in this case, a digital photograph) is incorrect under current Australian Copyright law. No one but the "creator" or "copyright holder" of original works can reproduce, retransmit, distribute, sell, publish, broadcast or circulate said works without first obtaining expressed written permission to do so. Some exceptions do apply but are not relevant to this situation.
      This basically means if Bob took a photograph of his johnson, with his own equipment, at home, completely of his own will, he is now the "creator" of said work. Now, it's probably safe to assume most men who send "dick pics" have taken it themselves, and most likely using their personal equipment (i.e. phone) in the comfort of their own home.
      So, with this in mind, we can now form the basis that unless prior permission is given, recipient of said "dick pic" by transmission external to Adult Match Maker, has permission to view the file (privately). If the recipient were then to republish, reproduce, etc without first consent of "creator" or "copyright holder", they would be in direct breach of the Australian Copyright Law and may be held personally liable for any damage or harm caused from that point forward.
      If however, the same photo was instead uploaded to Adult Match Maker first, then Adult Match Maker under their Terms of Service would become the "copyright holder", owning all intellectual property rights. If the recipient then received the file via the site and republished, reproduced etc without first receiving consent of Adult Match Maker, then the recipient would not only be breaching the Australian copyright Law but the terms they agreed to upon signing up to Adult Match Maker. End result: a world of hate if legal action pursed.
      To summarise: Yes, anyone could take a photo and republish it - anywhere - and yes, it may never be found or cause any legal battles, but regardless of how small or stupid we might think something is, ignorance of the law is no excuse. If you take a file you do not own and reproduce or republish it without written consent, be prepared to accept whatever consequences follow.
  • MarylinMonroe
    I think their great, seems to be different shapes n sizes, they can become appealing, good on you guys going naked online, it's ahhh they have a penis!!
    • CreativeBluEyes
      Good on you Marilyn I agree with you from the woman's point of view, personally i dont need a pussy shot, but I like a breast shot, not that i have anything against a pussy shot, its a beautiful piece of woman hardware, you wouldn't believe me if i said i was 8-9 inches unless i had a photo to prove it , I am sure you agree, i only ever had one complaint in bed, that it was to big off an ex that's was 4'11 inches, i hit her at the end of the curvex(pussy) and wasnt all the way in,.
  • enrico81
    I'm glad my cock isn't big and don't think its one of my better qualities lol.
  • MickBarbi1971
    The last time I sent a dick pic she asked me if it came in adult size as well lol
    anyone know where i can get a refund lmao
    Nar just playing it's not a good idea as an opener but it could be the closer ;)
  • Sensual.Ms.K
    I'm fond of dick picks, as long as it also shows body and face :)
  • LibidinousCpl69
    Well I happen to be a rare female who does enjoy the odd cock pic, how ever that doesn't mean that I'm easy and will take on anyone with a penis - actually far from it. I am quite picky and if I don't like the look of your cock then I have no interest. Some may say that's judgmental and it probably is - but I am not single and the ratio to men for couples is huge let alone single women (I have been both of these on this site) so I do have the upper hand as I am not desperate. Glad there are articles out there for guys on how to approach as there are many that need that advice irony is that those that need it most wont bother reading it lol - happy hunting ;)
    • LUV4FUN69
      I'm with you Babe, finally a bit of positive acknowledgement or partly for men. Thank you. A single voice in the wilderness.
  • cheekyminkx
    Hahaha that's really funny.... but yes I would rather get to know the gentleman first and not his dick, that's a given if the chemistry is right :-)
  • ElectricSheep
    So much cringe in this article
  • AtomicCouple
    A guy wouldn't drop his pants when meeting a woman face to face. Imo, the same should apply online. It's a poor introduction.
  • maddoo
    why is it about men parts only ? I can admit that I love to view profile that contain pics of whatever, the thing is that I have read that book that suggested the following
    1- women have many spots to look at and enjoy, and stimulate
    2-women react and even can climax in some cases even by just looking at her in certain ways..etc
    3-women have lots to show, and brag about unlike men examples hair, face,lips, eyes, boobs, waist the list can be longer than what I think depends on what woman I am talking about here, however
    what mustache. ares tall or short, fat or thin, black or white dosent really matter if he cant get up none of this will really make hime act or considered been man enough according to too many wome and I did root more married women not singles ONLY because hubby no good no more or its lil bit small, or the like
    so that tells me that the man biggest pride in to many cases is ours dick, look,size,shape and even colour and we should promote it as much as we could and we will, or I will hahahaha
  • keystothecity
    He He He....
    We really are led by our penis so it is little wonder it wants to get out n about...
    I never have and I doubt I ever will send a dick pic.....Take the hint guys...
  • bouncingsoulism
    I'm not a fan of the dick pic either. I'd much rather pics that leave my imagination wanting to see more... that's erotic.
    I don't care if I don't see a face, I understand some ppl want personal and professional (work) privacy and some just prefer mystery.
    Some men do take erotic pics of their body/ body parts that make me want more.... these are the best sort as my imagination goes wild and that's hot.
    The funniest dick pics are the ones with
    (1) taken with a comparison and it seems like BO spray cans are pretty popular.
    (2) a bow tied around it (LOL that comedy not horny)
    (3) inserted into a woman or man (thanks but I don't need to know where you have been)
    (4) no attention to the background in the pic (messy rooms, the yack down underwear & quick take a dick pic approach)
    (5) photoshopped to make em look bigger
    (6) genital piercings (you've listed it on your, let me think/fantasize about it before i see it)
    (7) genital tattoos (dragons etc - don't laugh it's happened online)
    I much prefer to wait before I see it. If he wants to show me ASAP... He can't stimulate me mentally.. and obviously thinks a cock pick works- major fail.
    PS Loved reading all the the comments below. Two users stick out though...
    Bnorty4me - if a woman is only after your credit credit- might be worth using a professional sex worker unless you like being a financial donor. Just don't whinge or be bitter about it. .
    SugarnSPICEY is spot on with her comment:
    "Guys start thinking more with what's in between your ears first, than your legs. General age old rule " seduce a ladies mind, then the body will follow."."
    AAM : Any articles coming on how to write that first message to a woman? Men need to be taught it appears. I'm over getting an entire message of "Hi hru"
  • Trythishard1
    Long live the cock pic !! This site caters for people who enjoy posting / viewing explicit pics . If thats not for you , so be it . But don't pass judgement or criticise people for being an exhibitionist / voyeur , because you have an issue with it . A lot of females have selfie pics of their legs and feet . I personally can't think of anything more boring but I don't think to myself
    " that must be all she has going for her " . I have cock pics on my profile because I want to , if people don't like them that's not my problem . Lucky for me lots of people do like them !!
  • sixfoooteight
    I'm obviously square because I like to simply chat and get to know a ladies inner qualities. Nearly all the women that I chat to, make a point of saying something about men that send dick pics and let me tell you, it's not flattering.
    I wonder how many people google other peoples screen names?
  • She-Is-Female
    spot on!
    guys remember the only one that will want your dick pics are gay guys and trannies (cross-dressers and transvestites not transsexuals)... why? because males are the ones who adore, caress aka stroke their dicks often!
  • Gruvee
    I guess that perhaps some guys may still be "hung" up on the size does matter issue, and shaking their willies about for all too see!
    Seems to reveal a concern about themselves only, and not the other person, or even getting to know about someone else, or what they prefer.
    Let alone putting themselves in some one else's high heels! Lol
    Don't forget here guys, that a guy is not just a penis and a woman not just a vagina.
    Whatever happened to the thrill of getting to know someone by building a rapport, flirting, and revealing yourself to each other slowly (and not just physically).
    Sure, this is an adult site, but it can be more fun to take time and have a more mutually enjoyable experience for all.
    Granted, every person and situation is different, so take time, and have fun!
    Happy Easter!
  • gold.cougar
    I wish they wouldn't send them. It is such a turn off and we don't even know if it is theirs!
    Recently I was sent one that had obviously been photo- shopped.......... do they think we would believe it??
    Faces are so much more interesting especially without the proverbial 'sunnies".
    Guys, give us a break.
  • SugarnSPICEY
    Hmm well for starters be great if men actually read what the lady their interested in has written. If they state they are more looking for a relationship rather than FWB, NSA, we are more interested in how you treat a lady.
    Guys start thinking more with what's inbetween your ears first, than your legs. General age old rule " seduce a ladies mind, then the body will follow.". But do it genuinly not just pretend your a nice guy till you get your dick wet then revert back to being as asshole!
    • LUV4FUN69
      Well said. S & S totally agree .
    • stylz454
      Hi i always read a profile and then look at there interests. And if i feel that we are suited then i will take the next step in messaging that person. Don't get me wrong looks are important. But it not everything. I would love to meet my partner in crime lol.
      But yes well said sugarnspicey.
    • Melody2973
      It's a sex site not a dating site and anyone looking for more is deluded :), if you think he wants more I'm sorry you'll find it out the hard way, I did :(
      Whether he seduces you or not it's ultimately a fuck, so take it for what it is not what you think it should be :)
  • 1soul
    No dick pics out front of my profile always lean my pics towards leaving something to your imagination. And share explicit pics when the mood suits or expressly asked for! BTW I think this applies to both Men and Women equally.....
  • Bnorty4me
    I reckon , put your dick out there guys ......and if the girls dont like dick pics they wont look at it , atleast until they are ready to take a peek while no one is watching ....... truth is guys , they pretend to be very propper , when infact they are looking for the same stuff we are.
    Girls , take a look at the graffiti on your public toilet walls and then take a peek in the guys loo ........ you will then realise how "propper " girls really are !!
    But hey , if it makes you feel better to pretend dicks are offensive , I'm all for you feeling better about yourself too
  • LUV4FUN69
    Seriously this is so easy to work out. Put a pic of your face on the end of your cock.
    And for all those Women on this site that think all men are cock heads and have no sense of humour( cock or other ) I agree , I have two PG'S one with my beautiful face and the other my beautiful cock ( I think so anyway ) and I only send the latter on request. ((( ;
  • Bianca1979
    I like seeing all parts of a guy but honestly prefer to build up to the dick pic. I like seeing a guy's smile, eyes, chest and those naughty bits too. A bit of a chat too is important- feeling that spark so seeing that naughty picture is so exciting.
  • Lancelot690
    Haha brilliant
    Blokes who use dick pics as profile photo probably want to hide their face too.
  • Edeninchaos
    No dick pics showing from me, unless you clearly request it, then maybe... Rule of thumb! If you want a dick pic from me come and take it yourself..... :)
  • Bellybabe53
    Yep the video is so right, especially when they put their man jam in as well.
    Guys - Please stop.
  • M.kitty
    Why is it guys think we wanna see the end result? Cum-shots are such a turn-off!
    Love to see a nice dick pic...but I want to see all of you, especially face, smile, body - not just your penis... And unless you're a couple, I'm not interested in seeing another woman's bits
    • Icelady121
      Well said , who wants to see another woman in a guys pic , such a turn off ! ( unless it's a couple )
      I like to see a face , eyes & a smile .
    • KeySydney
      God yes! The amount of guys who send photos of them banging other women and think it's going to get us going?
      Unless it's your partner and we are going to have a go too, keep it for your private collection
  • sydneystorm
    What about women who show their vaginas? I see double standards here.
    • Bnorty4me
      But mate , its handy to know they actually have a pussy .......and just like the ladies and cock pics , when we see the size of the pussy , we just move on and keep looking ...........
    • Melody2973
      It is double standards :))
      I've seen some pussy pics that have made me go ' WTF ', why would they put it up :(
    • Sensual.Ms.K
      Sydneystorm....perhaps the women who hate cocks also hate vaginas. Maybe they are here to spread their bitter nastiness to others. Personally, I find females love cock pics but need to pretend they dont. But then many wimen are also here to boost their own ego...and a cock pic isnt allowing it (bit of Freud's penis envy maybe?)
  • Bnorty4me
    Ihave found it far more successful to show a pic of my opened wallet. With credit cards showing , put a black one in the second pouch , the ladies all know about black amex cards ..... their mum taught them.
    They dont care from that moment on whether you even have a dick ......they just want you so bad !!
    • kinkylilone
      Wow that's a jaded view of women. I have my own wallet and card
      ... it doesn't touch me, kiss me and make me climax like a sex machine.
    • mars62
      I'm with kinkylilone. I myself prefer to pay my own way, I never , ever expect the man to pay. My mother didn't bring me up to check out the size of a mans wallet or which credit card he has. Just the other day I paid for my dates meal and he was none too impressed. Said it made him feel inadequate . Can't bloody win. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.
      I'll keep paying my own way to, unless he insists...
    • Bnorty4me
      @kunkylilone : would you like to see the pics of my ...... .........yacht , and Lamborghini ;)
      Now I've got you thinking "how do i get this guys ph no. ........lol
    • 1soul
      What a stupid comment I'm sure your personal choices directly influenced your results, good luck with that!
    • Leolady727
      OMG - what a complete tosser!
    • Bnorty4me
      SERIOUSLY GUYS , mRsoul , the theory has and is still working for the likes of Sir Rupert , im sure Jerry didnt see his dick pic and fall inlove and want to marry him
      As for the ladies responses to my helpful solution to a dick pic
      ...... its funny how when in forums like this , you actually "nail it and its like " come in spinner "
      Ladies , just a thought on "the Cougar syndrome " .....do you think guys havent considered you got the old mans house , super , car ........and you think the young bucks wanna see your tits !!!!
    • kittybebad
      is there something else going on here? sounds very bitter.
      a) dick pics are only appropriate when requested, nobody denies that seeing the goods at some point before purchase is a good thing
      b) most women don't put a fanny pic up on their profiles
      c) I have my own money, I don't need nor want yours and I think these days most women will be on the same page as that.
    • stylz454
      Mate the Lamborghini is a wankers car and a yacht is boring lol. I have 2 chevy impalas, keep it old skool with a bench seats so you can do kinky stuff while your driving, and a wake setter boat for weekend fun. But end of the day its all material stuff, i would rather someone know me for me. Money is just paper.
    • pyro.1969
      I rather meet in person than see a photo...and i always pay my own way...and sonetimes that if my date i dont want to feel obligated tohave sex if i am not interested. ....i didnt get anything but ex husbands debts. ..so no point young ones chasing me.....
    • maddoo
      10 out of 10 sadly the ideas behind free love fading away now days , and some women lost the spirit of fun just for fun, I should say that I have encountered ppl in here racing to make money rather than good times or memorable experinces which actually should be an issue that AMM notified about and action is taken, the country is full of brothels and AMM shouldn't be treated as one
    • AMM.Editor
      @maddoo yes we encourage all our members to use the "Report Member' feature if someone is using the site to solicit. We do investigate and we do action.
    • maddoo
      fair enough admen and I appreciate the legal notion, my comment stems from the appreciation of what exactly AMM founded for and I do feel great being an AMM member, and its every genuine member duty to maintain that purpose.
    • Bnorty4me
      maddo :
      Thank you maddo (the only one to comment with the intelligence to understand my point)
      Funnily enough it drew comments from the quarter i thought it would and drew the very type of comment i thought it would. Ladies , your "majority and history is where i drew my angle from. Sadly it will continue .......period !!
      I must , to be fair, thank those others who commented as well , for not only condirming my thoughts but helping to make the topic / angle i raised the most commented on so far
      Cheers to all .......now put your heads back up ya bums , the world is much safer up there , hey ?
    • Melody2973
      You sound bitter and twisted :(, not all women value money etc above anything else.
    • Sensual.Ms.K
      Bnorty, unfortunatel many wimen do that....we wont admit to it, but social experiments reveal its true. Guys that women have no interest in, suddenly show when the find out he's loaded.
  • Newgirl1989
    What it means when I a guy sends me a dick pic or talks about the dick first off without context.
    "I have no redeeming qualities besides my cock"
    "You should be flattered that I have a hard cock"
    • SugarnSPICEY
      I agree totally, we have seen so many dicks from guys on here it's like seeing an elbow or a knee now does not impress usg. Unless we specifically ask to see it, eg if looking for a certain larger size to see if it's relly all its "cracked UP to be".
  • Doit2meagain
    That moment when all is ruined with a dic pic
  • Uniqueguyhere
    Most ladies I've found love the pic but you have to work on them first.
    Test the water and ask them if they don't mind a cheeky pic.
    Works every time for me ;-)
    • XxCurvaciousxX
      They are just being nice ....trust me they will be laughing with their girlfriends later about it.
      Rule of thumb, don't send one unless asked to!
  • Chefmoi67
    I guess they think it will be a turn on, big is nice, thick is nice, but as long as it does a good job really, who cares?
  • SassySandy
    MMMMMM I much rather prefer a pic of a nice buffed body........if the dick pic follows mmmmm cud be fun matching up the two......then go from there......as to what's between the EARS!!!!!!! haha!!!
  • paddy138
    I always give a girl an option to see my private pics if they want and dont show a dick pic straight off.
  • Avidreader74
    COMING SOON, the sequel:
    "What guys think will happen when they put a dick pic as their main profile photo on AMM"
  • V.Valens
    It's actually part of my selection criteria. If you have a dick/sex pic as your profile it's an automatic no. Have some class guys, women really aren't interested in seeing your dick unless it's come to play time.
    • Leolady727
      Same here - the only time I want to see your dick is when /if we're getting down to it!
    • Sensual.Ms.K
      Do you think you 2 are on the right site? This sight is for fun and sex....that involves pic swapping and sexy messages. Why get bitter about guys having some fun and seeing a cock as a fun new toy :)
  • LadyDragon
    Loved the video! I must admit that profile shots of dicks are not pages I would normally look at to check out the owner. A lovely smile would get my attention, as would a great full body shot (if the pic includes a well-proportioned dick, that's fine). Leave the dicks for the PG... and please, NO "snot"!!!
    And as for sending me dick shots... definitely not an icebreaker first communication! I don't mind being sent a pic somewhere down the track, after meeting & greeting the said object of his adulation.
  • verygood69
    Glad to sight your reference to ever so 'slightly' not generalise
    • "... well you're on [AMM] so we think most of you probably have."
    As a man who has always wholly identifies with his Pansexuality your latest Blog also rings true for myself & I imagine I'm definitely not alone here as a guy ...!
    One thing I do note is the high % of AMM Members who choose to place Relationsip as their number 1 choice under the 'Looking For' subheading - I'd be interested in reading your take on this in an upcoming Blog?
    • AMM.Editor
      Watch for some profile changes which are about to happen which will allow you to express your sexuality more clearly.
  • CopperTop111
    What blokes forget is that we (males) are visual not, females..while we get off on seeing the "goodbits" women don't they like to "feel" no! not feel it..but hear words , feelings etc...
  • imajination
    Cock pictures without a face is pointless and pretty much offputting. We all know you have one and in pics they alllook much the same size even. Please srop it!
  • brazenhotlips
  • Moongal
    I agree with the video. Seeing a guy's dick is not a turn on for me especially when they include a female's anatomical part in it as well. A sexy pose with a suggestion of hidden delight is more of a turn on for me. Take a photo of the whole man not just the body part in future.
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